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BBC: China pneumonia outbreak: COVID-19 Global Pandemic


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I'm done being upset, people are just ****ing crazy. This virus is killing people by the thousands and you have nuts out there screaming about their rights when there is a solid plan out there to contain the spread. 


Oh well

Edited by spjunkies
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Seeing certain people in government just completely ignore science and numbers from the professionals on this huge level is kind of amusing because I literally see the same thing at my job as a contractor doing software development for the government.  And I've seen it in the past 8 years that I've been in this industry.


I've been doing software engineering professionally since 2004 and am a lead on 2 projects right now, and I have a 60+ old lady who has no education of computer science trying to tell me how the database should be modeled and what computations should be done on the front end versus the backend.  And in the end, the product is for them so they can basically tell us what to do.  It's been a major headache for me on my current project, but thankfully I am a sub on a prime contract, and I have discussed this with the prime company and they have basically told me to do what I think is best.  


Too bad at this highest level that can't really happen.


Oh yeah, and this is the same government, that won't let me work from home right now and I have my work laptop about 6 inches from this one.  But instead they would rather pay me via the CARES act to sit at home and do nothing instead of sitting at home working.  Oh and I have asked if I can work on my project "in my spare time" since I am now getting paid, and I don't really want to get too far behind and forget what I've been working on.  But nope, they won't even let me work on it "for fun" even though, again, it's all stuff I could do right now on my work computer 6 inches away from me.


Our government is just completely incompetent on so many levels.

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6 minutes ago, spjunkies said:

I'm done being upset, people are just ****ing crazy. This virus is killing people by the thousands and you have nuts out there screaming about their rights when there is a solid ppan out there to contain the spread. 


Oh well

They truly deserve what is coming to them. I hope they find joy, instead of the hatred they seem to always carry, as their days are numbered.

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1 hour ago, Mr. Sinister said:

Every man/woman for themselves.


Nah, we can do better.


Every man/woman for those who are worth a damn and trying to protect people precious to them. Like our doctors and nurses and grocery store people and those who gave the GOP the middle finger in Wisconsin. 


There are people worth protecting and fighting for. Let’s not throw the baby out with the **** water.  

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2 minutes ago, Bacon said:

House Democrats are arguing that my wife and I and our daughter deserve an extra $4500 a month for doing absolutely nothing different than we already are. 


And who am I to argue with them? 🤔

Take care of yourselves. And post more pics of Steph. 💜

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1 hour ago, Skintime said:

They truly deserve what is coming to them. I hope they find joy, instead of the hatred they seem to always carry, as their days are numbered.


Problem is that the people who they then infect, and the people that those people then infect, didn't deserve it. 


I don't give two wet farts if some MAGA jackwagons want to "own the libs" by actively refusing to follow stay at home orders and/or social distancing guidelines, then getting the virus and possibly dying. But I DO care about the fact that before they become worm food many of them will become brand new vectors for the spread of the virus to others who had nothing to do with the original idiots' stupidity. 


That's the thing that the "BUT MUH FREEDUMS!" tools either don't seem to get or don't seem to care about. 

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Speaking of murder charges, I hope the people around the country who are intentionally gridlocking the streets and preventing ambulances with COVID-19 patients from getting to hospitals in a timely manner get charged with negligent homicide if those people in the ambulance die due to not getting care in time.

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25 minutes ago, visionary said:



This is par for the course for Trump. Do something idiotic based on an emotional whim, then reverse course when there's huge blowback that could make him look bad.


And of course he'll come out and say it was other people who wanted Crozier relieved of command and that he had nothing to do with it and had wanted Crozier to stay in charge since the beginning. 

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"There's also death involved in keeping it closed," Trump says again. He refers to suicides, and "people that didn't take drugs and now they're becoming drug-addicted because they have no job."




There's no "death" caused by keeping the economy closed -- isn't it only "death" because of how our society is structured?  

Kind've feel like a Monty Python skit if I say this but -- yes, only the landowner classes may experience "life", everyone who works for them gets "death".  

So get back to work, or "die".  


How upside down is our culture.  I get it -- there's no "utopia" but we don't even pretend.... 

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I admire all the posting here of tweets and articles but this info rarely crosses ideological lines. If you only get your news from Fox News or Breitbart you're not getting any numbers or reporting on deaths. You get conspiracy theories and coverage of some protest in Michigan. It's the epitome of being uninformed in the information age. And no, as much as "conservatives" want you to believe, there are other media outlets beyond CNN/NYT/WaPo all along the political spectrum. In fact, on Fox News online the only mention of a number of cases/deaths is buried way down and it's about how NYC is inflating numbers.

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13 minutes ago, Elessar78 said:

I admire all the posting here of tweets and articles but this info rarely crosses ideological lines. If you only get your news from Fox News or Breitbart you're not getting any numbers or reporting on deaths. You get conspiracy theories and coverage of some protest in Michigan. It's the epitome of being uninformed in the information age. And no, as much as "conservatives" want you to believe, there are other media outlets beyond CNN/NYT/WaPo all along the political spectrum. In fact, on Fox News online the only mention of a number of cases/deaths is buried way down and it's about how NYC is inflating numbers.

They must assuming they're going to get us too via community spread anyway, so why bother.  So long as the economy is ok.

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Best Buy Will Furlough 51,000 Workers.

Starting April 19, nearly all of Best Buy’s part-time employees will be furloughed without pay. It will retain 82% of its full-time employees and field employees on its payroll. Those affected will keep their health benefits at no cost, for at least three months.


My son worked part-time for Best Buy. 


Looks like Best Buy didn't get the Trump's memo about opening up the economy on May 1st. 


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