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Presidential Election 2024: 11/5/24- Prosecutor vs Felon


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It's right out there in public now. Trump's an unrepentant Nazi, he learned at the knee of his Nazi father. He's never changed, he's hidden it from the public for a long time. He's going for broke now. 

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Just now, LadySkinsFan said:

It's right out there in public now. Trump's an unrepentant Nazi, he learned at the knee of his Nazi father. He's never changed, he's hidden it from the public for a long time. He's going for broke now. 


I'm actually surprised the video was deleted...he and every single ****ing Republican voter and GOP politician seem to be embracing the rhetoric and an Authoritarian government with them in control.

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1 minute ago, LadySkinsFan said:

It's right out there in public now. Trump's an unrepentant Nazi, he learned at the knee of his Nazi father. He's never changed, he's hidden it from the public for a long time. He's going for broke now. 


Unfortunately it seems like his supporters don't care, just like supporters of Mussolini didn't mind it when he had the manager of a train station shot..."well, he made the trains run on time." Remember Marge Schott? She praised Hitler saying he "did a lot of good but went too far."


We also have a lot of migrants here from countries that don't support democracy in the first place, so they don't see the big deal in electing an authoritarian.

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Of course they want control. They've been courted and been bought off by the Russians since the USSR was kicked out so the Russian mob, led by ex KGB personnel (Putin for one, he rose to ultimate power).  They're anathema to our Constitution and republic. Unfettered capitalism is also involved with this attitude.

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Posted (edited)
10 minutes ago, Califan007 The Constipated said:

"...and people are still acting like this is a normal election."  ^^^


Exactly. Said loooooong ago that this upcoming election is NOT a choice between Biden and Trump. It's not a choice between Democrat or Republican. It's a choice between Democracy and Authoritarianism. And I didn't mean it figuratively. There's no "negative" with Democracy that makes Authoritarianism a better option. None. That's why "But Biden's old/But the polls" is such an asinine argument to be making or having. I wish people would stop rationalizing why it's ok to support Trump. There is not one single valid argument to make to support Trump that doesn't involve just a ****-ton of avoidance, rationalization, intellectual laziness, and industrial-strength blinders. Because the only other logical and rational explanation is that they truly do want the United States to become an Authoritarian country and are cheering on that possibility.

Except not really though. If you listen to any interview of a MAGAt, they’re already under the impression that the USA is ruled by/under an authoritarian (Biden) regime.


The persecution of political opponents is one of the bedrocks of their argument.


They’re fine with an authoritarian regime though, as long as it’s theirs.

Edited by Die Hard
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Posted (edited)
10 minutes ago, Die Hard said:

Except not really though. If you listen to any interview of a MAGAt, they’re already under the impression that the USA is ruled by/under an authoritarian (Biden) regime.


The persecution of political opponents is one of the bedrocks of their argument.


They’re fine with an authoritarian regime though, as long as it’s theirs.


It's that appeal to fear: "If they're coming for ME now, they'll be coming for YOU next." No one stops to think that nobody will be coming for "YOU" at all if you're not involved in massive crimes like election fraud, corruption, sexual assault, etc. It seems that fear short-circuits the brain's ability to process logic.


News sites like WaPo regularly post all of the lies and inaccuracies that tRump says, as if that's going to change anyone's mind. As if anyone voting for tRump even reads anything by the WaPo because they believe that are funded by Biden.


Biden is behind the 8-ball on understanding tRump's appeal, and just being logical and boring isn't going to get it done. tRump supporters don't believe our election system has integrity, but just getting up and saying that's not true will not convince anyone.


Running for POTUS must be purely an ego thing for tRump. Many people believe he is running to stay out of jail...well, I don't think he will ever see the inside of a jail cell even if he's NOT the POTUS, especially with this trial. It's clear there are two tiers of justice in the US, one for us and one for rich people.

Edited by BringMetheHeadofBruceAllen
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50 minutes ago, BringMetheHeadofBruceAllen said:


Unfortunately it seems like his supporters don't care, just like supporters of Mussolini didn't mind it when he had the manager of a train station shot..."well, he made the trains run on time." Remember Marge Schott? She praised Hitler saying he "did a lot of good but went too far."


We also have a lot of migrants here from countries that don't support democracy in the first place, so they don't see the big deal in electing an authoritarian.

