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How has ES and it's members, helped you?


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I'm still relatively new around here but I enjoy coming here. It fills a space in my life that was empty. ES lets me know that I'm not crazy...


It confirmed that I was crazy. :D

Nice bump of an older thread.

To me, this, so far has been a good place just to get to know other Skins fans. I've definately learned some things and heard some other points of view that I didn't think possible to have. :)

I haven't developed the personal relationships that some have, but it is good to know, that if I really did need something, I probably could find it from some folks on here. If nothing other than a virtual ear to "listen" to me and a virtual shoulder to lean on.

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I've learned just how bad my spelling and grammer are and have begun to work on them.

It has helped me reconnect with a few different types of people I don't usually get to chat with anymore. Don't meet to many intellectuals working in a junkyard.

By seeing so many different sides of the coin, it has forced me to reopen my mind to various sides and points and helped me to veiw some things with an open mind as opposed to just my normal side.

It has reminded me my basic views and opinions are basically of a good nature, when I seem to just get angry and reserved, I am reminded I am a good person.

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One day I made a cartoon about Dan Patrick, Joe Theismann, and Paul McGuire sitting in Michael Vick's tub watching him take a crap

The cartoon took off, and before I knew it, i ran thru my bandwidth and shut my itty bitty fledgling website down. I sent the word out that I needed a host, and Blade from ES got in touch with me. the next day ES became the exclusive host of Bang Cartoons, and our numbers started to grow.

As a result, my site now does excellent traffic, (I'm on pace for over 2 million cartoon viewings this year), my work has gotten me a load of flash jobs doing interesting animations and such.

The Bang Cartoon Radio Hour has been recognized as one of the best sports podcasts on the internet (Last year it won an international competition, head to head style, like a tournament bracket, listener voting and a panel of judges decided the winner... we won.)

I have a couple of characters (the Mullettes) that do goofy sports bits for radio stations around the country, and I've got a book deal in the works with National Lampoon.

Without ES and it's members, Id have to go and get a real job instead of being able to do all that.

I've also met some really cool people. Blade, Om and I went to a Cowboys game on MNF together a few years ago, would have been a better time if we'd won, but we had a great day nonetheless. A couiple years ago Tarhog and Blade treated my son and i to a game and got us sideline passes for the pre-game, THAT was really cool! Marcus Washington gave my boy a low five, and that made his day.

Thanks to everyone.


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ES has definitely become a part of my life, whether it is coming here for a laugh, checking on both Real World and Redskins news, or just seeing what the crazy people here are discussing. I actually started to visit ES after the old nfl.com forums changed and the Sporting News forum closed down. I also used to be a regular poster at the espn.com Redskins board, but it was becoming over-run by trolls. Voila! I found Extremeskins and, besides my gaming guild, it has been my predominate place to visit, as long as folks put up with me. And I have felt like I have gotten to know some folks pretty well and probably read thoughts from them more so then I talk with some of my Real Life buddies.

Viva la Extremeskins!

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I thuought this could go here. Besides, I think this thread deserves a bump.

I wanted to thank everyone who contributed in the absurdist theater thread so far. It's been a really fun read. I was a bit worried when I saw the first response, but the cleverness and wit of our ES family is awesome. I can't say this within the absurdist thread of course, because anything reasonably coherent (am I ever coherent?) would ruin the bloody thing. Anywho, thanks for playing along. I knew I could count on you being nutty or open to nuttiness. :cheers:

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I wanted my 4000th post to come in a worthwhile thread and not one of the game threads, and this seems like a great place.


Honored, this thread was worthy of your milestone post. :cheers:

This is a great thread, I've enjoyed reading everyone's responses. :cheers:

Me Too!

Great thread.

One of the many things this place has done for me is put me in a place where I can READ threads like this and get a silly, paternalistic grin on my mug.

I'm not sure where I'd even start to try and described the way my life has changed since first stumbling in these doors a few years back. Actually, now that I think about it, I did start once ...


Perhaps this thread is the inspiration / direction / kick in the pants I need to start in on Part II.

