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How has ES and it's members, helped you?


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Who is Ms. Johnson?

The very intelligent, seemingly traditional-valued, high quality poster who's sig is the bloody scrawl about pain. :D

I remember the first time I saw her post with that sig, I was like, ohhh...this oughta be good. But she's actually quite sharp and by the few threads she's started obviously cares a lot about kids.

(I know I lost the joke in the explanation. I just hope I covered my *** enough, so MMJ doesn't come kick it! :silly: )

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The very intelligent, seemingly traditional-valued, high quality poster who's sig is the bloody scrawl about pain. :D

I remember the first time I saw her post with that sig, I was like, ohhh...this oughta be good. But she's actually quite sharp and by the few threads she's started obviously cares a lot about kids.

(I know I lost the joke in the explanation. I just hope I covered my *** enough, so MMJ doesn't come kick it! :silly: )

Nice cover-up :notworthy I think you are safe.

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I am looking for government subcontracting work at ft meade doing IT, computer work....but none found here yet.... :cry: b

Try going to www.usajobs.gov

There are not a lot of IT jobs as we contract a lot of them out but that might help you some.

WOW what has ES done for me. Where do I begin? Pez was joined first and kept telling me I had to join and I kept saying no, I am not into that kind of thing. I am too busy with BROOD was my main excuse. Well pez talked me into it and signed me up after badgering me about it for months. So I read it mostly and never posted. The Stadium scared me as people posted so quickly so I stayed in the Tailgate section. Well one day someone was asking for advice on a pet so I posted. From that moment on it has been an addiction.

ES has helped me through numerous ways. I have made friendships that will last a lifetime. I consider these people part of my dysfunctional ES family! :laugh: Love you guys but I had to say it! If I have a question someone always has an answer. I love the debates I have gotten into and all the different views on issues. It really opens your eyes sometimes to see so many different sides and opinions. :silly: Also a member of this board helped me to finally reach out and face something in my life that I had run from for 18 years. I never told him that but just one random crazy PM and what a small world this can be made me make the first step towards facing it. :notworthy Also if I am just having a bad day I can turn to ES and always get a good laugh! Even if it is laughing at Halter's missing koozie! :D

I never realized that I would come to make so many good friends here and that ES would become family to me. Thank you to everyone who made that happen! :cheers:

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When my best friend died in December of 2004, I posted a thread called "Sad Day" and got tons of well wishes and support in the thread and several members pm'd me and we spoke over the next several weeks about our expierences with losing loved ones

It was a huge help at a very difficult time for me

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I've met some really cool people at the games, too many to name, I'd be afraid to leave someone off the list.

I've become friend with riggins44 and bought 2 cars from him and his family dealership. Great guy and family. One of the first people to call me when my wife was in the hospital with our first son. I'll never forget that.

Although I've never met ntotoro, I consider him a good friend as well and talk to him via email and hang with him on a guitar forum. Definately would hang out with him anytime in "real life"... :D

Tarhog... you know what you've done. Thank you!!!!! :cheers:

Kilmer17.... the ying to my yang. Wish he lived closer as well.


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ES is a haven for us provincial folks. Being surrounded by skins fans is something that was foreign to most of us prior to finding this place. No matter the issue and difference in attitude there is always at least 1 common thread (ooo!…a pun) among us – the Redskins. :point2sky

On the stadium side of things I don’t know what I would do without breaking news. I depend on it like my coffee in the morning. The attitudes displayed over there are also a rare find. We get to see 15 year old inner city kids discussing football with middle aged, middle American fuddy duddies. And no, I’m not referring to myself. I think? :doh: I love it.

The breadth of perspective displayed here in the tailgate is simultaneously breathtaking and frightening. I appreciate the opinions of our…ahhh…atypical posters and the righties in particular. No, I don’t agree with all of their takes, but I love hearing them made. And to top it off there are so many genuinely nice people. And exposure to an almost unlimited number of topics. Things that I wouldn't think of, but that are interesting and informative to me.

I think over time I will get into the funny threads a little more, but as a newcomer I guess I am a little hesitant to smack talk still.

And the mods have helped me too. It’s appreciated.

Maybe it’s just me, but I get a thrill when I press submit.

To everyone here:


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Great thread.

One of the many things this place has done for me is put me in a place where I can READ threads like this and get a silly, paternalistic grin on my mug.

I'm not sure where I'd even start to try and described the way my life has changed since first stumbling in these doors a few years back. Actually, now that I think about it, I did start once ...


Perhaps this thread is the inspiration / direction / kick in the pants I need to start in on Part II.

