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How has ES and it's members, helped you?


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Besides the obvious, football related benefits of this board.

I ask this because my wife just beat a careless driving ticket thanks to an ES member (who happens to be an Attorney) I had met on this site.

First I'll tell you how we met, then I'll setup how my wife got the help from him. Also I won't post his handle at this time as not to bring any unanticipated attention his way. I've seen him offer advice and help on this site a few times.

Him and I met on this site when a shoutout was posted asking who was going to the regular season Bucs/Redskins game. I suggested we car pool over to the stadium and help setup a tailgate since we both live in Clearwater, he bought a keg and supplied most of the food also he suggested the spot (Al Lopez park) after talking to some of his colleagues in Tampa, I brought a grill, tables ,chairs and coolers. we had a blast, except for the loss, met about 40-50 ES members throughout the day. I met his wife and son, my wife doesn't like football so she wasn't there.

Two weeks later, I went and watched the Chargers at his place. Again my wife didn't attend (won't do football events). The third loss in a row for our skins, but the last for the regular season. Just a few of us there, his family and a friend of his. Also DeanCollins was there (We all met at the tailgate).

Needless to say after the game we were all a little pissed, but it was still cool watching the game with them.

OK, now the Redskins win out the rest of the season, and low and behold a PLAYOFF game in Tampa. We hookup again for another Al Lopez tailgate, which turned out to be huge, met MANY ES members, there had to be a couple hundred that turned out as we took over the whole south end of the park. We really had a blast at this one, especially with the win. (one little downer for me was the almost 2 hours I spent at "will call").

OK, the game was on Saturday 1/7/06, my wife hit a bicyclist on Friday 1/6/06 (she just bumped him while pulling out of a shopping center, he came out from behind some tall hedges going the wrong way) nothing real serious, maybe a broken or dislocated big toe, we never found out. Well I didn't find out about it until Sunday 1/8/06 because my wife didn't want to spoil the game for me before or on the day of the game. ( This is one of the reasons I love this woman, she has no problem with my hunger for the Skins). She asked if I could ask Rob (his real name, but she has never met him) about some legal advice. I said I would ask him later, but didn't really want to impose, seeing how I didn't know him real well, plus I didn't think she had any recourse seeing how she hit someone. So I went to watch the Giants/Panthers playoff game and fell asleep.

A couple days later I PMed Rob on Tuesday 1/10/06 to find out if he made it home ok and about some pics he took at the tailgate, his response starts out "Hey Buddy, Yea I made it home safe and sound. I don't know if Patricia told you or not but I almost completely lost my voice. (PATRICIA!! LOL that's my wife, :wtf: I thought, when did she talk to Rob) :laugh: turns out when I fell asleep, she got his number from my cell and called him, he gives her advice, faxes her some legal facts at her work on Monday 1/9/06. I apologised for that happening but he just told me No problem Kev, It's what I do for a living and I was glad I could help. Not only did this save us the cost of the ticket, but also saved us on our insurance not going up as much as it could have. I'm a Mold Maker/Machinist for plastic injection molds, CNC programmer and fixture designer. Maybe one day he'll need something along these lines and I'll be able to return the favor.

So that's my story, let me hear about your experience. :cheers:

OH! jrockster77 thought me the value of having dictionary.com handy.

Sorry for the rude (but completely spelled right) reply way back then jrock.

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ES is a great place to hear opinions on matters from just about every walk of life. If you go into it with an open mind, you can really learn a lot.

It has helped a lot in this regard. (you can never have too much help in this area, imho)


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awesome story :)

im sure im missing a few but...

-i have gotten some last minute and/or free tickets from ES members

-chomerics has shown me a good time twice in boston

-always turn to riggins when my car is up to no good

-deancollins kindly sent me through the mail some Portland info

-general advice and support from everyone here, haha first thread that comes to mind was way back when my ex boyfriend broke up with me :laugh:


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I am looking for government subcontracting work at ft meade doing IT, computer work....but none found here yet.... :cry: b

My Mom is retired from Fort Meade. I will see her Tuesday, I will ask her if she has still has any connections. Do you have a security cleareance?

on a different note:

Extremeskins helped me find my lost dog, made my teeth whiter, and saved me some money on car insurance. :D

Seriously, I have met some great people who shared the same addiction that I do...the Skins. That is the greatest benefit I have experienced. ;)

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There's been a few instances when an ES member has helped me out.

A few years back, my sister suddenly, and unexpectedly passed away. All I really needed was an ear to listen, and be a friend in a tough time when the weight of my entire family was thrown on me.

My dad had full blown Alzhymers, and mom and my eldest sister were a complete mess. I had some decissions that needed to be made, and some rational advice from a trusted outsider was sorely needed. I went to the most level headed member here. He stood by my side when I needed shoulder to lean on.

I've also learned much from that same member about dealing with life, and the things it can throw at you whe you least expect it.

ES members also helped me plan one of the best family vacations we've ever had a few summers back. We did Williamsberg, and DC. All the recomendations given to me were spot on, and the trip came off without a hitch. I was even lucky enough to briefly meet OM one afternoon while in the area. Next time, I'm gonna kidnapp him and Riggins44, find a little pub, and toss back a few.......................

