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The Official QB Thread- JD5 taken #2. Randall 2.0 or Bayou Bob? Mariotta and Hartman forever. Fromm cut


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10 minutes ago, Cooleyfan1993 said:

Couple of comments that stick out to me on the tweet: 


1) “guess he doesn’t get the show. Geez!” 

           Is that a way of saying it’s supposed to be a radio show meant to get people riled up?


2) “guess his PR didn’t tell him about these guys?”

       Uhh…….do retired players have PR people? (Maybe they do, I’d be surprised though)


Yea seems like a show full of trolls but I have never heard of it until now. I assume he has some kind of agent that you go through to get him on the show. I doubt you can just call him up. 

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It was Week 1 for a QB on a new team in a new offense with new teammates.  I didn't expect Wentz to play perfect.  On the other hand, some of his errors, like throwing high for no reason besides his mechanics and the first INT (the 2nd one was just a spectacular play by the defender) are things that can cost games against a better opponent.  That is why I think the general sentiment around Wentz with most of the fanbase is guarded optimism.  Most of us have seen enough of Wentz from his days in Philly to know that when he is on he is very good, and I personally believe Wentz is good enough overall to lead the Commanders to places the franchise hasn't been in a long time.  Of course, for this specific franchise that simply means the playoff, (but not limping, backing in, or needing some kind of miracle 5 game win streak to get there).  


Should they get to the playoffs this season (or beyond, assuming he is here beyond 2022) I want to see how Wentz performs on the bigger stage, against better opponents who will also be playing their best football.

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5 hours ago, lovemaskins said:

Re-watching some of the highlights, I’m most impressed by how he moves around in the pocket. He was constantly stepping up and away from pressure to make some easy throws. Especially the 3rd and 10 to Logan late. He stepped up and left and put it right on Logan for a first down which kept the winning drive going.  

I know it’s early, but we have the potential to be an explosive offense.  And I really think Ron is the perfect coach to to help Wentz rebuild his confidence.  Wentz is absolutely wanted in DC and I think he feels it. We shall see.

I thought it showed on his face in the locker room and in his press conference. Carson looked so happy when Ron gave him the ball and was smiling ear-to-ear throughout his whole press conference. I'm sure some of that was just relief after everything he went through this offseason but it seemed like more than that to me.

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3 hours ago, srtman04 said:

Carson is good enough to win games, but also bad enough to lose them too.   Let's hope we see more of the former vs the latter during his tenure here.  But I am mentally preparing myself for those boneheaded losses, which I'm sure will come.  

Galdi said it best the past 2 days. He did enough to get the win on sunday while also doing enough to make you lose. This time the pendulum swung to the win. Its going to swing the other way some games as well. 

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31 minutes ago, Zim489 said:

Galdi said it best the past 2 days. He did enough to get the win on sunday while also doing enough to make you lose. This time the pendulum swung to the win. Its going to swing the other way some games as well. 

While I don’t disagree with your overall point he’s not entirely comfortable in the offense yet nor do we even have full compliment of weapons yet either. You still have cole turner likely coming back to play this weekend. Logan should get more comfortable with his knee as the season goes as well. You have reports b-rob will be back by week 5 which will help boost the running game as well. 
I’m sure there will be some that disagree with this point but I’m gonna make it anyways. On paper when totally healthy this  offense might have one of the best collection of weapons in the entire nfl. I know that sounds like hyperbole and homerism but I don’t think so. Jahan, Curtis and Terry showed Sunday if they continue to click they could be a top of the league wr group. TE might be the deepest position on the entire roster. But what can really set this group apart is the running backs in Robinson comes back. Gibson and Mckissic in all reality are your RB2 and RB3 but they are also WR4 and WR5. Gibson led the team in receptions and receiving yards on Sunday and it’s not like they were all short passes either. Call me crazy but I don’t know many teams with deeper rb groups than Robinson, Gibson, and mckissic with Samuel sprinkled in. I also don’t know many teams with wr groups deeper than Terry, Curtis, Dotson, Gibson, Mckissic, Sims, Brown, Milne. 
Just as an example Phillys wrs on Sunday? 11 catches 162 yards 0 tds. Aj brown accounted for 10 catches and 155 yards of that. Our receivers on Sunday 13 catches 142 yards 4 TDs with Terry 2 58 1, Curtis 8 55 1, Dotson 3 40 2. That’s before accounting for Gibsons 7 for 72. So here’s the question if Wentz and the offense did that Sunday while still not being totally comfortable yet what can they do when they are? 

