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2024 Presidential Election- 11/5/2024 : Prosecutor/Coach vs Felon/Couch *******


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3 hours ago, Larry said:


Robert Heinlein took a ton of flack for proposing exactly that, in Starship Troopers.  


(Well, he did not propose requiring military service. More a case of requiring some form of community service, of which the military was one option.)


His stated reasoning was that he thought it would be better if, in order to vote, a person had to demonstrate that he could put the good of society ahead of their self interest. 


I think it's a great book. Superficially it's a kind of childish shoot-em-up. But there's some serious thoughts in there, too. 


Maybe not military service, but I can definitely get down with community service. I used to say that everyone should have to work a retail/customer service and manual labor job at least once in their life. Do that for a while and you will definitely treat people differently ( in a good way).

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‘Is He Describing Himself?’ Biden Roasts Trump Calling Him ‘Weak and Pathetic’


President Joe Biden hit back at former President Donald Trump on Thursday after Trump described him as “weak and pathetic.”


During an interview with Biden on ABC World News Tonight, ABC News anchor David Muir said:



You bring up your opponent, Donald Trump. He has said of your executive action, “He’s pretending to finally do something about the border, but it’s all about show.” He says, “We have a debate coming up. Biden’s executive order is weak and pathetic.”


Biden responded, “Is he describing himself? Weak and pathetic? Come on.”


The president continued, “Look, everybody knows what’s happened. We had a deal. It was much broader than this, much better, much more accepted across the board, and he got on the phone and told the Republicans, ‘Don’t support it, it will hurt me, it will help Biden.'”


Click on the link for the full article and video

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5 hours ago, Larry said:


Robert Heinlein took a ton of flack for proposing exactly that, in Starship Troopers.  


(Well, he did not propose requiring military service. More a case of requiring some form of community service, of which the military was one option.)


His stated reasoning was that he thought it would be better if, in order to vote, a person had to demonstrate that he could put the good of society ahead of their self interest. 


I think it's a great book. Superficially it's a kind of childish shoot-em-up. But there's some serious thoughts in there, too. 

I dunno about the book, but in the movie, it was a NAZI society satirically portrayed as the good guys.

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The Billionaires Have Captured Donald Trump


One of the most enduring—and ridiculous—#Resistance narratives of the Trump era was the idea that the president of the United States was a literal Manchurian Candidate, a man who had been compromised for years (perhaps even decades) by a foreign power, namely Russia. 


Like most enduring conspiracy theories, this one was built on a kernel of truth. Donald Trump really was admiring of Vladimir Putin and had no apparent problem with the Russian dictator arresting dissidents or invading neighbors. In fact, Trump was far more conciliatory to Russia, a long-standing adversary, than he was to many of America’s closest allies. 


When Trump’s troubling admiration of Putin was combined with other details—particularly salacious (and dubious) reports of Trump, as a private citizen, being videotaped in Moscow and salacious (and accurate) records of Trump doing business with shady Russian oligarchs—a conspiracy was born. Trump was compromised. Either through blackmail or bribery, America’s foreign policy was obviously being directed by Russia. 


Nearly a decade into Trump’s political career, there is no evidence that he is compromised by Putin or any other foreign power. But as he runs for reelection, Trump is indeed compromised in a way he never has been before. Desperate to avoid prison—and needing cash to win reelection, so he can pardon himself—Trump is selling his administration’s domestic and foreign policy to the highest bidder. It’s hardly a conspiracy, either. As we speak, he is traveling from billionaire to billionaire with hat in hand, making explicit promises to sell his presidency.  


Click on the link for the full article

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There is no evidence that Russia has compromised Donald Trump (and the Republican Party) other than:  


The fact that every single time he has faced a decision as to whether to advocate for America's interests, or Russia's, he has chosen Russia's. 


The fact that Russia chose to use the power of their government's official intelligence agency to conduct operations to benefit his campaign. 


The fact that, when it started to become apparent that hi level members of his campaign were working with Russian intelligence, Trump's response was to: 

1)  Personally ask the head of the FBI to promise that his investigation would not mention that Trump's people were involved. 

2)  Fire the head of the FBI for failing to make that promise. 

3)  And decide to not only claim that it wasn't Russia who aided him, but to point his fingers at Ukraine and try to frame them. Out of all the countries to try to blame, he chose the country that Russia wanted blamed.


