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BBC: China pneumonia outbreak: COVID-19 Global Pandemic


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26 minutes ago, visionary said:

So...I just came back from a shopping run here in Rehoboth and everything is pretty normal, except maybe more crowded.  Theaters were pretty crowded too from what I could tell as we drove by. There was hand sanitizer and wipes in some places at least and one lady at a checkout counter was wearing gloves. Other than that you wouldn't know there was a pandemic happening in this country.


 Kroger here was fairly normal, though all the bread, lunchmeat and the whole TP/paper towel aisle was bare ...no bleach or dishsoap either.....plenty of other food and stuff


looked like the chicken was pretty much all gone

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This whole thing is so strange.


I mean, when it boils down to it... it's a strain of the flu. The pneumonia part makes it hit a lot harder.


But all of these precautions are things we as a society should be trying to do to shield the elderly and those with weaker immune systems from even the regular flu.


Obviously, the "newness" (I use that phrase, but all levels of government and all parties have let us down here, guys. This ain't bipartisan. This is just poor governmenting) is a significant concern. The rate this thing is spreading is a concern. The incubation period is a big concern.


But it's all so poorly handled.


Companies are sending direct employees home, paid, to "work remotely", while having the pissheads go in and complete physical tasks to try to keep the cash flow coming in, with the only check being a questionnaire at the gate. Seriously. A questionnaire.


That'll keep the virus out. A bunch of folks who don't get paid if they don't work filling out a questionnaire. What could go wrong?


I think we, for the most part, survive this thing fairly strong... But at the very least, if this isn't a warning shot for some real serious stuff for our government, I guess I don't know what to say anymore. Imagine if a country really tried some biological warfare **** on us... This has proven that we are totally underprepared for any threat in the disease department. 

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1 hour ago, GOSKINS_08 said:

So how long until we as a country shut down? Work and all.

I would say that here in France we're 3 days away from it as it's becoming more and more viral. Numbers are still low, but rising and fear is taking over the country (and stupidity too).


38 minutes ago, visionary said:

So...I just came back from a shopping run here in Rehoboth and everything is pretty normal, except maybe more crowded.  Theaters were pretty crowded too from what I could tell as we drove by. There was hand sanitizer and wipes in some places at least and one lady at a checkout counter was wearing gloves. Other than that you wouldn't know there was a pandemic happening in this country.

For once, you guys seemed to be one or two week late from us. Don't worry, it'll happen soon enough. Luckily for us, our guys at the helm seems to be more concerned and aware than the guy with the wig....

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My wife just told me something intetesting.  Because it can spread without symotoms, they recommended mandtory testing at all workplaces.  They were shocked when people were tested asymtomatic and were Covid 19 positove. 


Meanwhile.... POTUS is saying don't get tested...


Edit:  opps!!! She is from South Korea.. so this happened in South Korea.  

Edited by Fergasun
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2 minutes ago, KDawg said:

This whole thing is so strange.


I mean, when it boils down to it... it's a strain of the flu. The pneumonia part makes it hit a lot harder.


But all of these precautions are things we as a society should be trying to do to shield the elderly and those with weaker immune systems from even the regular flu.


Obviously, the "newness" (I use that phrase, but all levels of government and all parties have let us down here, guys. This ain't bipartisan. This is just poor governmenting) is a significant concern. The rate this thing is spreading is a concern. The incubation period is a big concern.


But it's all so poorly handled.


Companies are sending direct employees home, paid, to "work remotely", while having the pissheads go in and complete physical tasks to try to keep the cash flow coming in, with the only check being a questionnaire at the gate. Seriously. A questionnaire.


That'll keep the virus out. A bunch of folks who don't get paid if they don't work filling out a questionnaire. What could go wrong?


I think we, for the most part, survive this thing fairly strong... But at the very least, if this isn't a warning shot for some real serious stuff for our government, I guess I don't know what to say anymore. Imagine if a country really tried some biological warfare **** on us... This has proven that we are totally underprepared for any threat in the disease department. 

Reading this, that's almost how I feel and would say that it's not dedicated to US.


I mean, we did spend the day voting for mayors today, when we decided to lock down schools starting monday. Employees are send home doing home office, if they can. So that's weird also. But that's rising fast and word out here in France is that the Virus will go through half the population or something close to it as it seems most are healthy patient that don't develop it but can still spread, which is kinda scary in itself.


This stuff have been loosely taken care off from the beginning, starting with China, then Italy. With lockdown being a few days ago (as early as wednesday, probably), I don't expect this to go back to normal before May at best, most likely June if China serves as a good example.  And it seems some are using this to make money out of this as the german newspaper Die Welt published stuff of the US Gov. trying to lure a german company working on the vaccin to sell it to them only??? That's even more scary though not suprising at all...

