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A New Start! (the Reboot) The Front Office, Ownership, & Coaching Staff Thread

Message added by TK,

Pay Attention Knuckleheads



Has your team support wained due to ownership or can you see past it?  

229 members have voted

  1. 1. Will you attend a game and support the team while Dan Snyder is the owner of the team, regardless of success?

    • Yes
    • No
    • I would start attending games if Dan was no longer the owner of the team.

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3 minutes ago, Zim489 said:

He doesnt have the capital...

We don’t actually have to go around and around and around on the Bezos vs. Jay Z vs. Brazilian crypto tycoon before we are even in need of a new owner, did you guys know that? All the arguments about Jay Z’s stock portfolio and his potential ownership groups have been made in the preceding pages 

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20 minutes ago, Conn said:

We don’t actually have to go around and around and around on the Bezos vs. Jay Z vs. Brazilian crypto tycoon before we are even in need of a new owner, did you guys know that? All the arguments about Jay Z’s stock portfolio and his potential ownership groups have been made in the preceding pages 

Fair enough. Pretty sure nobody has the capital except Bezos to that guy. 

Edited by Mrshadow008
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I missed the first SuperBowl in my lifetime tonight. Not because I had something more important to do, but I’ve been disgusted by this whole situation with Dan, including the NFL covering for him. I couldn’t bring myself to watch. 

it’s a small stand on my part. It is totally unnoticeable from the NFL’s view. Most people here won’t care that I intentionally missed the game. 

one of the many things about this whole situation that really pisses me off is I know people who stopped watching the nfl because Kap kneeled. They came back and started watching again. I made these people aware of the Snyder situation. They still watch and just say “I bet he’s not the only one.” The conversation implied that everybody does it, so it’s not that big of a deal. a man kneeling is worse than women being abused? **** off!!!

it is a big deal. Anytime a person is abused in any way, it is a big deal. Now, I know that it is really difficult to get rid of everything in your life that has crossed your morals. But, I’ve been taking a stand recently when I can, no matter how small. 

yes, there is probably some hypocrisy in this. I haven’t always been good and I don’t feel I’m above too many people. but it’s one of many small steps I have taken over the past couple of years to try to get my money going to good situations. Stuff I feel I can support. I got rid of AT&T products last year because they support and lift businesses up that goes against things I believe in. Same with Nestle products.


Anyways, In the meantime, I will reassess my time with the NFL. I’ll 100% be on board if Dan is forced to sell. Until then, I guess it’s just a keep track of the comings and goings with the team until I make up my mind about how far this will go for myself.


im not religious at all, but I am praying for a Dan sell.



Edited by Fan since a Fetus
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13 hours ago, Mrshadow008 said:

Not gonna post the exact comments or who they came but from what I was told was that Jason has made certain comments to people that make it sound like he might not be here long and also was told that the “joke” Dan made at the announcement about the name being the worst kept secret was 100% a shot at Jason. 

That comment from Dan was very pointed. I assumed it was towards Joe T. who I think run his mouth off about it days before.

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16 hours ago, bowhunter said:

I wonder effect any of this would have on the FA season. If Snyder is being forced out, would he sabotage the franchise in some form of petty revenge? Refuse to commit to any free agents? Mortgage the future to possibly improve the selling price? Fire RR and the existing FO?

So many questions here.

Of course it will. The collateral damage will be us losing. The distraction will prevent us from winning. Ron may just resign.


Good of us sucking; we will have a high draft pick for the new owner to get our franchise qb in 23/24 draft.



Thing is, if we really are close to Dan being forced to sell; it won’t happen easily or quickly. Dan will fight tooth and nail; kicking and screaming.


If he’s forced out; he’s going to take as many people with him.

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7 minutes ago, 88Comrade2000 said:

Of course it will. The collateral damage will be us losing. The distraction will prevent us from winning. Ron may just resign.


Good of us sucking; we will have a high draft pick for the new owner to get our franchise qb in 23/24 draft.


Thing is, if we really are close to Dan being forced to sell; it won’t happen easily or quickly. Dan will fight tooth and nail; kicking and screaming.


If he’s forced out; he’s going to take as many people with him.


The team has been losing so much for the last 20+ years, does it matter? Ron is not going to make this a winning team. Period. I have zero belief he will. Snyder taking out everyone he can isn't a bad thing. There isn't a single person worth keeping who's affiliated with him or this Front Office.

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52 minutes ago, JamesMadisonSkins said:

Rip off the bandaid and be done with it. 

The problem is at least some of the people who he will take with him are the same people who would be needed to vote him off the island.  


It's a conflict of their interest.


The more I think about it, the more I think if they decide he's got to go, and maybe they are getting there, they are going to find a way to pay him to go away.  I think the League is going to buy him out, and then sell the team.  I don't think he will sell to another owner directly.  And in the context of the deal, they will settle any potential litigation he might bring up-front, and there would be an NDA and a "you can't sue us" clause.


I wouldn't be shocked if the lawyers are working on that right now.  Dan will get a whole bunch of money, more than he deserves, and they will just buy his silence.


That is IF they have decided to move on.  I'll still believe it when I see it because I'm still extremely skeptical that the other 31 owners won't act in their own personal best interest, and that best interest is almost always the status quo.

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3 minutes ago, Voice_of_Reason said:

The problem is at least some of the people who he will take with him are the same people who would be needed to vote him off the island.  


It's a conflict of their interest.


