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Presidential Election 2024: 11/5/24- Prosecutor vs Felon


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8 minutes ago, Captain Wiggles said:


Look here's the deal....


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Also y'all really think the Republican powers that be would let Bo Bo be the VP? I don't. Big money donars would be way too concerned. 



Dunno. They let Sarah Palin go for VP one year who’s essentially the same version with more city miles. 

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8 minutes ago, CousinsCowgirl84 said:

I mean, they let Sarah Palin run as VP…..


Thats kinda why I'm thinking it wouldn't go over well. You're right she'll do what Pence wouldn't n stay loyal to Trump no matter what. Which is another reason I don't think the big whigs would be real supportive. Scary possibility tho. 

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13 minutes ago, Spaceman Spiff said:



Dunno. They let Sarah Palin go for VP one year who’s essentially the same version with more city miles. 


The elitist liberal in me says no person with a GED is gonna be allowed to be the second in command.


Sarah Palin at least went to the University of Idaho. Must resist the urge to make funs. 😬


I think Truman is one of the only modern Presidents to not have a college degree. Associates equivalent methinks. 

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Just now, Captain Wiggles said:


The elitist liberal in me says no a person with a GED is gonna be allowed to be the second in command.


Sarah Palin at least went to the University of Idaho. Must resist the urge to make funs. 😬


I think Truman is one of the only modern Presidents to not have a college degree. Associates equivalent methinks. 

Good call. 

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21 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:

A lot of presidents didn't have GEDs, and transitioning to near everyone having Ivy League education and no military service, both good and bad presidents.


I said modern Presidents. 😉


Lincoln and Grover Cleveland for example were not college educated and perfectly cromulent presidents. 


Truman is the only modern one without a college degree. He did a pretty damn good job in office too. 

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I have a feeling DeSantis being the nominee, and the general democrats vibe/opinion that DeSantis is just another version of trump (you’re wrong but you won’t agree with what I have to say so it’s not worth arguing), is going to make way for  Biden to shift from “but I’m the one that can beat trump” to “well I’m still going to run even though it’s not trump” 


If DeSantis can shift to a nationally appealing character, I’m not convinced Biden has much of a chance. But that’s sort of naive to say without ‘22 exit polling to consider. 

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1 hour ago, tshile said:

I have a feeling DeSantis being the nominee, and the general democrats vibe/opinion that DeSantis is just another version of trump (you’re wrong but you won’t agree with what I have to say so it’s not worth arguing), is going to make way for  Biden to shift from “but I’m the one that can beat trump” to “well I’m still going to run even though it’s not trump” 


If DeSantis can shift to a nationally appealing character, I’m not convinced Biden has much of a chance. But that’s sort of naive to say without ‘22 exit polling to consider. 


One thing, DeSantis is a helluva lot smarter than Trump.  He's got degrees from Yale and Harvard Law School.  Trump had someone else take his SAT to get into Wharton..

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4 minutes ago, China said:


One thing, DeSantis is a helluva lot smarter than Trump.  He's got degrees from Yale and Harvard Law School.  Trump had someone else take his SAT to get into Wharton..

He’s also an actual politician, not just a carnival barker. 

I would expect him to pivot to a non-trumpy person to appeal better on the national stage.


Plus - I can’t imagine he’d be successful running as Trump 2.0 while the party is waging a war against trump for destroying the party. He’s going to have separate himself from that, while not alienating that part of the base. So he’ll pivot to a different type of character and let the people behind the scenes take down trump. Hoping to leave room for even the most ardent Trump supporters to feel comfortable supporting DeSantis without feeling like they’re supporting the guy that stabbed trump in the back. 

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1 hour ago, tshile said:

I have a feeling DeSantis being the nominee, and the general democrats vibe/opinion that DeSantis is just another version of trump (you’re wrong but you won’t agree with what I have to say so it’s not worth arguing), is going to make way for  Biden to shift from “but I’m the one that can beat trump” to “well I’m still going to run even though it’s not trump” 


If DeSantis can shift to a nationally appealing character, I’m not convinced Biden has much of a chance. But that’s sort of naive to say without ‘22 exit polling to consider. 

I've got your back T. You agree with what I'm thinking but say it more eloquently.


Do you think as of now DeSantis is the favorite for the nominee? I'm too much of an eeyore to think that the Trump show is over.


The timing of when Biden announces is interesting. I don't really think he wants to run, but he will if it looks like Trump is the nominee. 

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12 minutes ago, hail2skins said:

Do you think as of now DeSantis is the favorite for the nominee?

I think he’s got the backing and support. And its not even close compared to others. 

But the thing is - its 2 years away and that’s a long time. 

I feel like the general trend is the nominee winds up NOT being the one that is the favorite this early on. So generally if I were to bet on it, I’d take the field right now with great odds knowing that’s how it normally works out and the payout on that bet is so high because the public is hammering on DeSantis to win out. 

The thing that’s different is Trump. The GOP cannot afford to put 13 people on stage again - trump will win. They also can’t afford to sit on their ass and wait for the election to get closer. They have to act quick and decisive - they can’t have pence or youngkin or Rubio or anyone else joining the fray and watering down the anti-trump vote in the primaries. So I could see this being a time that breaks the trend and the early favorite is the nominee. 

The ‘24 cycle will show us how much power the traditional people  in the GOP have. If trump is facing off against DeSantis and maybe 1 or 2 randoms that aren’t in the club, then they’ve regained control. 

If there’s 12-14 people on stage again then they failed and the party is in total disarray 

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I wouldn’t just anoint Desantis just yet.

No doubt he’s the current darling.

How Will he perform on the national stage. Not every state he campaigns in will be like Florida.


Also, how will he do when actually challenged. The Ring of Fire/ Faron Balanced guy made an interesting observation about Desantis. He doesn’t like to be challenged. You challenged him on anything he gets flustered and angry.

In a gop debate, especially against Trump; how will he do? 


Just because he looks like a king in his home state; he’s untested.

We seen so called stars in both parties flame out in a presidential campaign.

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