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Election 2024 & Presidential Cage Match: Dark Brandon 46 vs Felonious Farty 45


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10 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:


If the GOP splits in two..why would moderate democrats ever move right? Wouldn't they just stay where they are and dominate both maga and whatever remains of the pre maga party? 




Out of political necessity, such as supporting Ukraine, which would traditionally been in the GOP's bucket. There's a vacuum there that the Democrats have had to fill, since Trump and his cronies would rather let Russia "do whatever the hell they want to."


Although Biden still supports the progressive agenda, there is some question that the rise of progressive politics has helped fuel the MAGA backlash against it... just my two cents. Biden may be forced to run more towards the center in the election than he wants to.

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Posted (edited)
13 minutes ago, BringMetheHeadofBruceAllen said:


Out of political necessity, such as supporting Ukraine, which would traditionally been in the GOP's bucket. There's a vacuum there that the Democrats have had to fill, since Trump and his cronies would rather let Russia "do whatever the hell they want to."


Although Biden still supports the progressive agenda, there is some question that the rise of progressive politics has helped fuel the MAGA backlash against it... just my two cents. Biden may be forced to run more towards the center in the election than he wants to.


That supposes that the American public hasn't moved left though in the last 30 years. I truly don't see moderate Democrats moving right to capture pre maga GOPers (assuming that split happens) because frankly, that right wing faction is still against what the majority of the American public wants. 


Pre maga Republicans are still against Roe and Obergefell (and even Loving), despite it being extremely popular with the American public. 

Edited by The Evil Genius
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Just now, The Evil Genius said:


That supposes that the American public hasn't moved left though in the last 30 tears. I ruly don't see moderate Democrats moving right to capture pre maga GOPers (assuming that split happens) because frankly, that right wing faction is still against what the majority of the American public wants. 


Pre maga Republicans are still against Roe and Obergefell, despite it being extremely popular with the American public. 


Not to mention fundamental differences on the role of government. 

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Posted (edited)
6 hours ago, The Evil Genius said:


That supposes that the American public hasn't moved left though in the last 30 years. I truly don't see moderate Democrats moving right to capture pre maga GOPers (assuming that split happens) because frankly, that right wing faction is still against what the majority of the American public wants. 


Pre maga Republicans are still against Roe and Obergefell (and even Loving), despite it being extremely popular with the American public. 


I can't find pure numbers for support of Roe by party longer term.


But through the 1990s just under 30% of Republicans wanted abortion legal under any circumstances and as late as 2018 over 50% of Republicans didn't want Roe over turned.   





I don't think broadly classifying pre- maga Republicans as anti-Roe and certainly anti Loving is very accurate.  


(Nationally, moving to much too the right would be a mistake for Democrats.  In certain areas, it would be beneficial.  I don't know if that's possible any more.  Once upon a time, people said all politics were local.  


With the death of small local newspapers and the creation of the 24-hour national new organizations and even right-wing radio and today the internet, I don't think that's true any more.)

Edited by PeterMP
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2 hours ago, The Evil Genius said:


If the GOP splits in two..why would moderate democrats ever move right?

I don’t know that “move right” is the correct framing. Maybe - move back from the far left a bit?


the far left has had some control over certain topics because the dems couldn’t afford to lose them and the gops lurch to the right created a shrinking middle area to fight over 


but some of the more progressive social issues the left wing pushes aren’t super popular with everyone else but gain support when the alternatives are what MAGA wants. 

Biden isn’t as pro choice as the far left. But he does have to cater to those people. When the other side offers banning abortion outright, there’s not a lot of success to be found staking out the middle ground. 

the Israel Hamas stuff is another topic where it’s easy to see the dynamic. There’s lots more. 


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1 hour ago, LadySkinsFan said:

Clinton 42 was the Democrat who moved the party to center right. It's not recovered yet.




