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I'm an old soul man lol.


Yeah, that's the plan. Taking today off tomorrow to put some ice on it. Plan to do some light stretching. Maybe take a walk. Anything to stay loose but not aggravate anything.


First, don't screw around with back pain.  It's not worth it long term, imo.  If you have a job that has sick days/PTO and they are understanding, use the benefit when needed.  I was the same way back in the day, especially in retail.  I'd slap on muscle rub and pop Advil like a junkie to get through a 12+ hour shift with a messed up back when I was in my 20's. 


Now........**** THAT!  Desk job or not, working from home or not, if I'm sick or my back is ****ed up to where I can't sit up without it being in pain, I'll use a day to relax/rest it to recover.


Now take this advice.  It will not help you with this recent injury, but you will thank me should it happen again as you get older.  Get on Amazon (cheaper) and search biofreeze and buy a tube of the roll-on.  It's the best pain reliever out there, imo.  Stronger than the over the counter stuff by far.




I've used every OTC versions and they wear off in about 30 minutes, offering 15-20 mins (if that) of relief.  This is what physical therapists use and what was recommended to my dad 20 years ago by one.  When I'd mess up my back so bad to where I could hardly walk.  I'd coat it in this and was good for 6-8 hours working through the pain.

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Sweet man, let us know how it goes.

Oh I'll be posting a pic

I'll be rooting for her to make her HTTR appearance on the 21st! B)

My wife and I are actually hoping it's sooner....she's MISERABLE right now....which makes me miaerable, which makes my other daughter miserable...lol

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Happy belated birthday.

Thanks :)

The Pokemon Go phenomenon in insane. It's like 1999 all over again but worse because technology now allows morons to impact others as opposed to a simple Gameboy Color.

Never understood it. Even as a youngin when the Pokemon craze first started, I used to laugh at all the gump ass kids that would be over in the corner trading those stupid cards instead of growing some balls and playing sports with the rest of us.
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The original Pokempn game itself is an interesting concept. Seems like it would lend itself well to a full blown console RPG type game that they haven't made yet.

And then the Go thing is pretty neat. Was out Friday night at our local bar with some friends and had like 8 random people ask me about it. I was stunned haha. But the stories are good. People going out and interesting with others doing the same, meeting people they never would have talked to otherwise.

Bringing people together, that's what games are

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Now take this advice. It will not help you with this recent injury, but you will thank me should it happen again as you get older. Get on Amazon (cheaper) and search biofreeze and buy a tube of the roll-on. It's the best pain reliever out there, imo. Stronger than the over the counter stuff by far.


I've used every OTC versions and they wear off in about 30 minutes, offering 15-20 mins (if that) of relief. This is what physical therapists use and what was recommended to my dad 20 years ago by one. When I'd mess up my back so bad to where I could hardly walk. I'd coat it in this and was good for 6-8 hours working through the pain.

I use EFAC from my Chiropractor's Office. $20 a jar. A little goes a long way. My Mom liked it so much at Xmas, she asked me to buy her a jar. It's very similar to biofreeze.


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Bunch of middle aged white dudes talking bout back pain. How original.

Seriously though, mines jacked and my joints hurt. Never sure if it's Lyme's lingering (y'all remember that thread) or chickengunya or some other weird African mosquito bull****.

Or if I'm just old and a lifetime of bad decisions has caught up.

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