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9 hours ago, Dissident2 said:

I've said it many times before: It's not the continual LOSING that keeps people away and has people like me no longer investing anything emotionally in this team. I could continue to support an overall losing franchise FOREVER if I believed in its leadership and direction and felt some semblance of pride in what they were. But we are owned and run by the absolute biggest scumbag in all of sports. Not just a horrible owner, but a horrible human being with a now 20+ year track record here of scumbaggery and ineptitude. There's a reason soldiers have sometimes mutinied over the centuries; it's because they no longer have any faith in their leader and know he's going to get them killed for no good reason if they just continue to follow along blindly like good little soldiers. That's how I look at this situation. Not as people quitting out of "softness" or "cowardice." It's a mutiny. 

Couldn't have said it better myself. I've said it a million times but I'll say it again: I can handle losing. I have generational familiarity with losing (my grandfather and father were Senators fans, after all). I've never known the teams in this town to be dominant in any way but they still represent my hometown and I'll pull for them all the same. It makes moments like the 2018 Stanley Cup and the 2019 World Series that much sweeter. 


But what's going on with this franchise is something completely different. They don't even have the decency to be bad in an endearing sort of way. They're bad in a dark, unnerving, "you're making us all genuinely uncomfortable" sort of way and it all begins with the family running the show.  

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I was at the game on Sunday and it was just a sad experience.  I haven't been to a game since 2011 and it is just sad to see how much it has fallen.


Such an empty parking lot for tailgating.  We used to be in a stand still line on the beltway at 8:30am to get in at 9am.  This time we arrived at 9:30am or so and there was zippy traffic anywhere.  Parking lot was a ghost town too. It used to be packed where you couldn't even walk through it easily.  We had a HUGE open area the entire time, even when we were walking in at 12:15pm.  There were 5 outhouses in the green lot where we were and I never even had to wait to use one.  I used to have to go piss in the woods because the lines at the outhouses were like 10 deep.


Here is a video taken at 9:45am




And here is a video I took right before we went in at 12:15pm



A total joke compared to what it used to be.


Then the walk in.  We had no lines to wait in.  We were like the only people walking up the ramps to get into the 400 level seats.  Literally we saw no one else lol.


Oh and the drinks.  $62 for 3 beers and a bottle of water which was $8.  Normal aquafina water.  Even the vendor who sold it to us was laughing about it and said how we have the most expensive drinks in the NFL he thinks.


The bathrooms were also empty.  I remember waiting in lines and lines to piss.  It would take all of halftime just to piss.  Well I went to the bathroom twice outside of halftime, and both times it was just me and maybe 2-3 other people.  The one sink I tried to use was broken as well lol.  At halftime, it was crowded but I didn't have to even wait, just walked in and took a piss.


Then the stadium itself was just as empty as expected, and we had mostly Titans fans around us, but it was fun banter.  There is no way in hell there were 51k people there.  I'd say like half lol.




Oh and the drive home still sucks.  We waited in line in the parking lot not moving for about 30 minutes.  They had no one out there guiding traffic or anything.  And then we sat even more on 495 in traffic.


Needless to say, I think that was my last time ever at a game at Fedex.  I only went because my brother had an extra ticket for me and he was taking his kids to their first NFL game, and his one son's favorite player is Derrick Henry.  It is sad to compare what it was like even back in 2011 compared to what it is now.  

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11 minutes ago, purbeast said:

I was at the game on Sunday and it was just a sad experience.  I haven't been to a game since 2011 and it is just sad to see how much it has fallen.


Such an empty parking lot for tailgating.  We used to be in a stand still line on the beltway at 8:30am to get in at 9am.  This time we arrived at 9:30am or so and there was zippy traffic anywhere.  Parking lot was a ghost town too. It used to be packed where you couldn't even walk through it easily.  We had a HUGE open area the entire time, even when we were walking in at 12:15pm.  There were 5 outhouses in the green lot where we were and I never even had to wait to use one.  I used to have to go piss in the woods because the lines at the outhouses were like 10 deep.