I'll have to check if this produced a Part II

I couldn't be happier with the response this thread is generating, everyone's stories are outstanding. I'm at work and it just made Monday enjoyable reading them. :cheers:

Still couldn't be happier!! Just so happens I'm at work again waiting for for some "HOT" parts that need to be machined and shipped. So it made a Saturday morning I should be home, a little better.

been trying to bump this for a while, couldn't find it.

Thanks!!, Man you sure are determined, not to quit trying for 14 months :laugh: :cheers:

Funny, I thought about this thread the other day. Maybe I'll respond when I get back from class.

I think it's cool people remember this thread!!


It confirmed that I was crazy. :D

Nice bump of an older thread.

Kind of surprized me this morning seeing this thread again.

I've learned just how bad my spelling and grammer are and have begun to work on them.

It has reminded me my basic views and opinions are basically of a good nature, when I seem to just get angry and reserved, I am reminded I am a good person.

I'm still working on the spelling and grammar also!!! :laugh:

I thuought this could go here. Besides, I think this thread deserves a bump.

I wanted to thank everyone who contributed in the absurdist theater thread so far. It's been a really fun read. I was a bit worried when I saw the first response, but the cleverness and wit of our ES family is awesome. I can't say this within the absurdist thread of course, because anything reasonably coherent (am I ever coherent?) would ruin the bloody thing. Anywho, thanks for playing along. I knew I could count on you being nutty or open to nuttiness. :cheers:

Thanks, a lot of people have some great stories, and I'm glad I was able to start a feel good thread that is remembered from awhile back. Speaking of feel good, I get to see another Skins game down here!!!! :cheers:

It'll be the third annual Tampagate (actually 4th tailgate in 3 years, 2006 playoff game, how ****ing sweet was that).

Looking forward to seeing a bunch of locals again!!

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My story is totally different... and off topic as well. I was surfing www.redskins.com one day when I saw an article that caught my eye. The title was Gibbs interviews with Cowboys. So I decided to post it here on ES just repeating the exact same thing I saw on www.redskins.com can you believe they gave me NNT for that? I saw it on www.redskins.com for christ sake. So I feel it was stupid to give me NNT for that. This should be a site for the fans my post wasn't profanity laced or improper in any way and again I stress I got the darn article from www.redskins.com for crying out loud. Then some lowly mod gives me NNT for that? What about the mod he has said stuff that I thought was stupid now who gives him NNT for that? Totally unfair, now I have to use my alter ego to create new threads so I can post to my own thread that way I retain my avatar count. NNT for me was totally uncalled for I'm probably a bigger fan than the mod who gave me NNT. Reinstate PC!!!!!

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NNT's are often given for redundancy. My guess is that someone had already posted that article and that it was visible a few lines below your thread. I don't know if the mod sent you a PM explaining why you got NNTed, but that's the most likely cause. There was a time when news would break and the entire first page would be one article or event that every one had simultaneously discovered (within a few hours of each other) It's really not personal. I was even NNTed once because I came up with a similar analogy that had drifted to page two and so when I started my thread, I didn't see it. I explained and was reinstated and they sent me the customary apology check for fifty dollars. I turned down the coupon for a raquetball match with Vinny. You'd be surprised how long the waiting line for that is!

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My story is totally different... and off topic as well. I was surfing www.redskins.com one day when I saw an article that caught my eye. The title was Gibbs interviews with Cowboys. So I decided to post it here on ES just repeating the exact same thing I saw on www.redskins.com can you believe they gave me NNT for that? I saw it on www.redskins.com for christ sake. So I feel it was stupid to give me NNT for that. This should be a site for the fans my post wasn't profanity laced or improper in any way and again I stress I got the darn article from www.redskins.com for crying out loud. Then some lowly mod gives me NNT for that? What about the mod he has said stuff that I thought was stupid now who gives him NNT for that? Totally unfair, now I have to use my alter ego to create new threads so I can post to my own thread that way I retain my avatar count. NNT for me was totally uncalled for I'm probably a bigger fan than the mod who gave me NNT. Reinstate PC!!!!!
I remeber that. I don't think you read the article because it had nothing to do with anybody related to the Redskins. Alex Gibbs I believe. So it was a blind start to a thread. NNT away.
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