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How has ES and it's members, helped you?


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I have met so many people. Huly and I talk daily..........like we live next door to each other.

I have met members who will always have a place in my heart. I know when I decide to get married......I will take him to a tailgate to get the permission from my ES family.

Goth.....you are very welcomed here........and we all want you here. I just want you more. :laugh: :kiss:


You better get my permission!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I might have to break your nails otherwise!

Goth you are more than welcome at any event it is open to all of ES and friends. Sorry if I ever made you not feel welcome.

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For me i guess its temperament, and hopefully friendships, I'm still knew here so, i dunno its not an acceptance thing just feeling welcome i guess.

Temperament in that, learning to say things in a way that gets my point across without sounding like a know it all, sounding dogmatic, not hurting others with my words, stuff like that. and that can be a hard nut, sometimes in your mind you say things innocently while on the other side you stepped on everyone in the room. (unless I'm talking about democrats, all bets are off ;) ..

I'm 40 but still need person skills, I'm trying to learn and not be an ass, polite discussion and respect for others opinions is a good thing.

Just forgive in advance, i hope that from others and will do the same for others. I have a personal saying, Never confuse passion for anger.

pretty much it :cheers:

I can kind of relate to that, for me it's my humor/wit, sometimes forgetting the people I'm talking/typing to, don't know me, it comes off "very" smartass sometimes. When talking to people in person, it's easier to see I'm just kidding. :cheers:

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How could I forget the tailgate?? :doh:

Everyone who is a part of the ES tailgate welcomed me with open arms, and made me feel like I had been attending for years. Huly entertained my mom, even!! Everyone was awesome, I cannot wait to go to another one!!


Yeah, I can't wait until I'm actually in town for one.

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Huly and Pez passed on info. that led me to my current seats/section.

Tarhog changed my handle with no prob.

Chewy (Chubakah) made me a great sig (that I will use again when the season starts) for a minor contribution to ES (before the merger/takeover/buyout......whatever)

Had some great moments here with some of you (namely: zoony, Spiff, jrock etc......)

Met jwebst1 here and now we've made 403 a ES section (well at least our row).

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ES is home for me.

Whether I am down or cheerful, I can just log on ES and I am guaranteed to find a thread, post, or a PM that makes me smile. Heck, some of them are so funny that I find myself laughing out loud-- with no one else in the room. :paranoid:

Being a miss-placed 'Skins fan, I only see and hear what the mediots have to say, and as we all know-- the Redskins are hated. The Philthydelphia Iggles are the only team that was talked about in South Jersey, so it was up to Extremeskins to save me or else I might have just had to beat my head against the wall. :laugh:

This place helps me with my hunger for Redskins talk and it provides me the opportunity to chat with some of the classiest people I might ever know. I find no need to single anybody out because, quite frankly, you all are great. :cheers:

Thank you all for everything that you have done. Its because of you that Extremeskins is the first thing I check when I wake up and the last thing I check before I go to bed. Heck, its even better than se... Well, its close. ;)

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I identify with so many thoughts expressed here. I really couldn't have predicted I'd get so involved here since my time was so crammed with people, places, and things already. Plus, I'd easily resisted "hanging" around an internet site since I came online the first time.

For me, this began with finding a connection to other Redskins fans and news that was virtually non-existent in my past, based on geography. Then came an attachment to the posters I started to develop affection for reading. Then came a strong admiration of the writing in Henry, Mark, and Art's columns. Then came seeing aspects of myself in some of these people and feeling that connection grow.

I haven't directly brought a specific personal problem to the forum for help, and I'm not without resources for those matters off-line. But there have been times (days ending with "y") where such matters were in my thoughts, and arrival here often soothed my mood. At times, being here provided me with timely and spontaneous one-on-one contacts, including just posting in the threads, which simply helped me feel better.

There have been many people who have contacted me since my arrival, to invite me further into their conversations and thoughts, as I have done with others, and some of you know who you are so I don't want to mention names and leave anyone feeling less valued. But there are some who are "extra" special, and that's just the way that is.

This truly is a community, not just a website, and while committed and involved, often deeply, I am also still on the periphery in many ways, and I'm like this everywhere. I have only been here two years, and consider my relationship to this site just beginning to unfold and will likely have far more to say on these topics in future times.

Some of my most prized moments were hearing how some response I made to someone's writing had touched them so positively. Recently, the conversations I had with some who built and help shape this incredible site, and when later was contacted about joining them as a moderator to offer whatever usefulness I can, made another strong and positive impact.

There are connections even now that are just beginning to maybe develop into deeper personal relationships. And I have yet to even meet any of you in the flesh, something I’m sure will change. I love to joke, I love to learn and listen, and I love to discuss seriously at times, but I always love the 'skins, and now this site. There are truly many wonderful people here, and this site has become an important part of my day. That truly has surprised me, and I feel fortunate that it is so.

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Grrreat thread! I can't think of any specific instances where the site has personally helped me out, but it's been a lot of help with keeping up to date on Redskins news and interesting rumors...lol. I've spent a lot of my time here in the tailgate section and it's not really any wonder why, with the great debates that go on here about politics, movies, music, relationships, and other interesting stuff.

I originally started hanging out here a couple of years back to have another way to get breaking Skins news, but eventually I came here a lot for the political discussions (when the post boards started getting clogged with two or three way diatribes) and then for all sorts of various threads.

Where else can you find whole threads devoted to taking other posters out of context, faking a banning, insulting other posters' moms and their livestock, and bashing an Eagles fan (by that very same Eagles fan hismelf, no less)? Where else can you participate in all that stuff and then click out of a thread, click into another one and spend the next couple of hours geting into a discussion on why Bush is a dictator, or why liberals are communists.