Here is a video taken at 9:45am




And here is a video I took right before we went in at 12:15pm



A total joke compared to what it used to be.


Then the walk in.  We had no lines to wait in.  We were like the only people walking up the ramps to get into the 400 level seats.  Literally we saw no one else lol.


Oh and the drinks.  $62 for 3 beers and a bottle of water which was $8.  Normal aquafina water.  Even the vendor who sold it to us was laughing about it and said how we have the most expensive drinks in the NFL he thinks.


The bathrooms were also empty.  I remember waiting in lines and lines to piss.  It would take all of halftime just to piss.  Well I went to the bathroom twice outside of halftime, and both times it was just me and maybe 2-3 other people.  The one sink I tried to use was broken as well lol.  At halftime, it was crowded but I didn't have to even wait, just walked in and took a piss.


Then the stadium itself was just as empty as expected, and we had mostly Titans fans around us, but it was fun banter.  There is no way in hell there were 51k people there.  I'd say like half lol.




Oh and the drive home still sucks.  We waited in line in the parking lot not moving for about 30 minutes.  They had no one out there guiding traffic or anything.  And then we sat even more on 495 in traffic.


Needless to say, I think that was my last time ever at a game at Fedex.  I only went because my brother had an extra ticket for me and he was taking his kids to their first NFL game, and his one son's favorite player is Derrick Henry.  It is sad to compare what it was like even back in 2011 compared to what it is now.  

Can only imagine the last game of the year, record of 1-15, cold, rainy, windy day in mid January. Pretty sad.

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6 hours ago, purbeast said:

There is no way in hell there were 51k people there.  I'd say like half lol.

I tend to believe the attendance figures that were published under Lafemina in 2018 and Wright since last year.


The 64K at the Philly game can be explained by all the Eagles fans that came down. It is interesting that we got over 58K in for Jacksonville and less than 52K for Tennessee. Losing three straight prior to the game must've taken the starch out of folks.


It'll be interesting to see how many for the Packer game. The last time they were here in 2018, granted the weather was crappy, but only around 3K than had shown up for the Colts the week prior. Guess what happens tonight will have some impact.

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11 minutes ago, hail2skins said:

I tend to believe the attendance figures that were published under Lafemina in 2018 and Wright since last year.


The 64K at the Philly game can be explained by all the Eagles fans that came down. It is interesting that we got over 58K in for Jacksonville and less than 52K for Tennessee. Losing three straight prior to the game must've taken the starch out of folks.


It'll be interesting to see how many for the Packer game. The last time they were here in 2018, granted the weather was crappy, but only around 3K than had shown up for the Colts the week prior. Guess what happens tonight will have some impact.

I don't.  I was there and saw how empty everything was.

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On 10/13/2022 at 12:25 PM, purbeast said:

an empty parking lot for tailgating.  We used to be in a stand still line on the beltway at 8:30am to get in at 9am.  This time we arrived at 9:30am or so and there was zippy traffic anywhere.  Parking lot was a ghost town too. It used to be packed where you couldn't even walk through it easily.  We had a HUGE open area the entire time, even when we were walking in at 12:15pm.  There were 5 outhouses in the green lot where we were and I never even had to wait to use one.  I used to have to go piss in the woods because the lines at the outhouses were like 10 deep.

Haven’t been since maybe grudens first year. 

That’s ****ing nuts. I mean I know we talk about it but it’s nuts to see when you spent every home game there for over a decade and it used to be as you described. 

On 10/13/2022 at 12:44 PM, purbeast said:


I was at this game we stayed until mid 3rd quarter. Most left at half time. 

The roads were bad but fine to drive if you’re not a dumb dumb. 

I loved going to games in these conditions. Felt like real football for some reason 

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On 10/12/2022 at 8:57 PM, Peregrine said:



Snyder is on the ropes and desperately needs to boost attendance numbers.


I implore all fans to stay home and show the league what we really think.  


