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Huffpo: Explosive UFO Report In NYT Mentions 'Off-World Vehicles Not Made On This Earth'


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3 hours ago, justice98 said:



Personally, this is huge, but I'm sure it'll get spun as "nothing to see here".  It says the opposite to me.  The questions it raises and implications are enormous, even if it's not ETs.


Free NYT account gets you the article, BTW.


I found this interesting:  



But that is about the only conclusive finding in the classified intelligence report, the officials said.


If it's classified, shouldn't they be keeping their mouths shut about it?

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  • 2 weeks later...

The girlfriend and I went to Oregon this past week to visit some of her friends in Bend.  Amazing place, if you get a chance to go I highly recommend it.


We cut our trip short a day early and decided to spend a day in Portland before getting up early and flying back on Friday.  Drove back to Portland, dropped the rental car off at the airport and decided to take Lyfts/cabs around town instead if we needed to go further than walking distance from our hotel.


Walk out of the airport and there's a single cab sitting there, the cabbie looked straight out of Men In Black, one of those aliens disguised as a human.  Like, 6'6, maybe 150 pounds, coat-hanger shoulders and hands the size of tables, no doubt he could palm a basketball off the dribble.  We get in his cab (a Prius, of course) and immediately he starts in on how he was in central Oregon last week on a mushroom hunt.  Literally walking around the forest with a group of people looking for specific types of mushrooms and to top it off, he had some in his car in a bag and was doing a little show and tell with us while navigating traffic.  


It was certainly odd, but the guy was pleasant enough and I figured this was just some weird Pacific Northwest hippie granola type ****.  He had this really calm, monotone voice.


So after a moment of silence, I swear to God he goes "So what do you think about the government releasing intelligence reports on aliens soon?"  And I was like "Ummm, I'm all for it,"


Then he launches into this entire spiel about how the Navy has been in contact with aliens for years and that they know WAY more information than they're letting on.  And that aliens have been coming to this planet for 250 million years and their technology is that much more advanced than ours.  Also, when they make contact with us they'll have so much influence on us that it'll render all of our religions meaningless.  Apparently their spacecrafts can travel 30 light years in the span of minutes by somehow manipulating the space in front of them and behind them and can stop on a dime.


On and on and on he went.  My girlfriend and I nodded politely and agreed with him the whole way to the hotel.  Halfway through I wondered if HE was an alien, here on a scouting trip and that I should be as nice as possible so I'd be spared when our time comes.  Maybe my Lyft rating wasn't just based on the fact that I didn't eat or drink anything in the car and there was more at stake.


Hands down the weirdest cabbie/uber/lyft experience I've ever had.  

Edited by Spaceman Spiff
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  • 4 weeks later...

UFO chaser claims photo taken from International Space Station shows aliens circling above Earth


A popular Youtuber has claimed to have been sent evidence of UFOs circling Earth, captured by cameras from the International Space Station.


MrMBB333, also known as Earth Watchman, said the image reveals 10 unidentified objects “travelling with the space station”.


“The photo you see here behind me was sent in by Jeff. It‘s a screengrab from the International Space Station on 3 July 2021 8.30am,” the Youtuber with over half a million subscribers said in the 15 second clip.


“Ten unknown objects travelling with the space station above planet Earth.”


In reality, it could very well be an image of the Earth with some dots and circles added in to generate content for social media channels grasping at straws. It could also be real, in which case, we should probably prepare to parlay with our incoming alien overlords.



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U know in almost every armageddon/alien movie always has people that are in the movies in a weird bunker or rv with satellites hosting radio broadcasts like...I TOLD YALL THERE WERE ALIENS AND THEY WEE COMING..NOBODY BELIEVED ME...maybe we should believe them lol. Maybe that guy was really telling the truth.............you ever had that thought that maybe...just maybe....we were the crazy ones for not believin? I mean personally speaking I believe there are other life out there...but that the term life is so subjective to what we perceive. Like we always say oh well if this planet doesn't have water life cant sustain....yeah maybe to us. 

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On 6/13/2021 at 2:32 PM, Spaceman Spiff said:

The girlfriend and I went to Oregon this past week to visit some of her friends in Bend.  Amazing place, if you get a chance to go I highly recommend it.


We cut our trip short a day early and decided to spend a day in Portland before getting up early and flying back on Friday.  Drove back to Portland, dropped the rental car off at the airport and decided to take Lyfts/cabs around town instead if we needed to go further than walking distance from our hotel.


Walk out of the airport and there's a single cab sitting there, the cabbie looked straight out of Men In Black, one of those aliens disguised as a human.  Like, 6'6, maybe 150 pounds, coat-hanger shoulders and hands the size of tables, no doubt he could palm a basketball off the dribble.  We get in his cab (a Prius, of course) and immediately he starts in on how he was in central Oregon last week on a mushroom hunt.  Literally walking around the forest with a group of people looking for specific types of mushrooms and to top it off, he had some in his car in a bag and was doing a little show and tell with us while navigating traffic.  


