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3 hours ago, Voice_of_Reason said:


I'll grant you, they should have done Terry earlier.  But also, let's set context:


- They had NO idea how much cap room they were going to have, because they were going to make a swing for Wilson at the very least.  They didn't know if they were going to connect. 

- Even though the team said they were going to wait until after the draft, if I was Terry, there was no way I would sign a deal not knowing who the QB was going to be.  (Caveat, he HAS to sign a deal.  But if they had signed Mitch and drafted Pickett, if I'm Terry, I politely ask for a trade immediately rather than staying.  Wentz is a competent NFL QB who throws a good deep ball, so that probably eases the QB issue for Terry.


Now, if it was me, I would have offered him a contract the day after the season with as low a cap hit as possible for this year, and made Terry turn it down.  I don't know why they didn't do that.  I think this is my criticism of Ron and the FO, they aren't able to do more than one thing at the same time.  Their first priority was QB.  They totally dropped the ball on McKissic and Settle.  They got McKissic back.  I don't think they cared so much about Settle, but they did drop the ball there.  Then it was the draft.  Then it was re-signing players. 


I think what we're seeing with Don Ron is everything seems to be single tracked.  Having an independent GM might help in this scenario.  Shrug.  But that's not what we've got.  


I do wonder if what's taking so long right now is Ron has been completely focused on the OTAs, Mini-camp and coaching the team that he just doesn't have time for the Terry negotiations, and he isn't empowering Rob Rodgers, or Marty or Martin to do it without him.  If that's the case, then I'd expect to see movement the week after next, as mini-camps are over.  


To your point Snyder is an idiot, he's not.  He is a horrific manager, and a horrific GM.  But you don't luck into being a Billionaire by the time you're 33 years old.  He understands marketing, he understands revenue and he can read a P/L and Balance Sheet, and he understands revenue creation.  He absolutely can read the jersey sales numbers for his team (which are way down) and see who's at the top.  I know everybody wants to just paint him as having a 4th grade intellect.  He doesn't.  He's plenty smart, and he's plenty shrewd.  He's also plenty arrogant.  He's never had to run anything in his life, and he's a TERRIBLE executive, and he's a TERRIBLE football person.  


But I think he knows the financial benefit of re-signing Terry vs. the cost of not doing so.  And frankly, that isn't giving him a hell of a lot of credit.  A first year marketing student at podunk university in Eureka Kansas could figure that out.  So it's not like I'm saying he's Einstein or something.  


EDIT: I really hate that you're putting me in a position to come off as DEFENDING Snyder. I'm not.  And you suck.  I hope you get a paper cut and pour lemon juice on it  :P



They could have pushed this after the Wentz deal.  The Panthers resigned Moore who has almost the identical stats as Terry right around the same time as the Wentz trade.


I used to think Ron botched this and said so months ago before we got to this point.  Now, with further evidence I think its Dan who likely botched this.  The irony is i got almost no push back when blaming Rob but I do get pushback when blaming Dan for this.  :ols:  Weird.  But if i find out it is Ron, I do think he's a moron about this.  Sorry.  And as you know i am a big Ron fan.  But I suspect it wasn't Ron. 


The smoke makes so much more sense around Dan.  And yeah I don't think its a wild coincidence that most of his big resigns over the years happened during the summer even before Ron.   But I am leaving the door open that Ron is the moron in this case.  All he had to do it let Rob Rogers negotiate this.  Ron doesn't do the negotiating.   So in the past I accused Ron in this context of not being able to walk and chew gum at the same time -- but in retrospect that accusation makes little sense considering it doesn't really put anything more on Ron's plate. 


I would take them off the hook if they tried to negotiate and Terry's side rebuffed them.  But multiple reporters said, it was actually a WP story, the team didn't even broach the negotiation so when Ron said from the jump that they'd deal with Terry later, and beat guys said from the jump they were hearing they won't push this until after the draft at the earliest but more likely the summer -- that clearly wasn't BS. That script was played out. 


Even though Dan is indeed IMO stupid.  I suspect it was more driven by Dan (along with some other owners) like to punt until later on some contracts for financial reasons as Albert Breer directly suggested in an article.  Breer is almost as dead on accurate typically as Schefter, he is also VERY plugged in with Ron.  It was Breer who was the kicker for me to move the blame from Ron to Dan after me blowing off the other talk about this which also led to Dan. 


