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SCOTUS: No longer content with stacking, they're now dealing from the bottom of the deck


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1 hour ago, Spaceman Spiff said:

So if they can interview anyone now (assuming they're not bull****ting, which they probably are) they have to interview that Squi dude.




Also Donkey Dong Doug.

Edited by Dan T.
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I only wish Ms. Mitchell interrogated Judge Kavanaugh as extensively as she questioned Christine Blasey Ford.  Unfortunately, the moment her questioning of him started to get intense, Lindsey Graham got a case of the vapors and then went on a rant that derailed the whole process.

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1 minute ago, Kilmer17 said:

Looks like this FBI investigation is really for the benefit of Flake, Collins and Murkowski.  Nobody else on either side is going to change their vote at this point unless the FBI uncovers corroboration for Dr. Ford's claims. 


Mcaskill might if her poll numbers keep dropping 

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Kavanaugh was a handsome young man.

He admittedly ran with the popular crowd in school, playing sports and lifting weights and he partied all the time.

How does anybody with half a brain believe him when he says he was a virgin until well after college. 

It's just not reasonable to believe that.

He's lying about so much he has no business being a supreme court justice. 

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2 minutes ago, redskinss said:

Kavanaugh was a handsome young man.

He admittedly ran with the popular crowd in school, playing sports and lifting weights and he partied all the time.

How does anybody with half a brain believe him when he says he was a virgin until well after college. 

It's just not reasonable to believe that.

He's lying about so much he has no business being a supreme court justice. 


With how much he cared about those calendars, I'm betting he's got the date he lost his virginity crossed off in one.

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6 minutes ago, Kilmer17 said:

It's such a stupid thing to lie about.  Because nobody cares if he had sex in HS, and it would be so easy for his partners to come forward and say yes he did.


He lied about it because in his mind you cant rape a chick if you dont like sex. 


And he knows he has to cover for himself. Either hes a liar and cant control it or he did it. Its really one or the other.  

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15 minutes ago, Kilmer17 said:

It's such a stupid thing to lie about.  Because nobody cares if he had sex in HS, and it would be so easy for his partners to come forward and say yes he did.

That was the very first thing I said to my wife.

What a stupid lie because it's so easily refuted.

Plus I agree nobody cares that he had sex in high school or college. 

Problem is he wanted so bad to come off as a choir boy he went way over the top and created lies nobody could believe and if it doesn't bite him in the ass it certainly should.

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7 hours ago, Lombardi's_kid_brother said:


What was it?


I asked why you weren't verified on twitter yet, after seeing what your classmate Asha was up to. Though, after thinking about it, i'd much rather have your political takes, your wrestling stories and your dum dum stadium posts on ES than have to follow you on twitter. 

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So other people not being able to corroborate Ford’s story is dismissed as hearsay and bull****? In statements made under penalty of perjury? And everyone else says that people making statements that support Kavanaugh are also bull****. 


Basically, the only way to defend yourself is to provide video evidence you didn’t do what you are accused of doing. Otherwise all potential exculpatory witness statements can be dismissed as hearsay and bull****?


Listen, Kavanaugh should not be confirmed. He has proven himself unworthy of the bench. But the standards devised to defend oneself from an allegation are literally too high for ANYONE to clear. If someone accuses you of sexual misconduct (the original accusation) 36 years ago, and people can comment that you drank a lot in college, and you can’t prove that you didn’t do it (goes against the very fiber of our judicial standards), you will be assumed guilty and untouchable. 


Democrats are already talking about impeaching him from the circuit court. 

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On Sunday, Berchem emailed FBI agent J.C. McDonough her memo. After getting no response, she resent the summary on Monday morning along with screenshots of certain texts that she thinks raise questions that should be investigated. “I’m sure he’s really busy and expect that he’ll get back to me,” said Berchem.


Berchem’s memo outlining her correspondence with Yarasavage shows there’s a circle of Kavanaugh friends who may have pertinent information and evidence relevant to the inquiry who may not be interviewed. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has already set in motion a vote on Kavanaugh’s nomination on the Senate floor for later this week.


Kavanaugh has strongly denied the allegation by Ramirez as well as accusations by Christine Blasey Ford that he sexually assaulted her when the two were in high school and by Julie Swetnick that Kavanaugh engaged in sexual misconduct at parties while he was a student at Georgetown Preparatory School in the 1980s.


Berchem, 51, a graduate of Yale and a Connecticut resident, reached out to Sen. Richard Blumenthal's office last week. Blumenthal, a Democrat, sits on the Judiciary Committee.


“We heard from Kerry late on Thursday and submitted her summary to the Judiciary Committee early Friday,” a spokeswoman for Blumenthal said in a statement to NBC News. “After we were made to jump through several hoops that delayed our moving forward, it became clear that the majority Committee staff had not turned this summary over to the FBI and, in fact, had no intention of turning it over to the FBI. With our assistance, Kerry submitted her summary to the FBI herself.”


Bob Bauer, former White House counsel for President Barack Obama, said: "It would be surprising, and it would certainly be highly imprudent, if at any point Judge Kavanaugh directly contacted an individual believed to have information about allegations like this. A nominee would normally have been counseled to leave to his legal and nominations team the job of following up on any questions arising from press reports or otherwise, and doing so appropriately."


Further, the texts show Kavanaugh may need to be questioned about how far back he anticipated that Ramirez would air allegations against him. Berchem says in her memo that Kavanaugh “and/or” his friends “may have initiated an anticipatory narrative” as early as July to “conceal or discredit” Ramirez.


Kavanaugh told the Senate Judiciary Committee under oath that the first time he heard of Ramirez’s allegation was in the Sept. 23 article in The New Yorker.


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The incident, which occurred in September 1985 during Mr. Kavanaugh’s junior year, resulted in Mr. Kavanaugh and four other men being questioned by the New Haven Police Department. Mr. Kavanaugh was not arrested, but the police report stated that a 21-year-old man accused Mr. Kavanaugh of throwing ice on him “for some unknown reason.”


A witness to the fight said that Chris Dudley, a Yale basketball player who was friends with Mr. Kavanaugh, then hit the man in the ear with a glass, according to the police report, which was obtained by The New York Times.


The report said that the victim, Dom Cozzolino, “was bleeding from the right ear” and was later treated at a local hospital. A detective was notified of the incident at 1:20 a.m.


Edited by visionary
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