It was certainly odd, but the guy was pleasant enough and I figured this was just some weird Pacific Northwest hippie granola type ****.  He had this really calm, monotone voice.


So after a moment of silence, I swear to God he goes "So what do you think about the government releasing intelligence reports on aliens soon?"  And I was like "Ummm, I'm all for it,"


Then he launches into this entire spiel about how the Navy has been in contact with aliens for years and that they know WAY more information than they're letting on.  And that aliens have been coming to this planet for 250 million years and their technology is that much more advanced than ours.  Also, when they make contact with us they'll have so much influence on us that it'll render all of our religions meaningless.  Apparently their spacecrafts can travel 30 light years in the span of minutes by somehow manipulating the space in front of them and behind them and can stop on a dime.


On and on and on he went.  My girlfriend and I nodded politely and agreed with him the whole way to the hotel.  Halfway through I wondered if HE was an alien, here on a scouting trip and that I should be as nice as possible so I'd be spared when our time comes.  Maybe my Lyft rating wasn't just based on the fact that I didn't eat or drink anything in the car and there was more at stake.


Hands down the weirdest cabbie/uber/lyft experience I've ever had.  


Think back very very carefully. Are you 100% sure it wasn't one of The Silence from Doctor Who?




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I can't imagine we'd have anything at all in common with an alien race that's literally hundreds of millions of years more advanced than us. That would be like me going up to a petri dish and saying "sup?" to some amoeba and then wondering why they weren't responding.


Also, it sounds like that cab dude was just repeating something he read about a hypothetical Alcubierre drive that he probably read online. The premise is basically compressing spacetime in front of the craft and expanding it behind so that "bubble" of spacetime the craft is in travels faster than light while the craft itself stays motionless within that spacetime pocket.

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  • 1 month later...


The Space Force Wants Nothing to Do With UFOs


The U.S. Space Force is being advanced as the lead service to investigate UFOs on behalf of the Pentagon. It’s a role the Space Force is reportedly pushing back on. While the new service is looking to formalize roles and missions, it is reluctant to take on one that is associated with hoaxes, urban legends, and little green men.


The Pentagon, according to Politico, is considering tasking the U.S. Space Force with investigating reports of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP), the new term for UFOs. This comes after Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen Hicks asked the armed services to pick one service to establish, “procedures to synchronize collection, reporting, and analysis on the UAP problem set.”


The U.S. Navy is currently taking the lead on UAP sightings, due to a number of sightings by Navy personnel between 2004 and 2015 that later came to light in the news media. Hicks acknowledged that the recent Pentagon UFO report “expanded significantly beyond the Secretary of the Navy’s purview,” implying that another service should take the lead instead.


The U.S. Space Force, a former official quoted by Politico says, is a logical choice to take the lead on UAPs. The Space Force “doesn’t have a geographic boundary” and it has access to surveillance technologies the other services lack.


But Space Force leaders may be reluctant to take on the task. The Space Force, created on December 20, 2019, has had a short and controversial life. Many believed the Space Force was created as a gimmick, with President Donald Trump uninvested in the idea except as a way to boost his political standing. The Space Force became the butt of jokes, memes, and cynical opinions.


While adding UAPs to the Space Force mission might seem like a natural fit, the service is hesitant to become associated with the world of UFOs. UFOs and aliens are often seen as the realm of science fiction. Despite thousands of reported sightings over the past eight decades, no firm answers exist on the reality of UFOs.


The problem with assigning the Space Force to investigate UAPs is that it implies UFOs actually come from the domain it is responsible for—space. Sightings of the planet Venus and other space-based phenomena aside, that can be viewed as an implicit endorsement, at least to some extent, of the alien origin theory.


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  • 4 weeks later...

‘What I saw that night was real’: is it time to take aliens more seriously?


In June, the US government published a long-awaited report into UFOs. Although the report did not, as many had hoped, admit to the existence of little green men, it did reveal that not only were objects appearing in our skies that the Pentagon – which controls the US military – could not explain, but some clearly pose “a safety of flight issue and may pose a challenge to US national security”.


The Pentagon also revealed that it has been taking UFOs so seriously that in 2007 it discreetly set up the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), which has been gathering data on Unexplained Aerial Phenomena (UAPs) ever since.


The unclassified version of the report (there was also a classified version seen only by US lawmakers) found “no clear indications that there is any non-terrestrial explanation” for the sightings. But neither did it rule it out. The report offered five typically mundane possible explanations for the UFOs and, crucially, one catch-all “other” bin.