Just a few weeks ago, Halters website was a big help in making a decission on a family vacation. I can't wait for late June, and our Alaskan cruise :D


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ES is a great place to hear opinions on matters from just about every walk of life. If you go into it with an open mind, you can really learn a lot.

It has helped a lot in this regard. (you can never have too much help in this area, imho)


i echo these sentiments.

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ES had definitely helped fill a void I had in my free time when I would get sick of tv and Madden, and the kids were sleeping. In fact, I can't remember the last time I was bored. It used to be in the past that I came on ES when I was bored, now it seemes I'm only bored when I'm not here. I was playing Madden today and paused it just to check things out.

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I wanted my 4000th post to come in a worthwhile thread and not one of the game threads, and this seems like a great place.

Many of the members here have used the site as a huge support network, opening themselves up and asking for help of a very personal nature, or requesting sympathetic thoughts and prayers during trying times. That to me is a very wonderful thing. I've never had to use ES directly in that way, but it's a great feeling to know that I can.

Those sorts of threads also help me indirectly. As a perfect recent example, MissU28's thread about getting over people really struck a chord with me. Although I haven't been dating the girl in question, I fell for her harder than I've ever fallen for anyone in my life. She just wanted to be friends, and for a while I dealt with that. However, we have class together every day, and sometimes multiple times a day. We're in a small, tight-knit group of friends that hangs out together a lot. Getting her off my mind and out of my heart, at least in a romantic way, has been nearly impossible. Knowing that I'm not the only one dealing with a painful situation like that is extremely encouraging.

This post ended up more personal than I intended, but it's good to get it off of my chest.

Thanks to the mods for running such a clean operation, and thanks to all of my fellow members who have helped me without even knowing it. :cheers:

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Day in and day out I learn something from this site. I keep telling my wife that but she thinks I'm full of :pooh:. Anyway my overall knowledge of football has increased along with my blood pressure due to some of the topics I get involved in here in the tailgate. This past week there was an excellent thread involving the bible that I enjoyed immensely an learned quite a bit from, thanks Techboy, Zguy, 0-11, King, Stigmata and whoever else added to that thread. ES is good for a laugh, advice and just plain entertainment. ES is like having a few hundred friends without having to host them. :applause: Big thanks to all of my ES brothers and sisters.

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I've gotten advice on drums.... I've had countless people step up and help out the building ExtremeSkins (database help, coding help, graphics help)... I've got to a few games as a gift from Blade... I've enjoyed residence from HarrySkins (and his wife) while in D.C. to catch the games.... I've enjoyed the company and gifts from Huly and Pez...

and most importantly.... and most recently... I've fundraised for my youth football team via ExtremeSkins and have managed to purchase all the equipments goals I had this offseason as a result of the generosity. Although the money basically was redirected to my charity of choice.... I am forever indebted to the members who stepped up and helped me make a small difference in the kids/families lives.

I've never been very charitable in my life.... because I've always been skeptical and I've never benefitted (directly or indirectly, ie family, friends) from them. However, as a result of the members of the board.... I have changed my views 180 degrees. I have decided to be an "organ donor"... not a small gesture if you know me. And I've also decided to be more active in the community... and volunteer my services - I really don't have money right now as a result of being in school full-time... so monetary contributions aren't really an option.

And I can't say enough about all the wonderful favors and gifts Tarhog has done for me over the years. Class A1 guy.

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I wanted my 4000th post to come in a worthwhile thread and not one of the game threads, and this seems like a great place.

Congrats on 4K :cheers:

You are a pleasure to have on the boards... always the voice of reason and logic

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Congratulations dfitzo. You are one of my favorite posters -- level headed, great sense of humor, and a wide-range of knowledge. Keep up the great contributions you make around here. :cheers:

I cannot do justice to what ES has meant to me. I know that sounds stupid. I mean, afterall, it's "just a football message board."

But it's a football message board with 50,000 people who live and die with the greatest organization in the history of sports, just like me. To say I feel at home here doesn't even begin to explain it. I belong here. My only regret is that I didn't find you guys (and gals) sooner. I'm jealous when I hear the "old guard" talk about the pre-merger ES. They all say it was better. That's hard for me to imagine, but must have been amazing.

ES also introduced me to one of the most fascinating, kind and compassionate people I've ever met. This person spent countless hours helping me through some very difficult times a few months ago, without expecting anything in return. She likes to say that God sends angels (new, special people) into her life. But, without question, I am the one who's been blessed. :flowers:

As some of you know, I work very long weekends (double shifts with only eight hours off in between) mainly so I can be with my daughter through the week. Before I found ES, my weekends were simply hellish. Now I look forward to coming to work, and spending time chatting with my extended ES family.

I've made great friends here. I've made a few rivals too. But know that all of you make an important contribution to my life, and I'm proud to be associated with all of you.

Monkart, this is a great thread. I think we all relish the chance to rave about ES. Thanks for providing this one.


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Wow, this is what I thought, there are a lot of class acts on this site, from all walks of life. Some very touching stories here so far.