Recently I also had fun chatting on here while watching playoffs, superbowl, and the pro-bowl, not to mention some of the NCAA games. Though I have yet to participate in a gameday thread for a Redskins game (they're too crowded for me), this place makes watching games even more fun than it already is.

We have a great multitude of posters here (and dedicated moderators too, some almost frighteningly so...:D ) and you all really make this place fun to hang out in, even if some of us get a bit carried away sometimes and take things a little too serious. And when it is time to get serious and support each other in times of crisis there isn't a better place to go to get some help or info when you need it.

:cheers: To everybody who makes this site such a great place to hang out and even to the few that make it a pain at times ;), this site wouldn't be the same without them either.

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You better get my permission!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I might have to break your nails otherwise!

Goth you are more than welcome at any event it is open to all of ES and friends. Sorry if I ever made you not feel welcome.

=) no no no one has made me feel unwelcomed. Just Blondie went out of her way is all.. =) Thanks for the invite.

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Got a lot of advice and support, from a lot of good people, on Extremeskins when I temporarily lost my mind due to a ex. They know who they are, and the support was MUCH appreciated. I've only regained about 1/2 my mind, but atleast I'm chasing women again. :D:cheers:

You were that 30 year old dude who cut off his penis and threw at the cops cuz his girlfriend broke up with him weren't you..

Don't lie.. it's you ;p

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this board has definitely helped me in my conversation and communicating skills (which I didnt have before)and I apreciate everyone on this board cause it sure helps the day go faster at work :thud: and I have truly learned a lot from the people on this site. :geek:

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:cheers: To everybody who makes this site such a great place to hang out and even to the few that make it a pain at times ;), this site wouldn't be the same without them either.

Got to agree with you there, there was one poster who's first post was right after the loss to the Seahawks, he came in bashing anyone who felt the Skins had a GOOD season even though we didn't go all the way or who thought Brunell did a pretty good job. I along with others had some words with him, but after that I didn't engage in post with him again. I got a kick out of checking his post though to see who he was pissing off with his arrogant post, and sure enough he almost always did. He hasn't posted in over a month, probably for the best. :cheers:

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Good thread but where to start is the problem :laugh:

I have gotten free tickets, parking passes and more ;) All from our fellow ES members.

I've found tickets for my friends, and was able to offload tickets when I couldn't attend. :(

I have been offered places to stay, have shared hotel and travel expenses with other members for away games and home games.

Last year I drove to CT from NJ and picked up tickets that skinsnut73 couldn't use at the last minute and gave them away tpo hermag at the tailgate.

Last but certainly not least I've made some good good friends here that I can't imagine ever not knowing when we are actually old and grumpy instead of just acting that way ;)

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You were that 30 year old dude who cut off his penis and threw at the cops cuz his girlfriend broke up with him weren't you..

Don't lie.. it's you ;p

Nope, they stopped me at the last second. :silly:

I'm grateful, because now I'm getting more use out of it, then I did the last two years of said relationship. :laugh:

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I have posted numerous threads about my inner thoughts, issues and problems with my life, and I look to the community here as true friends. I often turn to people here for advice, support or to just give me a swift kick in the arse when needed, and I am truly thankful I stumbled across this site while browsing one day. There is a unique group of characters here from all walks of life, every race, social class and religious denomination imaginable. You can get a good handle of how others perceive your actions by some of the replies here.

I also use this forum as a sort of "mental masturbation" from time to time. I have been in some very deep discussions about things such as string theory, law, philosophy, economics and meteorology. There are a numer of experts in almost every field, and you can always cound on getting an honest response, even from people who think you are the bane of their existance.

Kudos to Blade, Tarhog and the other mods for keeping this site great, their work is often underappreciated. . .but I think you guys need a new motto for the site. . .

Extreme Skins- Ruining productivity all across the world :)

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What you are not complaing about the Pez and Huly bed and No breakfast? :laugh:

I take offense to that statement missy. :tantrum: I have never once complained about the P&H bed and no breakfast! Well maybe just about getting up at 4:30am for a 4pm game. :whoknows:


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  • 1 year later...

Some of the easy obvious stuff.

I've gotten some laughs when I've been feeling down. Sometimes just by saying I'm feeling blue, tell me a bad joke.

Insight and information, especially from perspectives I might not always hear from.

Some virtual and real friendships.

Some support during rough times like the passing of my Grandmother.

Encouragement, especially in the NPR threads, but in too many other areas to count.

A member put me in contact with a literary agent friend and though the agent did not choose my work, she offered to meet me and gave me some very good advice, best amongs which was sell yourself, not the book. My queries had always been 90% about the book and 10% about me. (I still hate selling myself)

Telling me when I am being naive or dumb. I likely won't thank anyone at the time for that, but I do internalize and appreciate it.

This has been a very nice haven for me.

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I'm still relatively new around here but I enjoy coming here. It fills a space in my life that was empty. ES lets me know that I'm not crazy b/c I adore this team and having all this Redskins gear is normal(yippee!!).

I enjoy most of the topics of discussion and know that there are some real intelligent folks on this board. I've learned alot about football and other things also.

I've not met anyone face to face yet...but that will change in a few weeks. I'm really looking forward to the Busch Gardens trip! I think it's great that complete strangers can come together and meet and have fun w/o judgement and do it only b/c of their mutual love for a sport & team.

Mostly everyone has been kind and compassionate and I see glimpses of some really special people here. I'm glad I found this little haven. I'm just sorry it took me so long.

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