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I was happy at how Turners game plan started. Well done at the start. Turner needs support from Ron to get the team better prepared for the second half. I think Turner is limited about a few things and second half, self scouting for anticipating adjustments from the opposition is a flaw. He needs more help. RR must be better and make sure the team plays 60 min and not 30 or 40 minutes of 100% effort. Turnovers happen, but their turnover diff was bad last year and it must be positive.

Wentz needs to get on a roll and continue to build momentum.

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2 minutes ago, TheShredder said:

RR must be better and make sure the team plays 60 min and not 30 or 40 minutes of 100% effort.

Do all fanbases do this?


By this, I mean determining the team isn’t giving 💯 effort anytime things aren’t working out.  The opposition gets paid too, and they also want to win.  Just because plays don’t work, doesn’t mean dudes are packing it in.    

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2 minutes ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

Do all fanbases do this?


By this, I mean determining the team isn’t giving 💯 effort anytime things aren’t working out.  The opposition gets paid too, and they also want to win.  Just because plays don’t work, doesn’t mean dudes are packing it in.    

I think he's pointing out the obvious that we all saw after the half. That our stall in the 3rd quarter was because Jax had adjusted to take away the underneath stuff, yet we had no answer till Wentz aired it out in the 4th.

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6 hours ago, Cooleyfan1993 said:

Yep. Heck, I’m mentally preparing myself for Sunday to be one of those boneheaded losses. 

This Sunday's game is a big test for this group, led by Wentz. A chance to win a road game and go 2-0 heading into the home game vs. Philly can't be understated; we need to show up and take care of business in this one. A loss and we're the same old WFT but with a win we can talk about turning the corner as a franchise heading into a statement game next week. I hope RR is on these guys to get better this week while beating a team we need to beat. 

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Commander Wentz makes this offense go.  He is the straw that stirs the drink. As long as he’s slinging it to all areas of the field, making all our weapons viable; we’ll have a true NFL caliber offense that can dictate action.  Carson makes us an aggressor…something we haven’t been in an awful long time 

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1 hour ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

Do all fanbases do this?


By this, I mean determining the team isn’t giving 💯 effort anytime things aren’t working out.  The opposition gets paid too, and they also want to win.  Just because plays don’t work, doesn’t mean dudes are packing it in.    

Yeah its aggravating. Its the NFL, everyone is trying. Don't confuse attitude with ability.

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12 hours ago, Mrshadow008 said:

I think there have been a couple that have made that point. I think the offensive system fits him better. The WCO offense is predicated on rhythm, timing, and accuracy. This system is more about pushing the ball downfield and allowing the qb to make plays. You’re literally taking wentz out of a system designed around his weaknesses and putting him in a system designed around his strengths. Also from a leadership perspective Philly and Indy looked for him to be a vocal leader in the locker room. He’s not going to be asked to do that as much here because Ron’s more of the vocal leader in the locker room. Which takes more off his plate and allows him to focus on just doing what he does best play football. 

I made this same comment over the summer. Why get a sports car and take him to park where you can't let er rip? I even thought that as sucessful as we were in the first half it seemed more WCO than deep ball. It wasn't until those last 3 shots (the offsides penalty gave him a free shot) that we started pushing it. Part of it was I think trying to get drives going but I think that this is going to open up so much

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Whenever I hear about bad fits for the WCO I can't help but think back to Jason Campbell and his big long slow delivery. When he would get to fire one deep it was a line drive over Santana's head.


I think a QB has to be the leader of the team and am glad to see Ron trying to make that happen. I have been reserved on Wentz thus far knowing kind of who he is already so it comes down to what is asked of him. I bet our WRs can't wait to get on the field again and do expect them to be able to ft Terry more in the first half. Regardless we aint Philly 'all in on a hamstring' Eagles the ball we be moved around.

