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Connor's opponents were way better. Aldo might be the most skilled fighter in mma and regardless of his game plan, Connor koed him in 13 seconds. Ronda beat 1 trick ponys and women who trained mma for like 2 years.

Conor KO'd Aldo because Jose went completely out of character and opened himself up for a stupid shot. I doubt that happens if they fight again. Conor could still beat him, just not like that.

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I stormed in and put it all on the line. I took a shot and missed. 
I will never apologize for taking a shot.
**** happens. 
I'll take this loss like a man. I will not shy away from it. I will not change who I am. If another champion goes up 2 weights let me know. 
If your tired of me talking money, take a nap. 
I'll still be here when you wake up with the highest PPV and the gate. Still talking multi 7's. 
Thank you to the true support and **** the hate that came out of the woodwork. I love it all. Its still steak for breakfast. 
I've been here many times in my life in some form or another. I'll eat it all and come back stronger. 
Aldo you are a ****. Dos anjos you are a ****. 
When the history books are written, I showed up. You showed up on Twitter.
To the fans! Never ever shy away from challenges. Never run from adversity. Face yourself head on. 
Nate I will see you again.



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I made no bones about it that I was rooting for Nate in this fight, not because of any dislike for McGregor, moreso that I respect the old-school style of the Diaz brothers.  Whether you like them or not they leave it all in the ring every single fight win or lose. I was glad that Nick (vs Silva) and Nate finally got a real pay day for all the training and work they have put into this sport over the years that has too often been overlooked by the casual fanbase of UFC.  With this performance Nate is looking at least at another big pay day for his next fight which should come against another big name whether it is at 155 or 170.


I still like Conor, he is young enough that he has time to go out and get better trainers and round out his game better, but he also should be a little bit concerned that his last two fights have exposed his lacking skills on the ground so he can talk about "scared wrestlers" all he wants, but didn't he turn into the same thing against Nate once he faced adversity? He shot for a takedown which was a pretty silly thing to do. Nate was more than happy to pull guard in that situation.


I don't see his fight with RDA going much different although, to his benefit the punching power should be restored at the lower weight division.

Edited by NoCalMike
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Not sure if it was mentioned already in here but Dana said Rousey vs. Tate 3 is next.  


Meisha finally winning the title is a great story and accomplishment for her, but she mine as well start mentally preparing to be without it in about 6 months.

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The difference between Conor and Ronda, pretty clear to see. You can hate the guy all you like but it can't be denied he's taking this loss in a really respectable manner. If he can get a bit of a win streak going again I can see this loss actually doing his popularity a lot of good. Next fight is crucial though. He's been very classy in defeat and defeat makes him seem more human rather than just being some kind of overblown cartoon character. 



OEtkS5Xk_bigger.jpgDann StuppVerified account@DannStupp




Surrender Nightclub sent us these after-party photos. Call me crazy, but I think McGregor will survive this setback.





Edited by Morrison J
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And the moron still doesn't get it. I've tried so hard to like Conor and I just can't. He had excuses ready and the two weight classes deal is a sham. Nate Diaz is an 155er who's never had any business fighting at 170. The reality is he's been protected by Dana but you can only hide so long. The seven-figure thing is going to go out the window when Frankie wrecks him.

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I think Conor has needed to grow as a professional fighter and this loss could prompt him to do that.  He's got the striking skill, athleticism, power, accuracy, and speed.  Those tools have gotten him far.  The problem is that he's a champion and he wants to exist in two weight classes.  He needs to stop taking extremely short notice fights and avoid getting goaded into surrendering his advantages.  Basically stop trying to be capt. bad-ass and embrace the professional side of the sport, which means being smarter.  Brash arrogance may sell tickets but that money goes away if the losses pile up.


In addition to that his skill set obviously needs to grow.  The story on him is out, he doesn't have a ground game, and every fighter he faces is going to be coached to exploit it.  The only way he survives is by turning his weaknesses into strengths and game planning to avoid spending too much time in his opponents wheelhouse. 


Maybe call up GSP and ask him and his team to take him to wrestling school?

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The story on him is out, he doesn't have a ground game, and every fighter he faces is going to be coached to exploit it.


He may have been exposed for a weak chin, as well.

All it took was one punch from Nate to wobble him, to the point of him making a desperation move.

And Nate's not known for packing a lot of power in his individual punches, either.

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He may have been exposed for a weak chin, as well.

All it took was one punch from Nate to wobble him, to the point of him making a desperation move.

And Nate's not known for packing a lot of power in his individual punches, either.

It's a very fast fall in MMA. If you have a weakness they will find it and you'll never be the same.

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MMA is still in such infancy as far as the scope it is trying to reach.  I like the fact that Conor is seeking out challenges all over the place. I've personally never been one to care so much about an MMA fighter's record as much as I do who their level of competition has been.


I'd rather a fighter seek out challenges and maybe end up with a handful of extra losses because of it, then someone who gets overly-comfy reigning over a division of guys that clearly aren't on his level.

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I've never been a fan of the Diaz brothers, but I'll give guys like Nate Diaz, Donald Cerrone, etc. all the credit in the world for always being available and willing to fight on short notice.  Guys like that should always have a job if the UFC does right by them.

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Its amazing how many fighters get sucked into playing the Diaz brothers' game.  I mean there is a pretty clear blueprint on how to beat them, think Benson over Nate, RDA over Nate, Rory over Nate, GSP over Nick.  Yet they have many victories over people perceived to be better strikers simply because fighters choose to fight where the Diaz brothers excel.

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I think Conor has needed to grow as a professional fighter and this loss could prompt him to do that.  He's got the striking skill, athleticism, power, accuracy, and speed.  Those tools have gotten him far.  The problem is that he's a champion and he wants to exist in two weight classes.  He needs to stop taking extremely short notice fights and avoid getting goaded into surrendering his advantages.  Basically stop trying to be capt. bad-ass and embrace the professional side of the sport, which means being smarter.  Brash arrogance may sell tickets but that money goes away if the losses pile up.


In addition to that his skill set obviously needs to grow.  The story on him is out, he doesn't have a ground game, and every fighter he faces is going to be coached to exploit it.  The only way he survives is by turning his weaknesses into strengths and game planning to avoid spending too much time in his opponents wheelhouse. 


Maybe call up GSP and ask him and his team to take him to wrestling school?


Re: your first paragraph, Conor is a smart guy, he understands that everyone's time at the top in MMA is very limited (except Randy Couture).  Right now he has the opportunity to make HUGE paydays, every few months.  Tough to say no to that, especially when your last fight was an epic payday and you didn't even get hit once.  But I agree that going up basically 2 weight classes was dumb and he did it as an ego trip.  Weight classes are there for a reason, fighting someone significantly bigger is a huge disadvantage.  People say Diaz doesn't have big power, well, he doesn't have big power for a welterweight.  He's probably near the top of the scale versus featherweights, which is what McGregor is.  


Re: rounding out his game, I totally agree.  

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Kind of stating the obvious here, but...

I could see Silva very possibly winning this one, depending on which Uriah Hall shows up.

Hall is known for "mental lapses", while "mental games" is of course one of Silva's primary strengths.

So if Hall comes into it with the frame of mind he's had in multiple past fights, he will just fall right into the trap.

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