The more I think about it, the more I think if they decide he's got to go, and maybe they are getting there, they are going to find a way to pay him to go away.  I think the League is going to buy him out, and then sell the team.  I don't think he will sell to another owner directly.  And in the context of the deal, they will settle any potential litigation he might bring up-front, and there would be an NDA and a "you can't sue us" clause.


I wouldn't be shocked if the lawyers are working on that right now.  Dan will get a whole bunch of money, more than he deserves, and they will just buy his silence.

Yep I posted about this the other day, wondering if it was a realistic possibility:


On 2/9/2022 at 3:57 PM, Conn said:

Can the league itself (the 31 other owners in partnership) purchase the team as stewards until they select and sell to a new owner, which would allow them to force Snyder into an NDA (since everyone seems to believe the thing that keeps them from acting is that he knows where the bodies are buried)? This isn’t much different than the usual process since the league needs to approve every new owner before a purchase is allowed anyways. The only difference is that in this hypothetical they get rid of Snyder before having to worry about a new owner, get it out of the news, and then they all make money off the re-sale. 

Basically a sort of compromise that gets Snyder over-paid, covers the other owners asses, and makes everyone money while not having to worry about someone wanting to buy directly from Snyder during all the controversy. And most importantly they get to very visibly and performatively look like they’re directly doing something about the abuses that occurred rather than trying to force a slow drawn out sale directly from Snyder that will have everyone up in arms the whole time. 


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1 minute ago, Conn said:

Yep I posted about this the other day, wondering if it was a realistic possibility:

Yeah, and I think I replied at that point I think that's what Baseball did with the Expos (now Nationals), though for other reasons.


I don't know what all the franchise agreement says between the NFL and the franchises (teams), but IF there was a clause which allowed for some number of franchise owners to vote out a single franchise owner, then there has to be a structure in place for that to happen.  And I would be absolutely SHOCKED if there wasn't something in the bylaws or other agreements which provides the ability for the parent company (NFL) to buy back a particular franchise.  


There are a few things to keep in mind in this scenario, however:


1.  They would have to appoint an individual "President/CEO" who had fiduciary responsibility for the team.  Because the league would then have to pay player's salaries, signing bonuses, etc.  This is tricky. There are inherently conflict of interest issues and competitive issues where the NFL owns one of the franchises.  The team will not be on equal footing with the other owner-led franchises. Additionally, they would have to determine who has final say on personnel in the organization, Head Coach, coaching staff, FO, business ops, etc.  It can't be Dan, and it probably isn't Jason Wright.  Those guys have to work for SOMEBODY, so that person needs to be identified.  

2. An agreement would probably have to be made with the Union as to how they would be able to operate from a financial perspective.  I don't think the union would be a huge obstacle, but they would have to be consulted to make sure they're not going to raise concerns about the NFL shorting players based on money's earned.

3. However, if the league operated the team for a year, let's say, the value they could charge to a buyer is most likely MORE than what they would have to pay to Dan to buy the team. So there is something to that.  


Now, if they do it for a period of a couple of months, it's probably easier.  However, I kindof think it would take longer than that for true and full change of ownership.  They will need to vet the new owner, make sure they have the money, figure out what the plans are for the stadium, the new owner would have to do due diligence and come up with a price, there are lots of lawyers involved...  I think to get it right, it would take some time.  Unless it's Bezos, in which case he could write a check and not really care about any of it tomorrow. Not that he WOULD.  Just that he COULD.  They would have to work out something with the Amazon Thursday Night package to make sure he's not double-dipping, but that's pretty easy.  Just about everybody else, it would be a real process.  


Again, I keep coming to this point: the easiest thing for the other 31 owners is to do nothing.  There needs to be an honest to God monetary reason for them to act, otherwise this whole thing is just an expensive headache.  If you've got a few Bills in the bank, why would you take on a headache unless you absolutely had to?


Now, if they can make the whole thing Rodger's headache without fear of reprisal, then I think they'd be happy to do that, because they sure as **** don't care about Rodger.  They'd dangle him over shark (With friggin' laser beams on their heads.) infested waters in an excessively slow dipping devise covered in chum to protect themselves. He's well compensated for that treatment. 

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15 hours ago, TK said:

Ahh screw it. I'll drop it for those that either haven't fully figured it out yet or just don't know.


The League put Jason in this job & Dan can not touch him.👀 ...errrr  Lemme rephrase... Dan can not fire him. This was part of his "punishment". 




Still shouldn't touch him or anyone else either



I wonder why people forgot than Jason was a league hire.

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1 hour ago, ntotoro said:


The team has been losing so much for the last 20+ years, does it matter? Ron is not going to make this a winning team. Period. I have zero belief he will. Snyder taking out everyone he can isn't a bad thing. There isn't a single person worth keeping who's affiliated with him or this Front Office.

I am not talking about anyone on the Commanders. I am talking about other NFL teams and NFL league office. We already took out the Raiders head coach.

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Watched the super bowl with some family friends last night, they brought up the common interest agreement, and I learned that it actually doesn’t mean what the media and most everyone else believes it means. 

It doesn’t give Dan veto power on the Wilkinson report. Yet, the Washington Post just says that as if it’s fact. That’s not at all what a common interest agreement does. 


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1 hour ago, Est.1974 said:

If Jason Wright really has been planted by the league, Dan is done. The whole rebrand is probably endorsed in line with how the league want to market us moving forward, and it’s now just a waiting game for Dan’s demise to slowly unfold. 


Brian Lafemina was supposedly a league plant, Snyder didn't care and ran him off.

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