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Game Day Thread - The Commanders @ The Giants - Failed to take advantage of the falling Giant!


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34 minutes ago, wit33 said:


I have a completely different relationship with Washington football compared to most here, so I'm not here to argue what's right or wrong. I don't feel like I'm a part of the organization, and I won't shed a tear or feel like I've achieved something if Washington wins a Super Bowl. For me, a playoff win wouldn't feel much different than a Super Bowl win. The benefits are the same; in fact, the Super Bowl means the end of the season and no more football for months. Bonus football, on the other hand, provides an extra weekend to watch a team I'm somewhat emotionally invested in and engage in conversations here. I often feel more connected to these discussions than the results on the field, and I feel like I have a part in this.


Moreover, the perspective that playoff football is meaningless is something I can't comprehend. It seems like an entitled fan's perspective, desiring to cling to some grand plan for building a championship organization. In my view, building such an organization requires a Hall of Fame QB who's willing to make sacrifices and work closely with their organization for 15 or more years. Only then might you have an organization capable of consistent success over two decades. The days of Washington in the 80s are long gone.


Many teams have won SBs by getting the at bat through a wild card slot. 

Okay, we all have our own way that we watch the sport and engage with it. No shade. But if you’re more interested in just having football to watch and talk about for an extra week whenever possible, rather than being willing to take a step backwards to have a chance to witness something special, your consistent comfort with the status quo makes a lot more sense. 

To put in perspective the difference in our viewing ethos, I’d rather watch this team go 2-15 for the next 5 years but then go to the Super Bowl than just watch a lifetime of 7-10 to 10-7 wildcard loss football all the time (note: this is not how I think it HAS to happen—simply an extreme example of a process I’d prefer watching to the .500 status quo).

There is no benefit to watching mediocre/average football to me if there’s no hope for something more. Watching this team and knowing exactly what to expect and what errors to expect for over a decade straight now, there’s nothing enjoyable about it. The idea that you could take a step back, reset, and build a young fast explosive high ceiling team with the right FO/coaching staff is where the hope lies for me. Not in the idea that a predictably mediocre team could have a small chance at catching lightning in the bottle if they can just maybe squeak into the wildcard round. 

Edited by Conn
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Nah, season is over. Unlike last year where we set a narrative as a plucky team, we're now the get right team. Just blitz us to death, we'll fall. Just have your WR run straight, deep lines, you'll get a TD. No one is afraid of us, they look forward to playing against us now. I don't care if Ron lost the locker room, the loser has lost me.


I know a lot of you are down on EB, he called a **** game, but I'm not done with him yet. This offense has been neglected for a long time, borrowing pieces of it to add to the defense instead. Two draft picks (1 and 2) to the defense and look at what we have a **** defense and a bare oline. EB didn't put this together, he didn't tell Howell to take all those sacks, he didn't tell Sam to overthrow a third of his passes and he didn't tell the receivers to drop easy passes that hit them square in the hands when Howell was accurate. I'm not down on Howell, more down on EB, but these receivers aren't it and we know the Oline is trash. I say give EB a chance to actually draft players and fix the offense, you can't give someone a junk car and then complain when it breaks down.


What upsets me more than anything is that this is twice where we should've won a game and the team just comes out completely flat. After what happened last year, how could you come out flat against the Giants? This was a statement game and our statement is "we suck". The media was right, our guys are ****ing soft. I really don't care who stays at this point, chuck'em all out, I don't think it would make a difference.

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Just now, bh32 said:

Kinda getting tired of Allen saying that everything they get their asses whipped and do nothing about it..it's all lip service now.



Ass whipping and lip service. Are you thinking you're in the tailgate forum? 🤡



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Isn't EB's offense supposed to be built around lots of screens and quick stuff? Anyone see any WR, TE or RB screens today? I think I counted maybe two, both to the backs and one was to Gibson on like 3rd and 19 so I don't count that so much. EB needs to work harder and get himself some help during the week when game planning. Screen passes and quick hitters should be a staple of our offense with a young QB and weak O-line.

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3 minutes ago, Simmsy said:

Nah, season is over. Unlike last year where we set a narrative as a plucky team, we're now the get right team. Just blitz us to death, we'll fall. Just have your WR run straight, deep lines, you'll get a TD. No one is afraid of us, they look forward to playing against us now. I don't care if Ron lost the locker room, the loser has lost me.