Pete, I'm glad you had this place during your trying times.

I wish this place existed in 1990 when my father passed away.

Die Hard, great story! glad your team got what they needed.

dfitzo53, I'm happy this thread was worthy of your 4000th post, a very good one I might add.

dks1240, love the list, there are ALWAYS people here willing to help.

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I cannot do justice to what ES has meant to me. I know that sounds stupid. I mean, afterall, it's "just a football message board."

I'm not generally one to put words in the mouths of others, but I think I can speak for most here when I say it doesn't sound stupid at all. :)

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She likes to say that God sends angels (new, special people) into her life. But, without question, I am the one who's been blessed. :flowers:

i know exactly who your talking about and i have to agree with you. She's so genuine and she listens to everything you say and gives back great advice or words of comfort when needed. I'm so happy that i met her. :D

everyone that I talk to on here makes me laugh and i love that...esp when i'm having a bad day. and it's so awsome to find people just as obsessed with football as i am!! :geek: and about the same team too...(that's very rare for me since all my friends like other teams :laugh: )

thanks for making me smile everyone! :D

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I'm not generally one to put words in the mouths of others, but I think I can speak for most here when I say it doesn't sound stupid at all. :)

Yea! See! I'm not nuts, and my life actually does have meaning!

(Dude, can you call my wife and explain it to her?) ;)

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I cannot do justice to what ES has meant to me. I know that sounds stupid. I mean, afterall, it's "just a football message board."

But it's a football message board with 50,000 people who live and die with the greatest organization in the history of sports, just like me. To say I feel at home here doesn't even begin to explain it. I belong here. My only regret is that I didn't find you guys (and gals) sooner. I'm jealous when I hear the "old guard" talk about the pre-merger ES. They all say it was better. That's hard for me to imagine, but must have been amazing.

I've made great friends here. I've made a few rivals too. But know that all of you make an important contribution to my life, and I'm proud to be associated with all of you.

Monkart, this is a great thread. I think we all relish the chance to rave about ES. Thanks for providing this one.


Thanks Hog, I share your sentiments on wishing to have found this place sooner and many other points in your outstanding post. :cheers:

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This site provides a lot of laughs and incite throughout the day and I enjoy posting here. I'm glad you all allow me too. I know I get under people's skin but I do enjoy the people around here and I hope you guys will enjoy me, too. With that said I'll re-echo my statement in the random thought thread:

I've been laying low for a while as I seem to piss people off. I would make a thread regarding this but people will undoubtedly call me an attention whore or flame me. That's fine. I can accept that I'm an opposing fan. I can accept that I post a lot. I know all of this. What is most upsetting is that people think I'm doing it on purpose to destroy the site.

That is not who I am.

I wish some of you could get to really know me. I am a nice guy. I am a funny guy. I try my hardest to be open minded and enjoy things. I know at times I can be a little overwhelming but I never do it to intentionally annoy or hurt anyone. I enjoy this site. Hell, I love this site. You guys are funny and a great bunch.

I should take this time out to let you all know I won't be posting as much. But i'll lurk and I'll be watching. It has been a joy.

And to anyone who's upset with me let me say, "I'm sorry". I am pretty thick skinned and I can take a lot of heat. A LOT of heat. But after being yelled at for "hi-jacking" a thread and reading some of the things in the prank thread it did kind of hurt my feelings. So again. I am sorry.

This site is wonderful and you all allow me to be the crazy, self loathing Iggles fan that I am. And I thank you for that.


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This site provides a lot of laughs and incite throughout the day and I enjoy posting here. I'm glad you all allow me too. I know I get under people's skin but I do enjoy the people around here and I hope you guys will enjoy me, too. With that said I'll re-echo my statement in the random thought thread:

This site is wonderful and you all allow me to be the crazy, self loathing Iggles fan that I am. And I thank you for that.


I'm originally from South Jersey, and all my Brothers are Iggles fans and hell I still love them, regardless. :D

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I joined this site right after my son moved away to college. He's my only one and I knew I'd miss him but had no idea how much. ES filled a void left by my son's departure regarding the social aspect, for that I am grateful. This last season was way more exciting because of the shared mania for the team and those members I meet at the Tampa tailgate Monkart, Redskins56...... And lately I got great suggestions on how to lower my cholesterol and am doing most of them. Thanks again for that. There is deffinately a sense of community here and a pool of knowledge and Wisdom that should not be discounted. :notworthy

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the main thing that this site did for me was help to satiate my need for all things redskins. all the news, inside scoop, and great content, it's a die hard fans dream. once i ventured to tailgate, it extended into other aspects of life. i learn a lot here in the tailgate. i don't usually have strong opinions one way or the other, but seeing the extreme views from all angles on here really does teach you things.

this site also provides a lot of humor. i come here to laugh, learn, and have fun. it never lets me down.

and like dfitzo (congrats on 4k, by the way:cheers: ) said, i haven't had to come to you guys with a personal crisis yet, but it's great to know i've got people who will listen if i need it. well, except for all the ignore lists i'm on :laugh:

monkart, this is a great thread, with a lot of great responses. you guys are the greatest 'round here. :cheers:

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