Edited by RandyHolt
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29 minutes ago, Thinking Skins said:

I made this same comment over the summer. Why get a sports car and take him to park where you can't let er rip? I even thought that as sucessful as we were in the first half it seemed more WCO than deep ball. It wasn't until those last 3 shots (the offsides penalty gave him a free shot) that we started pushing it. Part of it was I think trying to get drives going but I think that this is going to open up so much

I talked about this with someone yesterday part of it was setting up the deep ball. I’m not sure about early I’d have to see the all-22 but I do know in the 4th Jax was almost exclusively in a single high look with the box loaded and the corners playing close to the line. I commented from my seat not long before the Terry Td that they needed to take a shot. I can’t remember if it was the jags safety or Terry who said the safety had to choose between Terry and Curtis and he initially chose Curtis which gave wentz just enough time to fit that ball in to Terry. That might change some once they get Robinson back where they use more of the actual run game to set up some of the deep stuff 

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Small sample, only one game yaddayaddayadda.......what I'm wondering this week is where is Carson's head at? That's where his issues lie and where his redemption will come from, and I believe that Ron is THE guy to get to it. We went UP, then dowwnnn, then UP again, Wentz didn't get dragged, nowhere near as much as got in the offseason, the team rallied, there's a real team vibe around a guy that needs that kind of feedback, etc. The national media completely ignored our game- I'm cool with that TBH, I just hope Wentz is too


Yeah, we know we're gonna see Wince sometime, but if he can just stiffarm that and move on he can make up for it, when his head is straight


Like the cloud's silver lining, growing pains are both sides, the pain and the growing. At this point, after decades of TheDan, I am a mass of football scar tissue, go ahead, hurt me but make it count, grow dammit

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Listening to Joe T interview on The Junkies. 


He made a good point about QB's that they "have to make the mistakes to be able to get better at your job, so you understand what you're not supposed to do and then study the things you're supposed to do." 



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15 hours ago, Zim489 said:

Galdi said it best the past 2 days. He did enough to get the win on sunday while also doing enough to make you lose. This time the pendulum swung to the win. Its going to swing the other way some games as well. 


While I think this is very true, and it's gonna result in some losses this season, I would take this anyday over another season of watching Alex Smith or Heinicke trying to not lose games.


Risk-averse quarterback play isn't gonna get a team anywhere in the modern NFL, aside from maybe a playoff spot and a first round exit every few years, only IF the division is super weak.

Edited by SpacePenguin
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51 minutes ago, HigSkin said:

Listening to Joe T interview on The Junkies. 


He made a good point about QB's that they "have to make the mistakes to be able to get better at your job, so you understand what you're not supposed to do and then study the things you're supposed to do." 

That's Brian Mitchell's problem with Wentz. It's that he should have learned these things earlier in his career. 


But I like that he's in a new system and is given the rope to put the team on his back. This isn't last year's win streak where we did it off Gibson's back. We're doing this with Wentz so if he doesn't get it we're going nowhere but if he thrives we can be a threat in the NFC. 

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45 minutes ago, SpacePenguin said:


While I think this is very true, and it's gonna result in some losses this season, I would take this anyday over another season of watching Alex Smith or Heinicke trying to not lose games.


Risk-averse quarterback play isn't gonna get a team anywhere in the modern NFL, aside from maybe a playoff spot and a first round exit every few years, only IF the division is super weak.

Its nice to actually see an NFL QB for the first time since Kirk even if I have doubts that Wentz will get us to anywhere of note. 

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3 minutes ago, Thinking Skins said:

That's Brian Mitchell's problem with Wentz. It's that he should have learned these things earlier in his career. 


But I like that he's in a new system and is given the rope to put the team on his back. This isn't last year's win streak where we did it off Gibson's back. We're doing this with Wentz so if he doesn't get it we're going nowhere but if he thrives we can be a threat in the NFC. 

The fact that we have running the ball and controlling the clock in our back pocket like we did during the four game win streak is exactly the type of thing that makes this team even more potentially dangerous though. 

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19 hours ago, Always A Commander Never A Captain said:


Am I wrong or has the "rollercoaster Carson" narrative like he's Rex Grossman only existed for the past 48 hours? He's had more seasons with only 7 interceptions than those with a different total. Kind of hard to have a rollercoaster 2 Int game when you only threw 7 on the season.


i think pat mcafee started this narrative a while back to reinforce the stuff irsay was saying. i like mcafee and find him entertaining, but he's an irsay and aaron rodgers nut hugger.

Edited by xxprodigyxx
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28 minutes ago, Warhead36 said:

Loved how often we threw on 1st down. I think we were all sick of 1st and 10 run up the middle for 2 every time last year.


They will probably have games where they go back to that depending on the defense. But just having that on tape now, with the weapons we have....its going to give defenses nightmares. If everything works perfectly, we force teams to have to choose between stopping the run or selling out against that pass. And once they make that decision, we cut them up the other way and make them chase our adjustments all game. 


That's the perfect scenario. It will rarely, if ever, go perfectly. But damn would it be fun. And we actually have the players to do it now. Imagine BRob coming back ready to go....sheesh 

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