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The Everything 118th Congress Thread


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1 hour ago, EmirOfShmo said:

Interesting. They have a 'Whistleblower' tab. It would be shame if millions of citizens submitted a request to investigate sitting members of Congress who participated in the January 6th insurrection. 


I had almost the exact same thought when China posted this yesterday, except I thought everyone should submit requests related to one or more of Donald Trump's kajillion abuses. 

I think today will be the day that we start hearing about candidates that the Dems would support.  They can literally approach any R member and say "look, if you can get 5 of your colleagues to vote for you, you can be Speaker."  Their condition should be exactly as @Larry suggested, particularly that a Speaker cannot be replaced without a majority voting in favor. 

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43 minutes ago, PleaseBlitz said:

particularly that a Speaker cannot be replaced without a majority voting in favor. 


I think its more about putting through the vote whenever he pisses them off. Or threaten to do it when he doesn't cave on something they want. 

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Another January, Another Attempt at Destabilizing the Government


As we close in on the second anniversary of Jan. 6, it’s easy to fall prey to the idea that it was all a historical event, blessedly behind us. It’s even tempting to celebrate the dozens of ways in which the “system held.” We can laud the heroics of the Capitol Police, the courage and steadiness of Nancy Pelosi, the actions of judges and state election officials who insured that specious claims of election fraud and Stop the Steal never garnered sufficient traction to become a legal movement with enough legitimacy to move anything more than a mob of violent racists and wackos and conspiracy theorists (and Ginni Thomas) to action.


Set against all that triumphalist mythmaking, it’s similarly easy to watch what’s unfolding in the Republican House leadership contest with glee. Watching Kevin McCarthy being ritually humiliated in round after round of voting—especially as payback for his refusal to take the events of two years ago this week as a sober warning—is schadenfreude on skates. It’s tempting to want to sit back and enjoy watching the chaos muppetry cave in on itself for the second straight day, as a political party that can no longer make claims to be serious, or to have serious leadership, is left flopping on the beaches for the delectation of us all.


Except of course the events of Jan 6, 2021 and Jan 3–? of 2023 are not at all unrelated. Nor are they sequential points along a continuum that is leading us to a better place. Instead, they represent the locomotive and the caboose of the same train: Each is a point along a terrifying line of governmental failure; each is a subversion of the principles of lawful transition of power. But certainly they are moving in the same direction, and there should be no joy found in watching the present and past pancaking back on itself. In many ways, the events of this week should be as frightening to us as the events of two years past, if not more so. This, too is an insurrection. That it’s coming—quite literally—from inside the House in 2023 should no more be grounds for popcorn and selfies from Democrats than the Capitol insurrection was in 2021. This is a profoundly serious systems failure, Trumpism without the relative coherence of Trump, and a triumph of nihilist anti-government fan fiction. And this go-round, those forces have a vote that is big enough to gum up the entire operation.


Jan 6, 2021, was scary but inherently cartoonish, with the face paint and the faux fur and the weapons and the body armor. January 2023 comes in shiny tasseled loafers and constituent messaging. Instead of leaking floor plans to insurrectionists in advance, members of the radical wing of the GOP are demanding committee chairs.


Perhaps one difference is that actually this time, the ask—what they are fighting for—is actually less clear. On Jan. 6, amid the chilling cries of “Hang Mike Pence” and “Stop the Steal,” the ask was at least coherent: reinstate Donald Trump as president. The foggy MAGA ask of 2023? I have no idea. Power, sure. Fame and celebrity, definitely. Mumble mumble debt ceiling. OK. As John Boehner wrote in his 2021 memoir, the end game now is chaos itself:



What they’re really interested in is chaos … They want to throw sand in the gears of the hated federal government until it fails and they’ve finally proved that it is beyond saving. Every time they vote down a bill, they get another invitation to go on Fox News or talk radio. It’s a narcissistic – and dangerous – feedback loop.


Governance is not the point, it’s the enemy. Government is not the point, it’s the enemy. In 2021, that was on display in what we could all recognize as violence and threats of bodily harm. In 2023, it’s being done with speeches and backroom negotiations and the stand-up-sit-down whack a mole energy of a Monty Python sketch. Those chairs they are seeking? It’s not to do anything with them, beyond further themselves. None of it will lead to a better, healthier, more functional or stable government, even if the week doesn’t end with feces smeared on the walls.


Click on the link for the full article

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LOL based on John James nomination speech, I don't think they have the votes yet. 


They must've realized overnight that blaming the Dems for their disfunction was not a winning strategy.  He's openly poking fun at his own party- "we got small win last night, finally a moment of unity," (I assume in reference to their ability to vote together on adjourning).


EDIT: I physically LOL'ed at his Detroit Lions joke. "I'm a Lions fan, so I'm an expert at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.  Let's not do that with our house majority."

Edited by balki1867
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2 minutes ago, tshile said:

Is Donalds not a stand up guy?


id like to see the dems vote for him and shock the republicans and mess up their speaker process. 

but idk anything about him. 


He's an election denier. Does anything need to be learned beyond that? :ols:

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Hey GOP you only need 128 more rounds of votes to break the record for most ever needed to elect a Speaker of the House - 133 in 1856.








George Santos almost missed his roll call vote again!


I think he suffers from Attention Deficit Disorder.




Edited by Dan T.
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53 minutes ago, tshile said:

Is Donalds not a stand up guy?


id like to see the dems vote for him and shock the republicans and mess up their speaker process. 

but idk anything about him. 

Not only is he an election denier.  He was convicted of felony bank fraud. The question of whether or not he’s a stand up guy is in the eye of the beholder.

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20 minutes ago, PleaseBlitz said:

Why do you keep calling votes without knowing the outcome???  Why keep punching yourself in the dick????


Because Kevin McCarthy is a deeply, profoundly stupid person.  Also totally shameless and unable to strategize.  They have no plan.


I heard someone use the analogy that this is two people playing chicken but they've torn out the steering wheels.  

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