It’s that “other” bin that has arrested the attention of stargazers and conspiracy theorists. If the US military has been quietly and seriously investigating UFOs (or, as the Pentagon would have it, UAPs) since 2007, and if the Pentagon’s official report cannot rule out the existence of extraterrestrials, is it time we looked again at claims of close encounters and the people who have made them?


Enthusiasm for UFOs and ETs has permeated popular culture ever since a US air force balloon crashed near Roswell in 1947. Conspiracy theorists confused the balloon for a UFO; the US government did a lousy job debunking those claims, and they quickly captured the public’s imagination. Fast forward to 1961, when Barney and Betty Hill told the world’s first alien abduction story.


Andrew Abeyta, professor of psychology at Rutgers University, co-authored We Are Not Alone, a study into why some of us want to believe in aliens. Abeyta explains that belief in aliens is akin to religiosity: unfounded beliefs in unfalsifiable ideas, which require a leap of faith. “People have a need to feel like their lives are meaningful, and these beliefs might suggest that there’s something bigger out there; there’s something more important going on,” Abeyta says.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Mind-blowing footage shows shape-shifting UFO hovering over US city creeping out locals


UFO watchers are stumped after mind-blowing footage captured a strange black shape hovering in the skies over a city in Illinois.


Aiyana, who asked that her second name be withheld, recorded the clip from the roof of her home in Chicago and is at a loss to explain it.


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  • 1 month later...

Pentagon announces new group to investigate reports of UFOs near certain military sites


In the wake of a UFO report last summer, the Pentagon has announced the formation of a new group that will investigate reports of UFOs close to sensitive military areas.


The new Airborne Object Identification and Management Synchronization Group will specifically look at reports of Unexplained Aerial Phenomena (UAP) near U.S. military facilities. UAP is the military term to describe what is known as UFOs or Unexplained Flying Objects.


"Incursions by any airborne object into our SUA (Special Use Airspace) pose safety of flight and operations security concerns, and may pose national security challenges," said a Pentagon press release using the term that includes restricted military airspace, military operations areas, firing ranges and places restricted for national security and other uses.


In a memo outlining the group's formation, Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen Hicks wrote that unidentified aerial phenomena in special-use areas "represents a safety of flight risk to aircrews and raises potential national security concerns."


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  • 2 weeks later...

Pilot Films 'Fleet Of UFOs' While Flying Over The Pacific


As pilots fly across the Pacific Ocean, there isn't much to see - clouds, the sea below, maybe an occasional other plane - but what a pair of pilots saw while cruising at 39,000 feet over the Pacific was strange enough for one of them to break out his camera and start filming.


In his video, the pilot captured three rows of strange moving lights that appear to be flying and rotating. Some rows have three lights in them, others have four, and at one point a dot fades from the front row but is replaced by one in a row lower down. After a few seconds, they all disappear.



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Aliens may have already VISITED Earth, bombshell Nasa report reveals as Pentagon ramps up hunt for UFOs


ALIENS may have already visited Earth, according to a jaw-dropping report by Nasa, which says the organisation is “not closed” to the possibility extraterrestrial life exists.


While the report said it had not yet found “any credible evidence” it said Nasa’s science missions were “working together with a goal to find unmistakable signs of life beyond Earth.”


The details were released under a Freedom of Information request to NASA by GovernmentAttic.org  and released on November 30, 2021.


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  • 1 month later...

New scientific paper claims octopuses are actually aliens from outer space


Octopuses are from space. I know, that sounds like the opening line of a cheesy science fiction movie from the black and white days of Hollywood. But it’s actually the main part of the argument behind a research paper published in an actual peer-reviewed journal. The paper was published in the journal Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology. Titled Cause of the Cambrian Explosion – Terrestrial or Cosmic?, the paper digs deep into the origin of life on Earth.


As a result, it posits that life began thanks to a rain of retroviruses, which literally fell from space. Those retroviruses then added new DNA sequences to terrestrial genomes, which the paper says further drove mutagenic change.


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Hidden UFO Found On Google Earth In South Africa


A satellite image captured by Google Earth shows a downed UFO in a remote part of South Africa.




Scott Waring, a self-proclaimed UFO expert, made the puzzling discovery after searching through the popular mapping service for strange and unusual objects that could be hiding in plain sight.


While surveying a desert area in South Africa, he came across an oval-shaped object surrounded by a small group of trees.


According to Waring, the object first appeared around May 2015, and at the time, there was a large circle embossed in the dirt around the oddity.


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1 hour ago, Jumbo said:



maybe the 'jesus was from outer space' people were right

Would put a whole new spin on the rapture right?  The good people fly off in rad space ships into an unknowable future while everyone left wrestles with the question “did we screw up or luck out?”  

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