So it my book either Ron is to blame or Dan.  i started with Ron.  but now i am squarely on Dan until evidence points my elsewhere.  But again my mind is open that its all on Ron and if so its the dumbest thing he's done IMO since he's been here.  But I'd bet on dumb stuff more likely emanating from the owner, the Village Idiot, than Ron who seems to have a good head on his shoulders but will see. 

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24 minutes ago, Skinsinparadise said:

So it my book either Ron is to blame or Dan.  i started with Ron.  but now i am squarely on Dan until evidence points my elsewhere.  But again my mind is open that its all on Ron and if so its the dumbest thing he's done IMO since he's been here.  But I'd bet on dumb stuff more likely emanating from the owner, the Village Idiot, than Ron who seems to have a good head on his shoulders but will see. 

And I’m the opposite. Im saying it’s Ron until there is a reason to think differently.


But regardless, at this point, it just needs to get done.


I kindof am falling into the camp Ron can only do one thing at a time.  First was QB, then we’re other FAs, then draft, then prepping for OTAs and mini-camp.  Then he’ll deal with Terry, and maybe Daron.  

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10 minutes ago, Voice_of_Reason said:

And I’m the opposite. Im saying it’s Ron until there is a reason to think differently.


But regardless, at this point, it just needs to get done.


I kindof am falling into the camp Ron can only do one thing at a time.  First was QB, then we’re other FAs, then draft, then prepping for OTAs and mini-camp.  Then he’ll deal with Terry, and maybe Daron.  

I hate the report that Terry hasn't even received an offer yet. Maybe that means something different than I think it means. Maybe it means that the agent is saying they haven't received a "credible" offer yet, but this isn't the first time we've heard that. We heard that with McKissic and a number of other free agents, too. 


It's damn hard to get a deal if you don't negotiate.

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15 minutes ago, Voice_of_Reason said:

And I’m the opposite. Im saying it’s Ron until there is a reason to think differently.


But regardless, at this point, it just needs to get done.


I kindof am falling into the camp Ron can only do one thing at a time.  First was QB, then we’re other FAs, then draft, then prepping for OTAs and mini-camp.  Then he’ll deal with Terry, and maybe Daron.  


I know you put it on Ron.


I used to put it on Ron.  And I'll say if this ends up on Ron he gets an F from me as for how he handled this.  He's not a stupid guy but handled this like a moron if so.  If I find out he was the driver of this, I will no longer give Ron the benefit of the doubt the way I typically do.


But right now 90% of the information in my book points this at Dan including the thought that I don't think Breer just makes statements for kicks (the same way I don't think Keim makes statements for no reason -- not that Keim has weighed in on this issue but if he does no matter who he points it at, Ron or Dan, I'll believe him).


I'd say for me right now 90% chance its Dan.  10% chance its on Ron based on the information I digested.  I used to feel the opposite. 


I'll be gravely dissapointed though if it ends up Ron because it will make me question a lot about him which I don't question right now.  If its Dan its par for the course.


4 minutes ago, Burgold said:

I hate the report that Terry hasn't even received an offer yet. Maybe that means something different than I think it means. Maybe it means that the agent is saying they haven't received a "credible" offer yet, but this isn't the first time we've heard that. We heard that with McKissic and a number of other free agents, too. 


It's damn hard to get a deal if you don't negotiate.


The haven't seen an offer I think is in the past.  I believe they are now negotiating finally. 

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10 minutes ago, Burgold said:

I hate the report that Terry hasn't even received an offer yet. Maybe that means something different than I think it means. Maybe it means that the agent is saying they haven't received a "credible" offer yet, but this isn't the first time we've heard that. We heard that with McKissic and a number of other free agents, too. 


It's damn hard to get a deal if you don't negotiate.

I think it means at the moment, they haven't agreed on a comparable contract so they aren't sending over an offer.


That's what I think it means.


When they agree on a comparable contract, it will move quickly. 

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It seems like the same argument on repeat, over and over and over. Some people never want to believe that Dan Snyder has his input in everything. Like in the Bruce Allen thread, or the Shanahan threads before that. Yet eventually everybody finds out that he does.