I’m not sure it’s that they don’t care. I think it’s worse. I think they want it. He’s not saying or doing this stuff because he’s a Nazi/racist (not saying he isn’t either - just it’s not his motivation.) he’s saying it because he knows there’s support for it. These are the same people that are apparently pro-Russia now…


i don’t want to get too far into the weeds on this - I feel like it’s everyone’s personal responsibility to understand their government, their society, and their history and to set their own morals. I’m not trying to absolve them of responsibility. But… this makes total sense. When people are unhappy with their situation their first move is to blame someone else. It’s a natural thing that our society just can’t get past. Pick a topic - you’ll find tons of people that have a list of reasons that caused the problem or makes it worse, but they won’t be on the list. Scapegoating and that to get support is a pretty reliable tactic. Nazi germany largely became what it was based on that. We have (or had…) young American men going over seas to join terrorist organizations for the same reason. 

we don’t take care of ourselves. We don’t take care of our own. And it’s been going on for decades. We don’t take care of our infrastructure, health care or education systems. Immigration issues have existed for decades and the same crop of politicians kick the can down the road, or refuse to compromise, and nothing is fixed. 

everyone’s got a reason why none of this is their fault and it’s all someone else’s fault. But when society behaves this way this is the logical conclusion. 

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Amazingly, with Trump, whether it's references to the 3rd Reich, claims to install a dictatorship, stealing classified documents, being civilly convicted of rape, and on and on and on, none of it sticks because we move onto the next outrage before any of them can actually sink in.  

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2 hours ago, Die Hard said:

Except not really though. If you listen to any interview of a MAGAt, they’re already under the impression that the USA is ruled by/under an authoritarian (Biden) regime.


The persecution of political opponents is one of the bedrocks of their argument.


They’re fine with an authoritarian regime though, as long as it’s theirs.


Yeah, that falls under the " ****-ton of avoidance, rationalization, intellectual laziness, and industrial-strength blinders" part of my post lol...

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45 minutes ago, PleaseBlitz said:

Amazingly, with Trump, whether it's references to the 3rd Reich, claims to install a dictatorship, stealing classified documents, being civilly convicted of rape, and on and on and on, none of it sticks because we move onto the next outrage before any of them can actually sink in.  


Not really.  The problem is that there is a third of this country that isn't outraged by any of it.

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1 hour ago, China said:


Not really.  The problem is that there is a third of this country that isn't outraged by any of it.


Maybe if they were given more than one news cycle to think about it, they would arrive at outrage.  Under our current way of doing business, we'll never know. 

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Anyone who tells me that I will find their contraception argument interesting is an asshole. I can guarantee that I won’t. Either it’s for everyone or not. 

The Trumpers I know never listen to anything they disagree with. They pick and choose. They’ll turn the channel or go somewhere else on the internet that tells them what they want to hear. You’re not getting through to these people. I had one argue with me as to whether Mitch McConnell is a Republican. They claimed he was more liberal and he’s not very conservative. 

imagine that. Mitch ****ing McConnell is not a Conservative Republican because he bad mouthed Trump one time. 

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1 hour ago, PleaseBlitz said:


Maybe if they were given more than one news cycle to think about it, they would arrive at outrage.  Under our current way of doing business, we'll never know. 


Well they would need to be properly or accurately informed, which is something many of them aren't when their source for news is FOX or Newsmax.

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2 hours ago, PleaseBlitz said:


Maybe if they were given more than one news cycle to think about it, they would arrive at outrage.  Under our current way of doing business, we'll never know. 

He’s like a gish gallop of controversy 



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PA swing voter fears Trump will try to appoint Don Jr. as successor in 2028


Bloomberg is reporting that swing voters across the United States are telling focus groups that they fear former President Donald Trump will not willingly relinquish power should he win back  the White House in 2024.


Seiji Carpenter, vice president at David Binder Research, and Sarah Longwell, the chief executive officer of Longwell Partners, both tell Bloomberg that fears of Trump not leaving office have been cropping up in recent focus groups they've conducted.


“We were talking to Latino men and Asian American-Pacific Islander women in battleground states,” Carpenter told Bloomberg. “And they went straight to the issue of, what if Trump won’t give up power?”


Longwell, meanwhile, similarly said fears of Trump refusing to leave are "showing up in our focus groups."


In particular, one undecided Pennsylvania voter told one of Longwell's focus groups that Trump's efforts to install daughter-in-law Lara Trump at the Republican National Committee were giving him pause about what Trump might do when his term ends in 2028.


