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Welcome to the Redskins Terry Mclaurin WR Ohio State


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18 minutes ago, evmiii said:

Unfortunately you can’t pay everyone.  The team is going to have to make some hard decisions.

Resigning Terry is not a hard decision. He has been the face of the franchise both on and off the field since being drafted. It’s one thing for the team not to go out and sign big name free agents but a team on the rise (hopefully) needs to take care of their own. Resigning Allen was a bit different because you could argue at the time that the team was looking at what it would mean or cost to keep all four linemen. That was a harder decision, not the guy who is probably the biggest fan favorite. The league and the players are taking note of this and it will impact how they look at us in the future. Unless of course Dan is pushed out!

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38 minutes ago, CommDownMan said:


Do we know if the escrow includes "likely to be guaranteed, guarantees"?  


If Terry got a AJ Brown like bonus, but it was split so part 2 was next year like Winston (pic below), would the split be added?  






Not sure about the difference about guaranteed at signing versus total guaranteed.  Reading that contract the way I'd understand it the Eagles had to pony up either 63 million or 80 million right from the jump for AJ Brown which is the bulk of that 100 million contract.   (signing bonus plus guaranteed)











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Edited by Skinsinparadise
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You never know.  As I mentioned before especially if its Dan who punted on the contract until the summer as I suspect there might be some save face attempts going on about the gaffe if so.  But even if so, I think they ultimately relent and pay the price because they have no choice.   lol, of course the reporter has to take a gratuitous shot at Wentz.  




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There's absolutely zero excuses for this team and Ron if they don't sign Terry long term.  He is everything Ron preaches in what you must have in a player.  The news that they are still far apart should be incredibly worrisome.  


I don't want to hear about team finances and questions about the owner's cash flow.  If you are going to own a team, then you pay the top players.  Otherwise, sell.  


Terry is the top player on this team by a country mile.  if you can find the money to give a DT the money they gave Allen (and Allen is one of my favorites), you find it to pay the team's top player, and a player that Ron's new QB desperately needs.  


Bottom line: if this deal doesn't get done, it'll make Ron look like he's all talk and nothing else.  All his speeches about culture change and the type of player you need to help instill that future goes out the window.  If anyone thinks this won't acutely factor into the trust factor from his own players, much less the fans, you are sorely mistaken.


Sign the man.  Now.

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1 hour ago, Skinsinparadise said:







While Snyder obviously isn't living paycheck to paycheck, it is possible that the team itself is essentially living from tv revenue check to tv revenue check.


My (possibly flawed) understanding is that the network tv deal is structured so that minimal or no payments are made from the end of the season (Superbowl?) to the beginning of preseason games. 


For financially well managed teams this isn't an issue but for some small market teams and teams like the Commanders with extremely high debt service this can potentially be a money crunch period.





Edited by CommanderInTheRye
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22 minutes ago, CommanderInTheRye said:





While Snyder obviously isn't living paycheck to paycheck, it is possible that the team itself is essentially living from tv revenue check to tv revenue check.


My (possibly flawed) understanding is that the network tv deal is structured so that minimal or no payments are made from the end of the season (Superbowl?) to the beginning of preseason games. 


For financially well managed teams this isn't an issue but for some small market teams and teams like the Commanders with extremely high debt service this can potentially be a money crunch period.






Yep and the more I think about it, I'd guess Dan has instructed both regimes this one and the prior one its better to do in house deals in the summer -- either because its closer to getting that big check or as Breer says they make money on the interest by waiting longer or maybe a combination of the two points.  And maybe this issue is a bit more pronounced in a year where he has a 875 million loan to pay off and needs to have money to pay for the stadium.


Not that it makes me feel any better about Bruce but I always wondered why he was famous for hardly ever giving more than two years of guaranteed money in contracts to anyone sans Alex -- i thought at the time he was just taking pride for being cheap but now I wonder if Dan hated guaranteed money because it was a night and day different scene as far as cash flow as for guaranteed versus non-guaranteed.   


In addition, one of the most common ways to manipulate the cap is via signing bonses which allow you to spread the cap pain over time. Some local media guys like to say other teams play chess while this team plays checkers when it comes to manipulating the cap.  But I doubt it.  Rodgers, their cap guy, is a Harvard grad.  I doubt he's a lost puppy with this stuff.  The hold back is likely Dan not being so liquid where he wants to manipulate the cap like that because it requires having a lot of liquidity.   Whereas dudes like Kroenke does it without breaking a sweat. 



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2 minutes ago, FrFan said:


So, he's looking for Davante Adams, Tyreek Hill, A.J. Brown kind of contract.


Oh My God,  this team continues to **** up everything that is good.   We will never have a chance at winning when they keep doing the same **** over and over again!!!!!!!    This is a travesty beyond ****ing words!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Are we even sure Terry wants to be here? Knowing the history here along with Ron and Co/Wentz hes likely due for an entirely new cast in 2-3 years. He should wait the year out at least to see what happens with Carson. If Carson bombs Terry is again looking at a new QB for the 5th year in a row. 