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The very intelligent, seemingly traditional-valued, high quality poster who's sig is the bloody scrawl about pain. :D

I remember the first time I saw her post with that sig, I was like, ohhh...this oughta be good. But she's actually quite sharp and by the few threads she's started obviously cares a lot about kids.

(I know I lost the joke in the explanation. I just hope I covered my *** enough, so MMJ doesn't come kick it! :silly: )

Yeah, that would have been funny if I were smarter. I keep telling you guys to dumb it down for me. :(

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Great post Kevin. :cheers:

This place has been a favorite of mine for a number of years now. Everyone I have met off this board has been ready, willing and able to not only discuss the Redskins, but also any other of life's daily issues.

As other have previously stated, there is a ton of collective knowledge on this board and my experience has been that most all have been more than willing to share and help out whenever possible. :applause:

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Great post Kevin. :cheers:

This place has been a favorite of mine for a number of years now. Everyone I have met off this board has been ready, willing and able to not only discuss the Redskins, but also any other of life's daily issues.

As other have previously stated, there is a ton of collective knowledge on this board and my experience has been that most all have been more than willing to share and help out whenever possible. :applause:

Thanks Buddy!!! :laugh:

In this case, great Post are made from great stories, and this thread is producing some great post. It's just amazing to me how this message board can bring together many different people from many walks of life together. :cheers:

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This just may be the best thread I have seen started here, thank you Monkart.

I have to say that I have been getting a little disillusioned lately with the way the undergrowth has run wild in the Tailgate lately (I know, it's the offseason) and I probably spend way too much time rolling my eyes at some of the posts I have seen here, but then I get to read this one. I spend a lot of time reading around this site and when it's good, it's therapy, my therapy anyway. I've been online for around eight years now and the biggest effect it has had on me is to make me even more cynical about people and more willing to just expect the lowest common denominator that the internet seems to bring out in some. My time here is changing that. There is a sense of community and kinship here that I do not see elsewhere online, a sense of belonging that allows people to bare their souls, discuss their religion and relationships, to look to others for advice and comfort when the hard days roll in that just seems to be increasingly endangered these days. If this is what we get as a substitute for the community that people had 2 or 3 generations back, well then I'll take it, we could do far worse.

My thanks to you for all the things mentioned here so far and those yet to post.

My sympathies to anyone that cares to dismiss this as "just a football message board".

Ok, there's my Hallmark moment, now can we just start the ^$%#!@ season :rant:

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This is exactly what a lot of people don't understand about sports. Forgive the pun, but it really creates a cohesive tribe for comradery.

ES is great because it feels like a real community. I'm not sure how it is for you guys, but even when I read something from someone here that makes me mad, its different - like getting into an argument with a sibling. Its the only part of cyberspace where I've personally seen that....

I don't post much, but I've been coming here everyday for a few years (Lost previous account in a hardware switchover)

Thanks for starting this thread, and a big :applause: for all you guys that work and have worked at keeping this going!

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I agree with others who say that it feels just like a family. A very LARGE family. I would have to say that there have been a lot of people who have helped me and given me advice and just in general been very nice to me but one person on this site that comes to mind that has made a difference in my time here would have to be Misty. Thank you Misty for being the great person you are and letting me know that if I ever need a shoulder or an ear, you would be here for me.

I'm just glad to be member!!

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ES has helped me meet and get to know a lot of good people. I've been

able to ask questions and get great feedback. Even the mods I've met

are great people. :D

As a bonus, have gotten to know Code and his wife. Great people, which

even though he lives minutes from me, ES presented the opportunity to

get to know them.

Had some great conversations with people like Pete, dks, and well...everyone

at the unofficial ES tailgate.

As Diehard alluded to earlier...you get out of this place what you're willing

to give to it.

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I have met so many people. Huly and I talk daily..........like we live next door to each other.

I have met members who will always have a place in my heart. I know when I decide to get married......I will take him to a tailgate to get the permission from my ES family.

Goth.....you are very welcomed here........and we all want you here. I just want you more. :laugh: :kiss:


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For me i guess its temperament, and hopefully friendships, I'm still knew here so, i dunno its not an acceptance thing just feeling welcome i guess.

Temperament in that, learning to say things in a way that gets my point across without sounding like a know it all, sounding dogmatic, not hurting others with my words, stuff like that. and that can be a hard nut, sometimes in your mind you say things innocently while on the other side you stepped on everyone in the room. (unless I'm talking about democrats, all bets are off ;) ..

I'm 40 but still need person skills, I'm trying to learn and not be an ass, polite discussion and respect for others opinions is a good thing.

Just forgive in advance, i hope that from others and will do the same for others. I have a personal saying, Never confuse passion for anger.

pretty much it :cheers:

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