I don't think this is really true.  Certainly based on today's standards Carter wasn't liberal and even at the time he wasn't considered liberal.  Through that post-Vietnam stretch there certainly a strong liberal wing of the party, but it couldn't win elections at the national level.  The Democratic party moved to the right because that was what was necessary to win national elections.  I think Clinton was more of a product of a move right to win national elections then created a move right.  

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RFK Jr. Is Even Crazier Than You Might Think


He’s a conspiracy theorist who has made a lot of money pushing baseless or disproven notions about vaccines, Covid, and other hot-button subjects. At the start of his 2024 presidential bid, the media reported his history as a disinformationalist on multiple fronts. Yet now he’s largely covered as another character in the ongoing presidential horse race.


Most of the recent stories about him focus on his standing in the polls, what voters he’s attracting, and speculation regarding his potential impact on the outcome. In such pieces, his extreme conspiracism is often not conveyed fully and sometimes not even mentioned. A recent Washington Post story on Kennedy family members endorsing President Joe Biden noted in mild fashion that  RFK Jr. “has embraced controversial, unfounded claims on issues including vaccines and the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol.” A Wall Street Journal article on chaos within his campaign merely said Kennedy “has promoted conspiracy theories—in particular on vaccines—and espouses political views from across the spectrum.” A New York Times piece referred to him as a “vaccine skeptic” who has promoted “vaccine misinformation and conspiracy theories about the government.”


Those descriptions of Kennedy do not do him justice. He is much further around the bend than they indicate. With his advancement of unhinged and outlandish conspiracy theories, RFK Jr. is in the league of Alex Jones. There’s at least one difference. While Jones comes across as a shameless charlatan grifting his audience, Kennedy does seem to fervently believe the dark nonsense he spews. That makes him particularly dangerous, not merely because he may influence a critical election but because his presidential run is something of a super-spreader event for false information, lies, and paranoia. 


One could spend countless hours examining and countering the long list of hair-raising and unsubstantiated allegations Kennedy, once known mainly as an environmental lawyer, has peddled over the years in books, interviews, articles, and public appearances. But I took a deep dive into one that serves as an example of how far out-of touch from reality he can be—and how far he will go to twist the truth to serve his ideology of conspiracy. 


In May 2022—about a year before he announced his presidential bid—Kennedy appeared on the podcast of comedian and reality TV star Theo Von, a recurring guest on Joe Rogan’s podcast, and he presented a harrowing tale: A global elite led by the CIA had been planning for years to use a pandemic to end democracy and impose totalitarian control on the entire world. He claimed to have proof: the ominous-sounding Event 201.


Click on the link for the full article


🎶And the worms ate into his brain...🎶


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Additional tweet text, cuz it does shed light:



Things are not nearly as rosy for MAGA as they'd like to believe...


According to New York Times analyst Nate Cohn, Trump's much-discussed lead in the polls actually comes from less engaged voters — which is to say people who may not show up at the polls. This chunk of "voters" boosting Trump's poll numbers largely sat out the 2022 midterm elections, which Democrats over-performed in.


"President Biden has actually led the last three Times/Siena national polls among those who voted in the 2020 election, even as he has trailed among registered voters overall," explains Cohn. "And looking back over the last few years, almost all of Mr. Trump’s gains have come from these less engaged voters."


(from the article:)


"Trump's lead is built on gains among voters who:


- aren't paying close attention to politics

- don't follow traditional news

- don't regularly vote


Disengaged voters on the periphery of the electorate are driving the polling results--and the story line--about the election."



Disengaged voters on the periphery...notoriously unreliable demographic to rely on to take you to victory. This same group made polls seem like Repubs would sail to a "red wave" in the midterms...then a lot of them didn't vote. Plus, those who aren't paying close attention to politics in May, could very well be paying much closer to politics in September and October.


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10 hours ago, Simmsy said:

Dan Snyder coming in clutch!



Think I'm starting to believe the 'we're in a simulation conspiracies' because real life can't be real 😂



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