When the waiting around only benefits the owner it's odd that you would then believe that the coach is likely just an idiot. 

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9 minutes ago, Skinsinparadise said:

But right now 90% of the information in my book points this at Dan including the thought that I don't think Breer just makes statements for kicks (the same way I don't think Keim makes statements for no reason -- not that Keim has weighed in on this issue but if he does no matter who he points it at, Ron or Dan, I'll believe him).

I haven't seen anything at all "reported" about this at all.  Everything I've seen has been speculation.  Granted, I didn't read the Breer piece carefully, but I don't think he said "I have been told by sources that the Commanders are slow playing the contract for financial reasons."


What I think I remember is "owners don't like to put huge amounts of money into escrow, so they delay them, and that might be a reason the Commanders are doing this."  (I'm completely paraphrasing.


If it has been REPORTED by anybody, please just point me to the place where it has been reported.


Everything else is speculation. Based on facts, sure, but still speculation.


And please note, I'd PREFER to put it on Dan than Ron.  I like Ron.  I don't like Dan. 


But I think I'd almost prefer that Ron screwed this up than Dan screwed it up, because ideally Dan is not doing anything to screw anything up, because he's not doing anything except saying "yes, ok, where do I sign the check."  


Ron screw ups doesn't mean complete and total dysfunction.  Dan screw ups do. 

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4 minutes ago, Voice_of_Reason said:

When they agree on a comparable contract, it will move quickly. 


I wonder what the comparable contract was back in January, haha. I bet it was well under 20M a season. Now they have to be looking at some crazy numbers.

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6 minutes ago, SkinsFTW said:

It seems like the same argument on repeat, over and over and over. Some people never want to believe that Dan Snyder has his input in everything. Like in the Bruce Allen thread, or the Shanahan threads before that. Yet eventually everybody finds out that he does.


When the waiting around only benefits the owner it's odd that you would then believe that the coach is likely just an idiot. 

I think my point is that I don't have enough evidence to blame anybody BUT Ron.  


There's absolutely nothing but speculation that it's anything other than Ron.  Ron said they are being careful with the cap, and said when they were going to do it.  


If it is Dan, it's Dan.  Somebody will find out if it's Dan.  


But Dan's track record has NEVER been not to spend big money on players he wants.  They overpaid for everybody because Dan wanted to for YEARS.  So now there is an opportunity to pay a popular guy in house and he doesn't want to?  I dunno.  It seems to run counter to what his instincts would be.  


Remember, this is the guy who gave Albert Haynsworth the richest DT contract in the league on the first day of FA, with record guarantees.  And he didn't mind putting it in escrow then.  

4 minutes ago, SkinsFTW said:


I wonder what the comparable contract was back in January, haha. I bet it was well under 20M a season. Now they have to be looking at some crazy numbers.

Yeah, they should have done it in Jan. And they would have looked better had they given him something, but Terry was not going to sign anything in Jan.


EDIT: however, don't believe the contract numbers bandied about.  Brown did not ACTUALLY get a $25M/Year AAV.  They back-loaded $30M of salary into 2026 in order to get to the AAV for his ego.  His actual AAV without the 2026 (which he will never get, they will cut him or extend him before they pay him that) is $17M.  Which isn't unreasonable.


There has been a ton of terrible reporting going on about the WR contracts.  Moore's contract is actually probably worth more than Brown's, and his AAV is $19M.


In the end, I'm not sure it really cost them that much to wait, but that's not really a flashy story, so it's not going to get reported.  

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17 minutes ago, Voice_of_Reason said:

I think my point is that I don't have enough evidence to blame anybody BUT Ron.  


There's absolutely nothing but speculation that it's anything other than Ron.  Ron said they are being careful with the cap, and said when they were going to do it.  


If it is Dan, it's Dan.  Somebody will find out if it's Dan.  


But Dan's track record has NEVER been not to spend big money on players he wants.  They overpaid for everybody because Dan wanted to for YEARS.  So now there is an opportunity to pay a popular guy in house and he doesn't want to?  I dunno.  It seems to run counter to what his instincts would be.  