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17 minutes ago, Fergasun said:



My wife just told me something intetesting.  Because it can spread without symotoms, they recommended mandtory testing at all workplaces.  They were shocked when people were tested asymtomatic and were Covid 19 positove. 


Meanwhile.... POTUS is saying don't get tested...


I bet a lot of people have it and are totally asymptomatic. 


Which is why it's smart to play it safe, but not be terrified. Watch who YOU are in contact with. Understand that you could have been infected 10 days ago and already infected others, or vice versa. Not much you can do besides be smart about who/what you come into contact with and take precautions like any sane human would be doing. 


The fear is the craziest part here. Some people are scared and it makes sense, for sure. But the mass hysteria is crazy to me. Like... Yeah man, be nervous about going to a St. Patrick's Day parade with crazy drunks who slobber all over when they talk. Be nervous about how easy it is to spread in big groups. Be cautious in how you move forward with slowing the spread in this thing...


But the freakin' toilet paper! Why? Why the toilet paper!? Why are people terrified to go outside?


Limit interactions the best you can, but live your life as normally as possible with the understanding that now isn't a good time to make unnecessary contact with people. 


I'm for the stuff they're doing with school closings and stuff. It's freakin' smart. But the mass panic. Good grief. 


I literally saw a video at a local restaurant where 30 people were fighting each other because of some non sense. That doesn't look like social distancing to me! The hell is wrong with people?


EDIT: I have 2 young kids. I am afraid they're going to get it. But I am mentally prepared for it happening. Who knows, I could have it and have no idea already. Or their Mom can. Or anyone who has seen them. That's the reality here. We need to be as prepared as we can... Take care of our selves and be mindful of the public. But I can't be afraid to function normally, just more anti-socially. Buddies want to grab a beer? Sorry fellas, no beers tonight. I want to go for a walk by myself? Yeah, sure. Why not?

Edited by KDawg
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On 1/21/2020 at 5:56 PM, Destino said:

Media's really running with this one, but it doesn't seem to be all that terrifying.  Am I missing something?

I posted that on a January 21st, less than two months ago.  In that time, this went from China’s problem to schools being closed, working from home, and Americans fighting over groceries at the store.  

Life comes at you fast.

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1 minute ago, Destino said:

I posted that on a January 21st, in less than two months we went from China’s problem to schools being closed, working from home, and Americans fighting over groceries at the store.  

Life comes at you fast.



At least, we're not fighting zombies yet!

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54 minutes ago, KDawg said:

This whole thing is so strange.


I mean, when it boils down to it... it's a strain of the flu. The pneumonia part makes it hit a lot harder.


But all of these precautions are things we as a society should be trying to do to shield the elderly and those with weaker immune systems from even the regular flu.


Obviously, the "newness" (I use that phrase, but all levels of government and all parties have let us down here, guys. This ain't bipartisan. This is just poor governmenting) is a significant concern. The rate this thing is spreading is a concern. The incubation period is a big concern.


But it's all so poorly handled.


Companies are sending direct employees home, paid, to "work remotely", while having the pissheads go in and complete physical tasks to try to keep the cash flow coming in, with the only check being a questionnaire at the gate. Seriously. A questionnaire.


That'll keep the virus out. A bunch of folks who don't get paid if they don't work filling out a questionnaire. What could go wrong?


I think we, for the most part, survive this thing fairly strong... But at the very least, if this isn't a warning shot for some real serious stuff for our government, I guess I don't know what to say anymore. Imagine if a country really tried some biological warfare **** on us... This has proven that we are totally underprepared for any threat in the disease department. 


I'm banking on a political Renaissance.  Otherwise this will only be a dry run for what comes next, and in that scenario,  America ain't gonna make it.

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I don't think it can be stressed enough to the low risk group that we are not doing social distancing because we fear what happens to us, but because we fear what we could be doing to the high risk group.  This thing spreads among asymptomatic to mildly symptomatic people.  We have to try our best to not catch it in the first place.


Did the WH presser mention the new CDC guidelines?  Seems like that's something the POTUS himself should be emphasizing to people (especially for the benefit of his skeptical supporters).

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1 hour ago, twa said:


 Kroger here was fairly normal, though all the bread, lunchmeat and the whole TP/paper towel aisle was bare ...no bleach or dishsoap either.....plenty of other food and stuff


looked like the chicken was pretty much all gone



Safeway in San Jose - toilet paper and paper towels aisle completely bare.   Glad I bought a big pack of both from Costco like 3 weeks ago, should last me for months especially if I'm careful not to use too much.   It looks like people started raiding the napkins too. 


All eggs and most bread gone.   Some flour, but no yeast.  Alot of canned veggies sold out.  Packs of water gone.  Milk was fine.  Very little on sale, though i did take advantage of of a 10/$10 deal on 2-liter sodas. 

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