The fact that, when asked to explain the reasons for his administration's pro-Russian stances, the reasons given are excuses long used by Russian propaganda to justify Russia. From "they wanted to talk about abortion" to "Russia was defending itself from NATO aggression".  


His decision to become the first President in history to actually attack the existence of NATO.  




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19 hours ago, Larry said:


Robert Heinlein took a ton of flack for proposing exactly that, in Starship Troopers.  


(Well, he did not propose requiring military service. More a case of requiring some form of community service, of which the military was one option.)


His stated reasoning was that he thought it would be better if, in order to vote, a person had to demonstrate that he could put the good of society ahead of their self interest. 


I think it's a great book. Superficially it's a kind of childish shoot-em-up. But there's some serious thoughts in there, too. 


The movie Starship Troopers has TV adverts for joining the military to fight the "bugs". I look at our current military commercials, specifically the U.S. Army commercials, looking like the adverts in the movie.

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8 hours ago, Larry said:

There is no evidence that Russia has compromised Donald Trump (and the Republican Party) other than:  


The fact that every single time he has faced a decision as to whether to advocate for America's interests, or Russia's, he has chosen Russia's. 


The fact that Russia chose to use the power of their government's official intelligence agency to conduct operations to benefit his campaign. 


The fact that, when it started to become apparent that hi level members of his campaign were working with Russian intelligence, Trump's response was to: 

1)  Personally ask the head of the FBI to promise that his investigation would not mention that Trump's people were involved. 

2)  Fire the head of the FBI for failing to make that promise. 

3)  And decide to not only claim that it wasn't Russia who aided him, but to point his fingers at Ukraine and try to frame them. Out of all the countries to try to blame, he chose the country that Russia wanted blamed.


The fact that, when asked to explain the reasons for his administration's pro-Russian stances, the reasons given are excuses long used by Russian propaganda to justify Russia. From "they wanted to talk about abortion" to "Russia was defending itself from NATO aggression".  


His decision to become the first President in history to actually attack the existence of NATO.  





Don't forget that the first persons ever greeted by Trump in the White House after his inauguration were Russians Lavrov, another guy, and Russian media without any other U.S. persons or U.S. media. Unconscionable!

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Re: Trump, "These are very bad people"


So - people trying to hold you accountable are automatically "very bad people".  It's disgusting. I don't actually believe people that disagree with me on policy, like immigration are "very bad people".  I would love for the debate moderators to quote him and say "Does your dehumanization - attributing it to evil -- is that contributing to this notion of a civil war in America.  Not simply that we have a policy disgreement... but I'm good and their evil". Does that rhetoric lead to January 6, or does it lead to someone shooting up the FBI? 


This is one of the differences between Trump GOP and "normal GOP". And it leads us to further stuff where MTG thinks its okay to disparage a black lawmaker.  


Make American Uncivil Again? 

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2 hours ago, LadySkinsFan said:

The movie Starship Troopers has TV adverts for joining the military to fight the "bugs". I look at our current military commercials, specifically the U.S. Army commercials, looking like the adverts in the movie.


Nahhh, we aint THAT bad... Yet.  Got a couple more rungs on the ladder to get there.


Helldiver's 2 nails that vibe tho. The game straight up opens w/ a recruitment video and gas-lights you up to go spread "Managed Democracy"




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14 hours ago, Cooked Crack said:




MAGA-types on Twitter are arguing this same Trump talking point about his executive order or whatever it was that Trump did, and saying that the Dems blocked it and Biden froze the order to lower insulin costs when he took office, only to reverse the order and implement it just to take credit for it.


That, of course, is absolutely untrue...or rather, it's a level of spin you'd only expect to see from your washing machine lol...


What Trump tried to put into place concerning insulin costs would have only helps a small minority of insulin users, apparently was mostly beneficial for those receiving care at FQHCs, would have burdened FQHCs with unnecessary red tape and by cutting into FQHC funding, needed additional laws passed before it could be implemented in any effective way, and didn't really address drug companies lowering drug costs. For these reasons and others, some Dems apparently ask Health & Human Services to put a hold on Trump's order...and when Biden took office he put a freeze on all initiatives and orders from the past administration that had not taken effect yet--something pretty much standard operating procedure when there's a transfer of power (Trump did the same damn thing when he took office in 2017).

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3 hours ago, Califan007 The Constipated said:






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Why am I not surprised that the director of marketing for Students of Liberty couldn’t figure out that Donald J* Trump was bad for the country in 2020.


* the J stands for Just inject bleach.

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