Remember, this is the guy who gave Albert Haynsworth the richest DT contract in the league on the first day of FA, with record guarantees.  And he didn't mind putting it in escrow then.  


I spent enough time explaining the differences between signing FAs and keeping your own.  The context is totally different.  One situation is where you have no choice to land the fish, the other situation you can control when you go fishing.  Albert Breer isn't an idiot -- he explained why some owners wait on these in house contracts.  You can't wait in FA.  Others in the business have talked about it too.  Nothing wild here.


I also disagree with the premise that Dan's financial circumstances this year is nothing different than any year in the past.   Because I'd have to believe that as well if the idea is to give Dan the benefit of the doubt.


Don't get me wrong, I actually do think they get a deal done.  Dan is VERY stupid.  But I think even he gets that it would be a PR disaster not to get a deal done with Terry.  But yes I do think he punted to the summer not Ron.  I don't think its some wild random coincidence that Kerrigan, Trent, J Allen all had their contracts done in the summer.  And no i don't think its because Dan has some fascination for doing business in the summer for purely random reasons.


And again if its Ron as you want to saddle this with, he's on the hot seat with me.  But I am on the opposite side of this from you, to me its absolutely on Dan until I hear otherwise.   Breer basically implied it was Dan.  Ron can't sell out his boss publicly.  But Ron and Breer are close -- tough for me to believe that it was just random spitballing from Breer considering its not his style to do so. 

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31 minutes ago, Skinsinparadise said:


I spent enough time explaining the differences between signing FAs and keeping your own.  The context is totally different.  One situation is where you have no choice to land the fish, the other situation you can control when you go fishing.  Albert Breer isn't an idiot -- he explained why some owners wait on these in house contracts.  You can't wait in FA.  Others in the business have talked about it too.  Nothing wild here.


I also disagree with the premise that Dan's financial circumstances this year is nothing different than any year in the past.   Because I'd have to believe that as well if the idea is to give Dan the benefit of the doubt.


Don't get me wrong, I actually do think they get a deal done.  Dan is VERY stupid.  But I think even he gets that it would be a PR disaster not to get a deal done with Terry.  But yes I do think he punted to the summer not Ron.  I don't think its some wild random coincidence that Kerrigan, Trent, J Allen all had their contracts done in the summer.  And no i don't think its because Dan has some fascination for doing business in the summer for purely random reasons.


And again if its Ron as you want to saddle this with, he's on the hot seat with me.  But I am on the opposite side of this from you, to me its absolutely on Dan until I hear otherwise.   Breer basically implied it was Dan.  Ron can't sell out his boss publicly.  But Ron and Breer are close -- tough for me to believe that it was just random spitballing from Breer considering its not his style to do so. 

Another thing that possibly could be playing into the possibility of Dan being cash strapped at the moment was redoing the field at Fed Ex last offseason. On top of the obvious big new fancy loan he had to take out he also dropped 250 million to completely rebuild the field from the bottom up. Thats not exactly chump change.

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So I saw someone post this theory on Twitter and it’s interesting and actually might make quite a bit of sense. So the theory the guy brought up is what if it’s not the $ that’s holding the deal up but the years? Think about it Terry is 27. What if Terry and his agent only want a 3 year deal and team wants say a 5 year deal? A 3 year deal makes a ton of sense from Terrys perspective as it means he would hit the market again at 30 while still on the likely downside of his prime but still his prime. It would also allow Terry an out if the team can’t get the qb situation right 

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To me everyone in the front office is responsible for this debacle but it does start with Ron because he has the final say. I think he’s playing hardball a bit and being reactive as opposed to proactive! 

Look at the JD situation. The team didn’t even make an offer and then the Bills swooped in with a modest offer. Thankfully JD wanted to stay here so we just matched the deal. I bet you we could have signed him for less if only we had made an offer. WTF Ron?!?!


At this point even if we resign Terry this will leave a bad taste in his mouth and a lot of the young guys. Forget about high level free agents wanting to come here. Russell Wilson probably saw this and steered clear.

RON:  You need to take care of your homegrown talent! Period!!

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8 minutes ago, skinsfan93 said:

To me everyone in the front office is responsible for this debacle but it does start with Ron because he has the final say. I think he’s playing hardball a bit and being reactive as opposed to proactive! 

