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The Official QB Thread- JD5 taken #2. Randall 2.0 or Bayou Bob? Mariotta and Hartman forever. Fromm cut


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16 minutes ago, Going Commando said:


They are.  And it makes me uncomfortable.  We always try and do everything our own way, and it never works.  Why can't we ever just copy what the successful teams do?  Why do we always have to take a dump on conventional wisdom?

I don’t think it’s a dump on conventional wisdom , for once we have actual football people and they know what they are doing. 
Remember, Comfort is the enemy of progress. I heard that from three different guys all named Eric once. 

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4 hours ago, Going Commando said:


I'm convinced drafting Daniels over Maye is a mistake, and I don't have any interest in rationalizing or normalizing a mistake.  I can't cope with a loss of faith in the team by trying to trick myself.  I'm just going to have to take a step back if/when we do it, and accept that my expectations got too high.  This team is not worth high blood pressure.

No offense, but you’ve championed so many prospects in the past that didn’t live up to the billing.  As has literally every scout in existence, much less armchair GM fans like we have here.


At what point do you admit they are right and you’re wrong?  What is the benchmark for that, if at all?


I say that as someone that would prefer Maye as well.  But I’m not delusional enough to pretend I know better.

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38 minutes ago, Bantu said:

Going to be a busy day for the training/medical staff there today

Yeah with Penix there it’s gonna be like trying to do diagnostics and rebuild C-3PO in Empire 

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37 minutes ago, Going Commando said:


I don't think the media mouthpieces have many original thoughts or takes.  I think they generally just regurgitate takes given to them by chatty teams and agents, and I think that's mainly who has been pushing the Jayden to DC story in the hopes they can influence outcomes.  And yeah, I absolutely think the broader world doesn't want Maye to end up here.  They either want him for themselves or they just don't see him being successful here.


Observing the story as it unfolded.  It wasn't really about Jayden and the Commanders.  It was about Jayden versus Maye.


Absorbing just about everything I can listen to and read which has been a lot -- there is a small minority that thinks either QB is slam dunk the choice.  The large majorty think its a tough call.  That includes coaches, scouts, FO people, draft media, etc.


You seem to think the mainstream view should belive that its a joke of a decision.  That's cool. But most disagree including some of the more hardcore Maye fans judging as to various leaks on the subject and talking heads, etc.  And this is across the spectrum.  Analytics types, FO people, ex-scouts, coaches, etc. 


I get your confidence in your take is so high that if the draft world doesn't agree there is something seriously wrong with them.  But if my confidence was that level high, I would have zero fear of them taking Daniels.  You've praised Peters a bunch I noticed in recent weeks.  But deep down I gather you can't be that high on him if you are making posts that suggest that Bruce-Cerato or name that clown that has run this FO could just as easily be the case with Peters as to his level of incompetence.

Edited by Skinsinparadise
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14 minutes ago, Skinsinparadise said:


Bruce and Cerrato wern't good at their job but tough for me to think of outside the box uncoventional thinking aside from letting their boss, Synder make some the bigger scouting decisions.  The unconventional part back then was having GMs who were already punchlines elsewhere and hoping they'd be different here or having HCs play GM.


When I think of Peters -- its a different world.  Dan's clownshow doesn't filter in my mind as a running script with new ownership.



We don't know.  But, I suspect @KDawg might ala the coaching search but I haven't PM'd him yet to ask.  I got a sneaking suspicion @Koolblue13 knows too, he's gone quiet lately on this thread.

Hey SIP,


Yes, I know. But sharing it is no fun whatsoever.

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25 minutes ago, Going Commando said:


They are.  And it makes me uncomfortable.  We always try and do everything our own way, and it never works.  Why can't we ever just copy what the successful teams do?  Why do we always have to take a dump on conventional wisdom?

It was already reported that the 49ers do this, it’s where Peters got it from.

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3 minutes ago, e16bball said:

But comps are hard, and in fairness, I don’t have a great comp for Jayden either.