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2 minutes ago, 88Comrade2000 said:

If someone gave us a 1st round pick; I’d do it in a heartbeat.


I don’t any team would part with anything greater than a 2nd rounder.


I love everything about Terry.


But in the end he's an undersized, overachieving, soon to be 27 year old wide receiver. 


If we can parlay McLaurin into draft pick(s) that end up netting us  a legitimate opportunity to select a  franchise qb in next years loaded draft then damnit, make it  so.

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1 minute ago, CommanderInTheRye said:


I love everything about Terry.


But in the end he's an undersized, overachieving, soon to be 27 year old wide receiver. 


If we can parlay McLaurin into draft pick(s) that end up netting us  a legitimate opportunity to select a  franchise qb in next years loaded draft then damnit, make it  so.

They wont though. They need him to "succeed" this year. Succeed in quotes because its a 8-10 win season that ends the first game of the playoffs at best. Then theyll tag him next year cause they "need to win". This team always thinks about the short term. 


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17 minutes ago, 88Comrade2000 said:

If someone gave us a 1st round pick; I’d do it in a heartbeat.


I don’t any team would part with anything greater than a 2nd rounder.


Coming from the dude who has said multiple times people here overestimate what our players are worth in the trade market, I disagree with this point in the context of Terry.


Guys who aren't superstars, who are aging, who don't play premium positions often don't bring the draft capital that people expect.


But Terry is the perfect rare exception for this team on that front.  Young enough.  Super star or close enough to it.  Premium position.  Check.  Check. Check.  It doesn't surprise me at all that reporters have hinted that there isn't a big market for Daron Payne where they would be lucky to get even a third rounder.  But for Terry, I think they easily get that first rounder. 


Would I trade him?  Nope.  But if they did, i'd be shocked if they didn't get a first round pick. 

Edited by Skinsinparadise
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1 minute ago, Skinsinparadise said:


Coming from the dude who has said multiple times people here overestimate what our players are worth in the trade market, I disagree with this point.


Guys who aren't superstars, who are aging, who don't play premium positions often don't bring draft capital that people expect.


But Terry is the perfect rare exception for this team on that front.  Young enough.  Super star or close enough to it.  Premium position.  Check.  Check. Check.  It doesn't surprise me at all that reporters have hinted that there isn't a big market for Daron Payne where they would be lucky to get even a third rounder.  But for Terry, I think they easily get that first rounder. 


Would I trade him?  Nope.  But if they did, i'd be shocked if they didn't get a first round pick. 

Yeah Terry is easily a 1 plus to trade for. 

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12 minutes ago, Zim489 said:

Are we even sure Terry wants to be here? 


According to The Junkies this morning who talk to a lot of Commander reporters there is absolutely nothing reported that Terry doesn't want to be here.  They went on to say if he didn't want to be here, they'd have heard about it.

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2 hours ago, NoVaSkins21 said:

This team has had a long history of not taking care of their own.  It wouldn't surprise me if Terry's situation goes the Cousins route and they let him walk in a few years.

Everybody who says this needs to go back 2-3 pages and read why this cannot and will not happen.  Myself and others have detailed why it can't happen in excruciating detail. 

2 hours ago, NoVaSkins21 said:

This team has had a long history of not taking care of their own.  It wouldn't surprise me if Terry's situation goes the Cousins route and they let him walk in a few years.

They do?  Please name a few rather than the media talking point from 2008.


I'll wait. 

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2 hours ago, evmiii said:

It’s a bit premature for us to pick sides when we have no details.  Is Terry asking for top WR money ($25 mil/year) or is the team low balling him for $17 mil/yea.  

I think Tyreek Hill's deal is the biggest for a WR.  And he's probably earned that.  But his AAV is MASSIVELY inflated due to a poison pill final season which raises the AAV. It's TECHNICALLY $30M.  


Take out the bloated final year where his salary is $43M, with a $50 cap hit, his deal is essentially a 4 year deal with an AAV of $23M.  $25M signing bonus, $50M guaranteed at signing, and his 3rd year salary (2024) becomes fully guaranteed next March, so total guarantees of $72M.  


The last year is for ego purposes only.  He gets extended or it forced a release for FA before then.  


Brown's deal is the same way.  Take out the bloated last year, it's a $17M AAV.  


Moore's deal is ~$19M AAV when you take everything in to account.


If I'm doing the negotiations, I'm looking at the Moore and Brown deals, which are rather similar in terms of signing bonus and guarantees, and I'm using those as comparable for Terry.


What could be holding things up is if the team thinks Terry is worth either those contracts or slightly less (and granted, both have been more productive than Terry, but Terry has had the worst QB situation in the league for his entire career), but Terry's side wants something closer to the Hill deal, that could be the hangup.