Look at the JD situation. The team didn’t even make an offer and then the Bills swooped in with a modest offer. Thankfully JD wanted to stay here so we just matched the deal. I bet you we could have signed him for less if only we had made an offer. WTF Ron?!?!


At this point even if we resign Terry this will leave a bad taste in his mouth and a lot of the young guys. Forget about high level free agents wanting to come here. Russell Wilson probably saw this and steered clear.

RON:  You need to take care of your homegrown talent! Period!!


I'm having a hard time believing it's Ron.


But all any of us know for sure is the Commanders haven't made any big money guaranteed deals since Allen. Everything has been cheap, cheap, cheap. Even Wentz is on the cheap side for a starting QB, all things considered, and the guaranteed money isn't much -- and does not need to be fully funded in an escrow account like Terry's new deal would be.


Also, we are talking about Dan Snyder. This guy literally overruled his scouts and coaches and made a first round pick -- a terrible one it turns out -- just a few years ago.  If this thing goes sideways, it's going to be because of him.

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8 minutes ago, skinsfan93 said:

To me everyone in the front office is responsible for this debacle but it does start with Ron because he has the final say. I think he’s playing hardball a bit and being reactive as opposed to proactive! 

Look at the JD situation. The team didn’t even make an offer and then the Bills swooped in with a modest offer. Thankfully JD wanted to stay here so we just matched the deal. I bet you we could have signed him for less if only we had made an offer. WTF Ron?!?!


At this point even if we resign Terry this will leave a bad taste in his mouth and a lot of the young guys. Forget about high level free agents wanting to come here. Russell Wilson probably saw this and steered clear.

RON:  You need to take care of your homegrown talent! Period!!

Up until this point he has. Chase Rouiller given a top of the market deal for a center. Scherff offered THE top of the market contract not once but twice in two separate offseasons. Jon Allen given top 5 DT money. Logan Thomas was given a top ten APY TE contract at time of signing. I think theres two possibilities here. 1) As @Voice_of_Reasonas stated several times i think they are struggling to find a comp. Its not just that WR contracts have exploded they are also kind of all over the place right now. Hill and Adams are between 28.5 and 30 million a year apy. Aj brown is at 25. Cooper Kupp is at 22. Diggs is at 24. Dj Moore is at 18.25.So if you take those Wrs whose the best comp to Terry? Id probably say Moore or Diggs and thats a pretty wide gap in apy. 2) Like I posted above this might not even be about money it very well could be years. Think about it from Terrys perspective at 27 y/o. Is it better to take a 3 year deal with your contract being up at age 30 with another chance to try to cash in/ possibly find a new team if this one cant get the qb situation right or is it better to take a 5 year deal when you dont hit the market again till 32 with the possibility that the qb situation still hasnt been solved?

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21 minutes ago, Mrshadow008 said:

of all over the place right now. Hill and Adams are between 28.5 and 30 million a year apy. Aj brown is at 25. Cooper Kupp is at 22. Diggs is at 24. Dj Moore is at 18.25.

Be careful looking at the AAV numbers.  They are misleading.  Brown, for example, has a 6th year at $30M salary.  Practically speaking, they will release or extend him before then.  If you drop the bloated tear (his salary is DOUBLE in 2026 than 2025), his AAVis $17.5.  I haven’t gone through all of them.  Moore’s seems about right, he doesn’t have a bloated year or voided years.  

28 minutes ago, Hooper said:

But all any of us know for sure is the Commanders haven't made any big money guaranteed deals since Allen.

Ok but Allen was less than a year ago and that’s not entirely true, they traded for a $28M QB….

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1 minute ago, Voice_of_Reason said:

Be careful looking at the AAV numbers.  They are misleading.  Brown, for example, has a 6th year at $30M salary.  Practically speaking, they will release or extend him before then.  If you drop the bloated tear (his salary is DOUBLE in 2026 than 2025), his AAVis $17.5.  I haven’t gone through all of them.  Moore’s seems about right, he doesn’t have a bloated year or voided years.  

Ok but Allen was less than a year ago and that’s not entirely true, they traded for a $28M QB….