I think this is for two reasons:

1 - Jayden doesn't have an NFL body, and you have to reach all of the way back to rookie year Randall Cunningham to find someone with a similar physical profile at the NFL level.

2 - The most obvious modern comps for him are guys who didn't end up being successful for the teams that drafted them: Fields and RGIII.  Nobody wants to compare prospects to guys that didn't work out.  His build and the soft traits like vision/playmaking instincts frustrate comps to other one year wonder type QBs who were more successful, like Burrow.


Comps are nice for conveying a lot of information in shorthand, but they always break down on some point of analysis.

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16 minutes ago, Going Commando said:


Not really.  It wasn't very impactful either way.  This QB pick is an entirely different matter.

We had the best FA in years, GC.  

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It seems like Peters is creating a Squid Game/Stanford Prison experiment scenario. The Dave Gardi hire is not a coincidence to make sure they don’t cross a solid red line.

They want to psychologically unnerve them and then make the draft decision from the data. It’s really the only way to find out who can handle playing for this fan base other than making them read ES posts about themselves but I am sure that would cross too many lines.


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1 hour ago, DWinzit said:

You can swap Daniels and Maye in that statement and maybe even add JJ in there


There's a lot of talk about both Mayes and Daniels being blue chip prospects at #2 in a general "different but equal" sense, desirability wise.


But going by posts, most folks here who are focused on those two have long had their fave locked in and have a very strong preference for their guy over the other guy. It isn't close for most.


Also going by posts, most seem to see one as much more likely to bust than the other as opposed to seeing one more likely to boom then the other.


By the time the draft is actually happening, mental/emotional fatigue will have sent some of them into the JJ camp. 🧐😛



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I respect Peters if he wants to try something new in regards to getting all these prospects together. I don't agree with it, but I'll always give leeway to someone who tries something outside the box.


But I feel like it'll only muddy the waters more. I'd rather they just sit down and commit an entire day to one QB at a time like other teams do to really get to know them.


I don't think you get to know guys individually when they're all lumped together in a group. And too much can get past the radar or get diluted.


The simple solution would have been Daniels yesterday or today and Maye today or tomorrow. Give each guy one whole day with your staff and at your facility. Don't even bother wasting time with McCarthy or Penix because we're not trading down.

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1 hour ago, DWinzit said:

You can swap Daniels and Maye in that statement and maybe even add JJ in there

Somebody is going to hit big between Maye, JJ, Daniels and Penix in particular (and I even wonder if we end up wondering why people forgot about Nix, or let Rattler fall so low), maybe 2, but all 4 definitely aren't hitting. This isn't an '04 or '83 class, to me anyway, there's no Todd Blackledge, or a floor of Eli. Some of these guys are busting, and I would not be shocked at all if Penix stays healthy and is the 2nd best, if JJ has magic fairy dust up his backside, if Maye just becomes the Maye we all think, or if Daniels becomes what he mostly was in college which was good, but I'd be lying if I said I was sure about anything other than relative bust risk. I've got no idea who is going to hit, though I think this feels like a '18+ rather than like '20 or '04, I think of the core group of 6, 2-3 are hitting, and probably 3-4 total from the entire class. 

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1 minute ago, Jumbo said:


There's a lot of talk about both Mayes and Daniels being blue chip prospects at #2 in a general "different but equal" sense, desirability wise.


But going by posts, most folks here who are focused on those two have long had their fave locked in and have a very strong preference for their guy over the other guy. It isn't close for most.


Also going by posts, most seem to see one as much more likely to bust than the other as opposed to seeing one more likely to boom then the other.


By the time the draft is actually happening, mental/emotional fatigue will have sent some of them into the JJ camp. 🧐😛



2229 pages in this thread, plus the GM and draft threads that edge into the QB topics...that fatigue has entered the picture!


Pretty soon there Penix is going to reappear in the discussion. Selection #2 cannot get here fast enough!

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2 minutes ago, DWinzit said:

2229 pages in this thread, plus the GM and draft threads that edge into the QB topics...that fatigue has entered the picture!


Pretty soon there Penix is going to reappear in the discussion. Selection #2 cannot get here fast enough!