I am a year older than Dan and I never thought there would be a day where I would be able to cheer for this team and have it not owned by Snyder unless I outlived him.


That day might not be all that far off after all!

Edited by ananoman
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I try to keep from posting stuff like this in general but right now, in this moment of all moments—any Washington fan who attends a home game right now is not contributing to The Cause and deserves to be ridiculed imo. 

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We need to have a 10,000 fan protest before the next game blocking traffic into the stadium complete with signs, bullhorns, paper mache effigies of Snyder being burned and kicked by toddlers, jugglers, go go dancers, drunks, fortune tellers, exhibitionists, clowns, itinerant preachers, con men,  minstrels, town criers, tap dancers, politicians seeking votes, smoke grenades, wet tee shirt contests, carnival barkers, confetti, snake oil salesmen hawking cures for various ailments, crap games, insertionists,  cage fights, free jugs if moonshine, wild horses rampaging on the loose, grifters, stink bombs, dog fights, homemade fireworks and most of all a constant chant of, "SELL THE TEAM! SELL THE TEAM! SELL THE TEAM!"




Edited by CommanderInTheRye
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2 hours ago, Conn said:

I try to keep from posting stuff like this in general but right now, in this moment of all moments—any Washington fan who attends a home game right now is not contributing to The Cause and deserves to be ridiculed imo. 


Bull fn ****


The stadiums were mostly if not entirely empty in 2020 because of COVID yet Snyder still pulled Hella profit because of revenue sharing from TV deals.


Folks want to get real, have to stop watching the games entirely or push local broadcasters to stop showing the games.


But honestly, at this point, there's more then enough **** on Snyder for the owners to jus grow some Balls and push him out.  There's already been a protest against going to games, look at this thread, it's not working because opposing fans take our place and Snyder makes that money regardless. 


Stop blaming fans for **** that's Snyder's fault. :angry:

Edited by Renegade7
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18 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:


Bull fn ****


The stadiums were mostly if not entirely empty in 2020 because of COVID yet Snyder still pulled Hella profit because of revenue sharing from TV deals.


Folks want to get real, have to stop watching the games entirely or push local broadcasters to stop showing the games.


But honestly, at this point, there's more then enough **** on Snyder for the owners to jus grow some Balls and push him out.  There's already been a protest against going to games, look at this thread, it's not working because opposing fans take our place and Snyder makes that money regardless. 


Stop blaming fans for **** that's Snyder's fault. :angry:

It’s not about the money, I don’t care that other teams’ fans buy those tickets. It’s not about the profits or lack thereof. It’s about the optics and the message sent. And it IS working, obviously.


Anyone who can’t make the short term sacrifice for the long term gain lacks self control imo, but this is a tough topic and I believed for years that regardless of how silly I thought they were, that people should spend their money how they want—which is why I said I've in general tried not to post on this topic—also because the resentment I feel towards these goofy fans isn't really fair or healthy. So I've rarely posted about it in recent years. 


But now? Right now? We're in the ****ing home stretch, show some damn solidarity. Going to a home game right now is like being a scab crossing the picket line. Join your brethren in showing the world each week how badly you want Snyder gone and how doomed this fanbase is if he stays. 

Edited by Conn
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16 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:


Bull fn ****


The stadiums were mostly if not entirely empty in 2020 because of COVID yet Snyder still pulled Hella profit because of revenue sharing from TV deals.


Folks want to get real, have to stop watching the games entirely or push local broadcasters to stop showing the games.


But honestly, at this point, there's more then enough **** on Snyder for the owners to jus grow some Balls and push him out.  There's already been a protest against going to games, look at this thread, it's not working because opposing fans take our place and Snyder makes that money regardless. 


Stop blaming fans for **** that's Snyder's fault. :angry:

We may not agree on much, but we do agree on this. 100%

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31 minutes ago, Conn said:


But now? Right now? We're in the ****ing home stretch, show some damn solidarity. Going to a home game right now is like being a scab crossing the picket line. Join your brethren in showing the world each week how badly you want Snyder gone and how doomed this fanbase is if he stays. 