Yeah I know you can’t totally trust the AAV numbers from a pure money perspective but that’s the thing most players and agents seem to point to and want to brag about is the AAV. Which realistically doesn’t make sense but you’ve got a few ala Kirk that’s more worried about the GTDs than the AAV 

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46 minutes ago, Mrshadow008 said:

Like I posted above this might not even be about money it very well could be years. Think about it from Terrys perspective at 27 y/o. Is it better to take a 3 year deal with your contract being up at age 30 with another chance to try to cash in/ possibly find a new team if this one cant get the qb situation right or is it better to take a 5 year deal when you dont hit the market again till 32 with the possibility that the qb situation still hasnt been solved?


Given the opportunity I think every great player on the planet would love to go the "LeBron" route where you get to constantly renegotiate your deal and keep cashing in on a growing cap.


I'd think Terry would love a 3 year deal. That would probably cover all the G money he is gonna get anyway and allow him to re-negotiate at 29, a year before his contract ends, just like he is doing right now, so its essentially a two year deal as he will be able to re-force negotiations.


No way on Earth a team would want to give him that if they don't have to though.


Terry can demand a trade whenever he wants, so if he is threatened by bad QB play, he can bolt and ensure prime positioning for his next deal too.


If terry walks away from this w/ a 3 year deal, (not a 3 year extension) we know who "won" the negotiations.

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4 hours ago, Mrshadow008 said:

So I saw someone post this theory on Twitter and it’s interesting and actually might make quite a bit of sense. So the theory the guy brought up is what if it’s not the $ that’s holding the deal up but the years? Think about it Terry is 27. What if Terry and his agent only want a 3 year deal and team wants say a 5 year deal? A 3 year deal makes a ton of sense from Terrys perspective as it means he would hit the market again at 30 while still on the likely downside of his prime but still his prime. It would also allow Terry an out if the team can’t get the qb situation right 

Team won't do that.

They can make him play and tag him twice for far less. Terry would loose 20M. We've already been over this, read the thread.

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1 hour ago, TheShredder said:

Team won't do that.

They can make him play and tag him twice for far less. Terry would loose 20M. We've already been over this, read the thread.

Lol I have read the thread I’m on this board almost every day even if I’m not posting. And yes I do know about the franchise tag. However like @Voice_of_Reasonpointed out I also don’t think there’s anyway Terry plays this season on his current deal.  He’s either going to get a new deal or demand a trade. Though I think Terry has more financial leverage than VOR does. Yes the team could threaten hard ball with the tag

But as many have pointed out here the team can’t exactly afford to let him go right now either. The leverage Terry and his agent have is actually kinda unique to be honest. Because it’s so much more than just about on the field. The key part of the rebrand, the jersey sales, actually wanting to be here despite everything, locker room leader in a changing football culture, the bad PR with the media and the fans, the constant social media push to sign him, JA publicly saying to get it done, the team needing to take a step forward this season. All of that plays into Terrys leverage and I guarantee none of that is lost on his agent. I do know for a fact that his agent pays attention to the social media push to get it done.
Do I think it ends up being only a 3 year extension? No I don’t but that doesn’t mean that part of what could be holding up a deal is that there’s a possibility one side is asking for 3 while the other is asking for 5 with neither wanting to meet in the middle at 4. 

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I don’t give a **** who it is that’s ****ing this up, Ron or Dan. Doesn’t matter. 

Commies are gonna Commie no matter who’s here. You’ve got black belt Dan who’s been ****ing this franchise for over 20 years now or relatively new guy Ron who still has some good-will going but can piss that away at any given moment. 

Terry is the best player we’ve drafted and developed in years. And they’re on the precipice of ****ing this all up. 

Don’t be surprised, gentlemen. This is what they do. They **** **** up. They **** **** up left and right. All day, every day year after year.


Whether it’s Ron, whether it’s Dan, it doesn’t matter. It’s akin to criticizing the band for playing the wrong song after the Titanic hit the iceberg. 

Except the music stopped playing a long time ago. Everyone’s drowned, the ship is at the bottom of the ocean and there’s no coming back. Some of us are out here on lifeboats wondering what the **** happened. 

They’re going to **** this up. This is what they do, no matter who’s here. **** this ****ing franchise. 

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