It entered the picture in December. :ols:

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37 minutes ago, mudhog said:

I don't have anywhere your football knowledge, but as a true FAN of the team, your takes on 'loss of faith' and 'expectations' in this team seem to mirror mine to a tee. Better than anyone else has put into words in any post. I also feel a real dread about picking Daniels over Maye because to me, he doesn't have near the shelf-life that Maye or even McCarthy have. And given our circumstances, and what we are building, I see that as extremely short-sighted.

Where I differ on this a bit is with two things:


1. I really do trust the organization as a whole now. From Harris, to GMAP, to Quinn, Kingsbury, and even the players we are bringing in. IF IT HAPPENS to be that we take Daniels, I have to trust that these guys did their work and truly think he's the best candidate for the job. At which point I will pray to the Lord that they were right, while at the same time, pray for the success and protection of said candidate.

But, while I won't hope for the failure of Maye, if he goes to another team, I will closely monitor his success/failure of his career, and always second-guess the wisdom of passing on a prospect that turns into a perennial contender and franchise QB if ours doesn't and he does. I don't want to start this journey with this new team with dissention and animosity. But that brings me to my second point.

2. All this Daniels hype is just that. Hype. Nobody knows jack right now. It's both amazing and annoying as hell for us fans. But looking further into the Daniels hype, you gotta look at the source. Any real meat of this hype comes from QandA's with Dan Quinn. Set aside all the trusted coaches and scouts Keim and Sheffer have asked to opine on the subject, Dan Quinn is the only one who's quoted anything of substance. And his answers look and seem to be touting Daniels. From being a 'game-changer', to being a 'nightmare to game-plan for', He's been praising Daniels harder than Maye.

Now, Quinn is a savvy coach. And He's part of the new team that is 'hush' on this pick. To me, those quotes were as much dis-information as they were complimentary of a really good football player. And in this case, totally worthless as to how he/we are leaning.

I think the HONEST giveaway and the real meat to how we are leaning is the reaction Dan Quinn had at Drake Maye's pro day. With that big smile and his body language as he turned and fake-walked away from Maye while he was dropping 50yd dimes to his receivers in-stride, spoke more than ANYTHING Quinn has said thus far. In fact, for a savvy coach that is part of this no-leak FO, I was surprised to see him give so much away. 

So, in conclusion, I feel like I have been paroled after a 30yr stint in San Quinton. I've been given a new lease on life with this crowd. I finally don't have to shut off my TV after week 3 because it's already hopeless and I care more about my health and peace-of-mind than to jeopardize myself and keep watching the same train-wreck decade after futile decade. 

In spite of all the Daniels hype, my gut says they take Maye. 


With regards to #1, its more respect than trust. I don't trust any F.O.'s, but respect? Peters has the cv to justify plenty of respect, but yeah, I don't give full trust to practically anything. That's a higher level of respect that has to be earned over a long bit of time. 

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6 minutes ago, DWinzit said:

2229 pages in this thread, plus the GM and draft threads that edge into the QB topics...that fatigue has entered the picture!


Pretty soon there Penix is going to reappear in the discussion. Selection #2 cannot get here fast enough!

I think it's more like this with everyone:





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The Commanders are bringing all the quarterbacks they might draft to their facility at the same time today.


LSU quarterback Jayden Daniels, North Carolina quarterback Drake Maye, Michigan quarterback JJ McCarthy and Washington quarterback Michael Penix will all visit the Commanders together tonight and tomorrow, according to Albert Breer.


Those four are among a large group of prospects who will all be in Washington this week as players make their final pre-draft visits. It’s unusual for the Commanders to ask four different first-round quarterback prospects to come to the facility at the same time, but that’s how the Commanders are doing it.


With USC quarterback Caleb Williams a lock to go No. 1 to the Bears, Daniels has become a heavy favorite to go No. 2 overall to the Commanders. Maye and McCarthy are long shots, and Penix is an extreme long shot. Daniels seems like he has the No. 2 spot all but locked up, but Washington is acting like a team that remains undecided.

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