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Presidential Election 2024: 11/5/24- Prosecutor vs Felon


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From chatgpt 


"Dear Mr. Trump, your insatiable hunger for attention reminds me of a simpler palate. May I recommend a more refined approach? After all, even chaos can be served with elegance. Bon appétit. – H.L."

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They needs to be an legal option for people who are attacked like this. Donald knows that saying this when if anyone is doing it, it's his God, isn't going to do anything but please the Cheeto Jesus. 



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2 minutes ago, Fergasun said:


For sure he mixed up "economic crisis" in 2008 with "pandemic".


And that explanation doesn't make sense... maybe running as VP makes more sense.  


I wish there was some way to tell if this is normal for him, but the narrative in Biden is already out.  

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35 minutes ago, Fergasun said:


I wish there was some way to tell if this is normal for him, but the narrative in Biden is already out


The first time I heard the phrase "gaffe machine" was in reference to Joe Biden. And I'd estimate it was in the 80's?

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Posted (edited)

Meanwhile in the real world y'all fencesitters are ok with this I guess.



If you haven't decided already, then no amount of Biden kicking Trump's ass at a debate will change it. 

Edited by The Evil Genius
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Unfortunately a good portion of our electorate treats Trump as the emperor in "The Emperor's New Clothes."  


Will there ever be a triigger like the child calling out that the emperor has no clothes, causing people to realize they've been fooled?  I doubt it.

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Donald Trump says he’d consider Ken Paxton for U.S. attorney general


Former President Donald Trump said he would consider tapping Ken Paxton for U.S. attorney general if he wins a second term in the White House, calling his longtime ally “a very talented guy” and praising his tenure as Texas’ chief legal officer.


“I would, actually,” Trump said Saturday when asked by a KDFW-TV reporter if he would consider Paxton for the national post. “He’s very, very talented. I mean, we have a lot of people that want that one and will be very good at it. But he’s a very talented guy.”


Paxton has long been a close ally of Trump, famously waging an unsuccessful legal challenge to Trump’s 2020 election loss in four battleground states. He also spoke at the pro-Trump rally that preceded the deadly U.S. Capitol riot in January 2021.


Paxton’s loyalty was rewarded with an endorsement from Trump in the 2022 primary, which helped the attorney general fend off three prominent GOP challengers.


Trump also came to Paxton’s defense when he was impeached last year for allegedly accepting bribes and abusing the power of his office to help a wealthy friend and campaign donor. After Paxton was acquitted in the Texas Senate, Trump claimed credit, citing his “intervention” on his Truth Social platform, where he denounced the proceedings and threatened political retribution for Republicans who backed the impeachment.


“I fought for him when he had the difficulty and we won,” he told KDFW. “He had some people really after him, and I thought it was really unfair.”


Click on the link for the full article


Criminals supporting criminals.  Should come as no surprise.  Since Paxton is under federal investigation, I'm sure he'd love to be name Attorney General so he could end all the investigations into his wrongdoing.



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On 5/17/2024 at 6:04 PM, Larry said:


I graduated high school in '76, the Bicentennial year.  


One of our morning announcements concluded with a "Bicentennial Minute":  


"Remember.  If it weren't for the American Revolution, we might all be speaking English today."  



It probably does.  Pretty much every medication has them.  


You know what else it does?  It reduces your odds of dying from Covid by like 93%.  (Well, it did.  I understand that the numbers for more modern variants are "similar", but I haven't seen exact, double blind, numbers


As much as I'd like to see Paxton out of Texas, I sure don't want him AG of the United States. He's a criminal.

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26 minutes ago, LadySkinsFan said:


As much as I'd like to see Paxton out of Texas, I sure don't want him AG of the United States. He's a criminal.

Is he a free man because he controls the Texas prosecutors?  If he left, would he suddenly open himself up to indictment?

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Posted (edited)

Hard not to believe that any and every Republican who doesn't denounce these use of these words is ok with it. 




We were told he says what he means and he means what he says, reich?

Edited by The Evil Genius
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8 hours ago, PokerPacker said:

Is he a free man because he controls the Texas prosecutors?  If he left, would he suddenly open himself up to indictment?


He's a free man because the MAGA cult has a hold on the Texas state government and most of the state legislature. Thankfully my town, Cedar Park, isn't MAGA centric although they try to infiltrate. 

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"...and people are still acting like this is a normal election."  ^^^


Exactly. Said loooooong ago that this upcoming election is NOT a choice between Biden and Trump. It's not a choice between Democrat or Republican. It's a choice between Democracy and Authoritarianism. And I didn't mean it figuratively. There's no "negative" with Democracy that makes Authoritarianism a better option. None. That's why "But Biden's old/But the polls" is such an asinine argument to be making or having. I wish people would stop rationalizing why it's ok to support Trump. There is not one single valid argument to make to support Trump that doesn't involve just a ****-ton of avoidance, rationalization, intellectual laziness, and industrial-strength blinders. Because the only other logical and rational explanation is that they truly do want the United States to become an Authoritarian country and are cheering on that possibility.

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