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Ok. The OFFICIAL self description for Wiki entry place.


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Bang runs around wagging his finger at everyone for wagging their fingers. A total narcissist, Bang will spend hours reading and re-reading his own posts, congratulating himself on how smart he thinks he is.

Sometimes Bang has a decent point to make, and when he does, inevitably whoever it is he's decided to debate with will attempt to counter-attack by pointing out that Bang is a cartoonist, and somehow that is supposed to be demeaning or insulting in some way.

As mentioned, Bang is the creator of [[bangcartoon.com]] and his cartoons played no small part in the success of Extremeskins. But, rather than continually remind everyone of how awesomely amazing he is, Bang prefers to let people figure out how superior he actually is on their own.

Bang likes quiet evenings at home with that special someone, long walks on the beach, and he hates Thai food. Too much spice, y'know? Let the beef taste like beef.

Bang's ultimate goal is to have the largest ego on the planet, and feels that he is well on his way to achieving his dream.

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I take it the member descriptions have been taken down again?

Pretty pathetic that anyone would hide behind a computer screen to make up **** to take a shot at a web site they can't muster the brains and/or class to participate in within the established norms.

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Bang runs around wagging his finger at everyone for wagging their fingers. A total narcissist, Bang will spend hours reading and re-reading his own posts, congratulating himself on how smart he thinks he is.

Sometimes Bang has a decent point to make, and when he does, inevitably whoever it is he's decided to debate with will attempt to counter-attack by pointing out that Bang is a cartoonist, and somehow that is supposed to be demeaning or insulting in some way.

As mentioned, Bang is the creator of [[bangcartoon.com]] and his cartoons played no small part in the success of Extremeskins. But, rather than continually remind everyone of how awesomely amazing he is, Bang prefers to let people figure out how superior he actually is on their own.

Bang likes quiet evenings at home with that special someone, long walks on the beach, and he hates Thai food. Too much spice, y'know? Let the beef taste like beef.

Bang's ultimate goal is to have the largest ego on the planet, and feels that he is well on his way to achieving his dream.

Bang is humble and eats candy bars with a knife and fork.....

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Last time it was something like "ES's resident vegan-hating drunken financial professional."

This time it was "he's in the mortgage business and wont hestitate to tell you." So, it needs to be updated. :laugh:

What about the one I wrote? ES's favortie drunk typer, blah blah blah...

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Last time it was something like "ES's resident vegan-hating drunken financial professional."

This time it was "he's in the mortgage business and wont hestitate to tell you." So, it needs to be updated. :laugh:

What about the one I wrote? ES's favortie drunk typer, blah blah blah...

Here it is...

'''PleaseBlitz''' Everybody's favorite drunk poster. Used to be a weekly event for him to post so drunk that even with a Thiebear decoder ring, a dictionary, and spell check you would only understand one or two words.

I looked through the original thread to find it and was reminded of something... Art said he would consider giving me Cheech as my avatar. Art, what's up with that? Can we make that happen?

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I take it the member descriptions have been taken down again?

Pretty pathetic that anyone would hide behind a computer screen to make up **** to take a shot at a web site they can't muster the brains and/or class to participate in within the established norms.


Note to PleaseBlitz and those who saw the list: highlight, control + C, control + V to paste. :)

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