I know a lot of you are down on EB, he called a **** game, but I'm not done with him yet. This offense has been neglected for a long time, borrowing pieces of it to add to the defense instead. Two draft picks (1 and 2) to the defense and look at what we have a **** defense and a bare oline. EB didn't put this together, he didn't tell Howell to take all those sacks, he didn't tell Sam to overthrow a third of his passes and he didn't tell the receivers to drop easy passes that hit them square in the hands when Howell was accurate. I'm not down on Howell, more down on EB, but these receivers aren't it and we know the Oline is trash. I say give EB a chance to actually draft players and fix the offense, you can't give someone a junk car and then complain when it breaks down.


What upsets me more than anything is that this is twice where we should've won a game and the team just comes out completely flat. After what happened last year, how could you come out flat against the Giants? This was a statement game and our statement is "we suck". The media was right, our guys are ****ing soft. I really don't care who stays at this point, chuck'em all out, I don't think it would make a difference.

Its time to move anyone other than Terry to any team that wants them

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6 minutes ago, skins island connection said:

 Nah, there's a number of things that can be done to alleviate QB pressure, but the HC and OC just don't get it; they're coaching as if they have 50 all-pros on the team.

We ran rollout passes, quick crossers, and screens. What else do you do to contend with a bum OL?

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1 minute ago, NickyJ said:

EB has lost me. I'm not seeing anything in particular to build on with the offense. He's not really doing more with this offense than we had last year.

The online is far worse than last years. They can't run or pass block. At least last year they were decent at pass blocking. 

I want everyone but EB fired

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7 minutes ago, bh32 said:

Kinda getting tired of Allen saying that everything they get their asses whipped and do nothing about it..it's all lip service now.

what is he supposed to say? This isn’t a good team. They know it. Most of us know it but some love to convince themselves every offseason we are just a couple pieces or a better coach away 

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Just now, NickyJ said:

EB has lost me. I'm not seeing anything in particular to build on with the offense. He's not really doing more with this offense than we had last year.

It started out well.  

I think he heard the “run the ball” critics, the “need a deep passing game” critics, the “get McLaurin the ball” critics and then started to try and morph to the criticism and it broke the beginnings of a good offense.


He needs to shut everything out and run the Reid offense and let chips fall where they may.  

Never run the bal again.  Go 700 straight passes to end the season.  

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Just now, HOF28 said:

EB worse than turner. Would have been shut out if not for special teams.  No wonder no one wanted him 

The reason is obvious as to why he hasnt been head coach its because he talks in the first person. I think he is doing about as well as can be expected with the talent on this offense

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Just now, Captain Wiggles said:


Not waiting until halftime to make those adjustments perhaps?  🤷‍♂️

We ran those plays in the first half + a hot route screen to McClaurin in the first half. EB has ran all of these. The OL is that bad. 

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Just now, Voice_of_Reason said:

It started out well.  

I think he heard the “run the ball” critics, the “need a deep passing game” critics, the “get McLaurin the ball” critics and then started to try and morph to the criticism and it broke the beginnings of a good offense.


He needs to shut everything out and run the Reid offense and let chips fall where they may.  

Never run the bal again.  Go 700 straight passes to end the season.  

I want to agree, but Howell hardly completed half his passes. Watching them go scoreless for the first half of the game and watching our WRs still fail to get open, there's *something* fundamentally wrong.

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7 minutes ago, Voice_of_Reason said:

From Keim:


When Keim blasts the game plan, yeesh.


Keim if I recall in 3 times in recent radio appearances or podcasts hit Ron for not doing enough to help Sam as to building this O line in the off season.  Gloves are off from Keim, and its rare to see him critical like that.  He still takes his shots though with no venom. 

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11 minutes ago, profusion said:

It seems like a big lift to bring in an entirely new FO and coaching staff in the same offseason


Like 3-5 teams do this every offseason in the NFL. Sometimes it goes badly. But it’s not some unheard of feat. It’s normal when you’re rebooting an entire organization. Harris as the new owner having the entire season to observe and scheme is if anything the anomaly. Owners don’t sell often, but when they do the new guy usually get in in time to make drastic changes right away. 

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