“I wouldn’t put it past him, now that he owns the RNC to say, ‘Don Jr. is going to do the next term, and he’ll get two. And then Barron will get two,'" the man said. "And we’ll just have some fake monarchy.”


Click on the link for the full article


There's no way Don Jr., would give up the crown if he were annointed.  He'd probably have Barron killed.  By the same token, Trump Sr. wouldn't give it to Jr. until he was on his deathbed.

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16 minutes ago, BringMetheHeadofBruceAllen said:

I've been saying that for weeks...only my prediction was he'd nominate one of his own kids as VP.

I’m going with one of his kids or a hot-ish woman. Kristi Noam slaughtering that dog kneecapped my pick tho. 

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Biden Fared Well at Morehouse. So You Didn’t Hear About It.


rust me: If President Joe Biden had faced hecklers or worse when he gave the Morehouse College commencement speech on Sunday, you would know about it. It would have led every newscast and dominated headlines in every paper, another dire portent of his alleged troubles with Black voters coming in November.


Instead, Biden faced a low-key protest. He clapped for and shook hands with the valedictorian who demanded a cease-fire in Gaza, and otherwise fared well. So you probably didn’t hear about it.


I try not to cover the “Biden is treated unfairly” beat. It’s now a dog bites man story. But this was impossible to ignore. I covered many events with Vice President Kamala Harris this last week, and I heard from many reporters how on edge they were, as was the administration, about Biden’s reception at Morehouse. Some student activists had demanded that the administration rescind his invitation, and a few faculty members said they wouldn’t attend the ceremony.


So why wasn’t it a big deal when it went fine?


It’s the nature of news. We cover plane crashes, not safe plane landings. But I think Biden’s soft landing represents smart outreach to the Black community, or communities, that paid off. And that’s news.


Click on the link for the full article

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Exclusive-Donald Trump foreign policy advisers met Israeli PM Netanyahu, source says


Three former U.S. foreign policy officials in Donald Trump's administration met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other public figures in Israel on Monday, according to a person with direct knowledge of the matter.


The delegation was comprised of Robert O'Brien, who served as Trump's fourth and final national security adviser, as well as former Ambassador to the United Arab Emirates John Rakolta and former Ambassador to Switzerland Ed McMullen, said the person, who requested anonymity as the trip's itinerary was not public.


In addition to Netanyahu, members of the delegation were set to meet with Israeli opposition leader Yair Lapid and several other Israeli officials, the person said.


Among the main goals of the trip was to obtain a better understanding of Israel's complex domestic political situation, said the person familiar with the visit. Netanyahu's coalition is beset by internal disagreements, with many Israelis blaming his government for failing to prevent an Oct. 7 Hamas attack.


It was a rare case of Trump allies traveling abroad as part of an organized delegation to meet foreign officials. It took place amid strains between Israel and the Biden administration about Israel's conduct of the war in Gaza.


On Monday, the International Criminal Court's prosecutor in The Hague said he had requested arrest warrants for Netanyahu, his defense chief and three Hamas leaders over alleged war crimes.


Click on the link for the full article

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2 hours ago, BringMetheHeadofBruceAllen said:

I've been saying that for weeks...only my prediction was he'd nominate one of his own kids as VP.

I think that kind of move would be a sure-fire loser for Trump this election. His social media posting indicating his hope that the VP debate be held at a HBCU makes me think he's leaning toward Tim Scott, but who knows with Trump.


2028 is a different story. At 82 I don't think Trump will test the boundaries and try to remain in office. However, if Don Jr has interest in running, I can absolutely see him at least winning the GOP nomination, even over Trump's VP.  But I also feel Trump is going to exhaust people the way he did during his four years in office and the GOP isn't going to have the luxury against running against an old man next go around.


Tshile mentioned personal responsibility and I think the most maddening thing about Trump supporters is their inability to lay fault at Trump's feet for losing in 2020. It was either the media, the uniparty, or the election being stolen......but nothing about Trump's own behavior that was the cause of him losing.


But on the other side of the coin, there are many people (including several in this thread) who don't think that Trump can possibly win in 2024 solely because Biden beat him in 2020. Things have changed, as (aside from Biden's age and the dislike of Harris) the covid stimmy-induced inflation (Biden's additional stimmy didn't help) has been the main thing which have soured folks on the current administration. But a 2024 Trump victory will have even more GOPers and independents taking the wrong lesson and instead will think "it must've been stolen in 2020." Which only further undermines confidence in our elections.

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