Nicki Ja-howeveryouspellhername had a report that the sides are talking but they are still far apart.


To me, this means they just haven't arrived on a comp yet.  The team says one thing, the agent says another. 


If both sides want the deal done, it gets done.  If Terry doesn't want to be here, within the next 2 weeks he will ask for a trade.


If you don't hear him asking for a trade between now and mid-July, he wants to be here.  He WILL NOT play on his current deal.  He will get his money either from us or somebody else.  


I know there is a tremendous amount of swirl about Dan and Cash.  


Sometimes the most obvious answer is the right one (Occam's razor, the simplest solution is often the right one), the sides can't agree on a value. When they agree on value, a deal will get done.  

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27 minutes ago, Zim489 said:

Yeah Terry is easily a 1 plus to trade for. 

Would he?  Maybe. But he would be a first-plus AND a huge WR deal.  Who has the draft capital and cap space (this year and in future years) to pull that off, who also needs a WR?


People are saying GB.  I dunno.  GB's effective cap space for 2023 is $-19M. I'm sure they could work it for 2022, but they'd have to work really hard to fit it under the cap in the out-years.  


Also, Metcalf might be in the same position, he hasn't signed yet either.   And might demanding a trade.  Deebo Samuel has asked for a trade, and he's in the same draft class.  


(Btw, for all those gnashing their teeth that all the good organizations have already signed their guys, the 49ers and Seahawks have been considered 2 of the best run organizations and Deebo wants out and Metcalf has not been signed.  So, while I REALLY wish they had gotten this done sooner, they are not the ONLY team that's trying to figure out how to sign a WR in this wacky market and having difficulty.  


When you look at everything in total, I'm not 100% convinced there is a landing spot for Terry who would have the draft capital and cap room to make him a first+ trade.  Maybe.  But maybe not.  


Also, I don't think he should be traded and I don't think they want to trade him and I don't think he wants to be traded.  So there's that.  

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54 minutes ago, 88Comrade2000 said:

If someone gave us a 1st round pick; I’d do it in a heartbeat.


I don’t any team would part with anything greater than a 2nd rounder.

Again, it's not JUST a 1st.  It's the 1st + the contract, which would have to be negotiated as part of the trade, because nobody is trading a first for a guy they don't know they can sign long term. 


This is what makes it less likely to me.  


And I wouldn't do it in a heartbeat.  Why?  We have a WR who's probably a top 10 WR, great locker room guy, great culture guy, fan favorite.  That has MUCH MUCH MUCH more value that a 50/50 hit rate 1st round pick.  


The best way to win this year is Terry, Samuel, Dotson, Brown etc.  catching bombs from Wentz and having a top 5-10 offense.  


That's not impossible without Terry. But it's much harder.  


It will get done.  


I think a trade, even for a first+, is a huge and enormous failure for the entire organization, Dan down, including Ron, the FO, Rob Rodgers, etc.  


And mind you, if we trade him, I will have words for all involved.  They will not be good words.  They will be harsh words.  Very harsh words.  

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22 minutes ago, Voice_of_Reason said:

To me, this means they just haven't arrived on a comp yet.  The team says one thing, the agent says another. 


If both sides want the deal done, it gets done.  If Terry doesn't want to be here, within the next 2 weeks he will ask for a trade.


If you don't hear him asking for a trade between now and mid-July, he wants to be here.  He WILL NOT play on his current deal.  He will get his money either from us or somebody else.  

I completely agree with you. This is where I said Ron is playing hardball, like Ron saying he fully expects Terry at minicamp because it’s mandatory. 

The deeper this goes I think the team faces backlash from Terry and some of the other younger players. If Terry really wants to be here he could have showed up for OTAs and stood on the sidelines. Plus it’s concerning that he never reached out to Dotson since he was drafted. I’m sure those actions were on the advice of his agents but he’s a Captain and not the type of behavior indicative of him. 

This ordeal is starting to become a real clusterf@$&. Someone has to know what is the real issue here?!?!

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8 minutes ago, skinsfan93 said:

I completely agree with you. This is where I said Ron is playing hardball, like Ron saying he fully expects Terry at minicamp because it’s mandatory. 

The deeper this goes I think the team faces backlash from Terry and some of the other younger players. If Terry really wants to be here he could have showed up for OTAs and stood on the sidelines. Plus it’s concerning that he never reached out to Dotson since he was drafted. I’m sure those actions were on the advice of his agents but he’s a Captain and not the type of behavior indicative of him. 

This ordeal is starting to become a real clusterf@$&. Someone has to know what is the real issue here?!?!

I think the fact that supposedly him and wentz have talked on a regular basis is much more indicative of whether he wants to be here or not than whether he’s reached out to Jahan or not 

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