**** yalls solidarity, where were yall when I had threads in the stadium and tailgate to setup an actual organized protest couple seasons ago?  Talking **** on how it was pointless and had better things to do, that's what.


My Dad is ill and asked to go to the Packers game to see Rodgers play at least once.  I already got the tickets and parking pass before this season, if I have roll him in there in a wheelchair (which we are seriously considering) yall jus gonna have to hate my ass then.


To belittle the remaining die hards because "we might be close" is easy to say behind fn keyboard.  It's not up to us anymore to get rid of Snyder, it never was, the ball is not in our court its in the owners, so cut the crap with this "lets play hardball together" nonsense.


Point the blame where it belongs, so sick of this fanbase cannibalizing bs when it comes to the best way to get rid of Snyder.  Doing nothing is fn easy, that's not a protest.

Edited by Renegade7
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3 hours ago, Renegade7 said:


**** yalls solidarity, where were yall when I had threads in the stadium and tailgate to setup an actual organized protest couple seasons ago?  Talking **** on how it was pointless and had better things to do, that's what.


My Dad is ill and asked to go to the Packers game to see Rodgers play at least once.  I already got the tickets and parking pass before this season, if I have roll him in there in a wheelchair (which we are seriously considering) yall jus gonna have to hate my ass then.


To belittle the remaining die hards because "we might be close" is easy to say behind fn keyboard.  It's not up to us anymore to get rid of Snyder, it never was, the ball is not in our court its in the owners, so cut the crap with this "lets play hardball together" nonsense.


Point the blame where it belongs, so sick of this fanbase cannibalizing bs when it comes to the best way to get rid of Snyder.  Doing nothing is fn easy, that's not a protest.


I hope it’s clear, but I’ll specify to be safe, that my post obviously wasn’t meant to denigrate the fulfillment of a sick man’s wish. I think it’s great you’re doing that for your dad and I hope he gets a hell of a game. Some things are bigger than a dumb sport. 

Obviously that is not the situation for the vast majority of the fans who continue to attend games. I think you know those are the fans I’m talking about. If I offended you, that wasn’t my intent and I apologize. But clearly that’s not the sort of situation I’m talking about, even if I can see why my comments would piss you off.

I do think it’s interesting how wildly divergent people’s perceptions can be—I’ll explain that in a moment—but that’s always something to keep in mind, and I should have done so when making my previous post. Hence, my disclaimer that this is a difficult topic upon which I know I have an unhealthy viewpoint.

Nevertheless, it is my viewpoint. So back to the wildly divergent perceptions—I’ll keep it short, but a tremendous example is that you consider, and specifically call out in your post above, the fans who still go and suffer through home games to be “the diehards”. Whereas I see the people willing to change and sacrifice their own habits and behavior in the hopes of an uncertain result that isn’t guaranteed on a timeline that isn’t known—the removal of Snyder—to be among the diehards. In the same way that I don’t consider the fans who root for every meaningless win in a lost season to be on some higher level and definitely “the diehards”, but I consider the fans who understand short term suffering for long term gain, who can look ahead and prioritize the potential of a higher draft pick that could catalyze an actual hopeful future, to be included in “the diehards” (but not the only ones, of course. It can’t actually be measured and shouldn’t be. People in both of these groups can be diehards, but to me it felt like you were making a distinction in a way that was important to you—maybe I’m incorrect on that).

That’s the nature of human beings, even when we’re 90% be on the same page about something—in this case our fandom—we can still find a way to be diametrically opposed on certain details within that. And that’s fine, we can disagree on it. 

I hope you and your dad enjoy the game and at least for that day, can put all this Snyder **** out of mind and just make some memories. That’s what we all want to be able to do some day—how we approach that and what coping mechanisms we use until he’s gone, I guess that’s where we differ. 

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4 hours ago, Conn said:

It’s not about the money, I don’t care that other teams’ fans buy those tickets. It’s not about the profits or lack thereof. It’s about the optics and the message sent. And it IS working, obviously.


Anyone who can’t make the short term sacrifice for the long term gain lacks self control imo, but this is a tough topic and I believed for years that regardless of how silly I thought they were, that people should spend their money how they want—which is why I said I've in general tried not to post on this topic—also because the resentment I feel towards these goofy fans isn't really fair or healthy. So I've rarely posted about it in recent years. 


But now? Right now? We're in the ****ing home stretch, show some damn solidarity. Going to a home game right now is like being a scab crossing the picket line. Join your brethren in showing the world each week how badly you want Snyder gone and how doomed this fanbase is if he stays. 

I'm a goofy fan😁

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If the team hadn't rebranded, and if I could still be planning to raise my boys as Redskins fans, I'd grab some deep discounted tickets and be happy to take them to a half empty stadium. I hate events that are too peopley, so it would be perfect. I'll never tell people to stay away. It's your team and your money. Be a fan in whatever way you want. 


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@Conn he had a bad day and I took it out on you, you didnt deserve that. I apologize, and apology accepted.


*sigh...in regards to what is a Diehard, my feeling on that has changed in context to how I've seen it thrown around over the years, and really wasnt focusing on a distinction in my reaponse to you (i dont intend to have the final say on that defintion, jus another opinion here).  I look at the thread and poll I started the other day and feel even more strongly now that if someone is still here having this conversation about what to do from here, they're a Die Hard, full stop.


And I mean that in a sense of how many people admitted to either already being done being a fan or open to it, but the vast majority being open to coming back as fans in some capacity.  What that tells me is a lot of people talk a good game, but we are all collectively just hoping for a miracle that this nightmare will come to an end someday in our own special ways.


We all agree or disagree on how to fix the franchise, specific parts of it and or big picture, but we could be done done and nobody posting here but that's not the case (im adamantly anti-tank,  but i understand a lot of people that arent want this franchise to save itself from itself as bad as i do).


As for folks going to the games still and my endless defense of them, I've lost count how many times I've gone to games and had conversations with folks that hit home the near total destruction of generational passing of Fandom here.  Folks who hold on to season tickets to take their Mom because it was their Dad's dying wish.  Guy I talked to at a Jets game we lost that was coming to every home game from rural Pennsylvania, but was starting to break down because his kids didn't want to come anymore.  I cannot put those folks on blast for still going.


That same game I wore my Sell the Team shirt and got it on TV, but right before that asked BMitch face to face what he thought about an organized protest.  He said that people have to be angry about this and that has to be clear and visible.  But he, like I later realized, believed the fan base had become too burnt out and apathetic to get that angry anymore.  What was reasonable for me to try two years ago I can't with a straight face say I'm open to commit to now with two kids under two, i have a family now, and thats a higher priority to me then fixing this mess.


So yea, I don't believe everyone that goes to games are going to get their peace, but some do, and it should be clear that what's happened the last 20 years is not their fault and it's not fair to insinuate that it is.  If going to games gives them peace, life is hard enough as it is, let them have that.


The NFL will not budge on what it cannot see, they are selfishly drowning in money and only things that threaten that seem to get their attention, not our constant pleas for help. 


What challenging people on what being a Die Hard means in a way to challenge whether one is one or not is to give people like Snyder exactly what they want, a disjointed fan base incapable of organizing any sort of threat to their hold on power. 


It is truly fascinating how many of us can disagree or agree on so many topics in the stadium and even tailgate then the last 15 minutes of the game our blood in in different places in our body that doesn't go back until it's over and we're back to our disjointed camps.  Big reason why I can't with a straight face tell people not to go to the games because it's like that on steroids in person. And I thought that's what sports are for, or at least one of the best parts about them.


Ill look for when a staged walkout right after kickoff is planned, like a primetime game, I would gladly take an L on my wallet to do that if folks were serious.  

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