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WP: NY AG sues Trump family over “persistent illegal conduct” at Trump Foundation

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2 minutes ago, Spaceman Spiff said:

Unless it's prison (federal, pound me in the ass prison at that), I'm not interested in what the possible punishments are.



You’re the guy on the game day thread who, when we score a TD to take the lead with 90 seconds to go, immediately says “Here’s where we let them March down the field and win the game…I hate this team” lol…

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5 minutes ago, Califan007 The Constipated said:

You’re the guy on the game day thread who, when we score a TD to take the lead with 90 seconds to go, immediately says “Here’s where we let them March down the field and win the game…I hate this team” lol…


Well I'm not usually wrong in that example.  

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If everything AG James said is true (and it probably is - it's an outline of things they can prove in court), does this mean the financial industry of NY is a complete ****show? Banks routinely allow borrowing organizations to play these shell games of saying a 37 million dollar building is worth 300 in order to get a loan? Was Trump and his organization just a tremendous outlier? And if so, how do we get so far down the road in which now is the time to go after one such party? 


I know the orange man claims Witch hunt at the drop of a (pointy) hat, but it will be important for the AG to clarify some things. 

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1 hour ago, TheDoyler23 said:


If everything AG James said is true (and it probably is - it's an outline of things they can prove in court), does this mean the financial industry of NY is a complete ****show? Banks routinely allow borrowing organizations to play these shell games of saying a 37 million dollar building is worth 300 in order to get a loan? Was Trump and his organization just a tremendous outlier? And if so, how do we get so far down the road in which now is the time to go after one such party? 


I know the orange man claims Witch hunt at the drop of a (pointy) hat, but it will be important for the AG to clarify some things. 


It probably is a ****show.  But they have to have a reason to investigate.  They didn't have one to investigate Trump until Michael Cohen testified about Trump's business practices.  If other people come forward about other businesses' practices that are illegal, then prosecute them too.  But you have to have a reason, and Cohen gave them one (as she said in her remarks).

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'They’re screwed': Legal experts erupt after NY AG hits Trump and his family with massive fraud lawsuit


The New York attorney general on Wednesday accused Donald Trump and his family members of lying to lenders and insurers about assets under the real estate holdings of the Trump Organization.


Letitia James said that with the help of his children and others at the Trump organization, the former president gave fraudulent statements of his net worth "to obtain and satisfy loans, get insurance benefits, and pay lower taxes."


"Claiming money you do not have does not amount to the Art of the Deal, it's the Art of the Steal," James said at one point.


"That's gonna hurt, Donny," snarked legal analyst Marcy Wheeler. "I really can't understand how this fella was such an easy mark for Vladimir Putin."


Harry Litman, a former U.S. attorney and deputy assistant attorney general, agreed, noting " Trumpland is no doubt spittin' mad!"


He also said that Trump has tried to settle with New York, but the attorney general rebuffed him. "She really holds all the cards at this point. Trumps can't go to trial. They will need to appeal to her sense of tempered justice."


"We have to assume that the odds of Trump's going to jail, as satisfying as it would be to many Americans, are far smaller than the odds of a criminal conviction. What that means is this potentially ruinous civil action—coupled with criminal referral to the feds—counts as a killer blow," he also said.


"The New York AG has a lot of leverage in this lawsuit because Trump (and his son Eric) took the Fifth hundreds of times," said former U.S. Attorney Renato Mariotti. "That was smart to do, but it means they’re screwed in this civil case. A jury would likely be instructed to presume their answers would have hurt Trump."


Main Street Law's Tristan Snell noted, "Just the very fact that Trump *could* be barred from taking on any new loans might have the result of him not being able to get any new loans."


Click on the link for the full article





NY Times reporter explains why Trump is in 'big trouble' — and can’t put it off on anyone else


New York Times reporter Susanne Craig was anonymously mailed Donald Trump's tax information during the 2016 election after the candidate pledged that after he was audited he would turn over everything.  She has become among the go-to people when it comes to investigating the finances of Trump and his businesses.


Speaking to MSNBC on a panel of reporters and experts about the New York attorney general's announcement Wednesday, Craig explained that the piece of AG Letitia James' investigation that will be difficult for Trump to explain is his appraiser.


Typically when someone buys a property or asks for a loan there is an appraiser who calculates the value of the property or any assets being put up for collateral. Trump got appraisals from the company commercial real estate brokerage Cushman & Wakefield, but went on to ignore their numbers, the court filing says.


"You hear a lot of hyperbole, 'I've got the best building, I've got the best golf course,'" she said of Trump's brags. "And he says that a lot. So, why has this become a criminal issue? And in these case, I got to tell you, they are very hard to prove with valuations. And the reason why, is people like Donald Trump and other people when they come in, they have a valuation that's usually been prepared by an outside company. Cushman & Wakefield in this case. It could be any company that you go to and get an appraisal. You can say I relied on outside advice."


Appraisal groups walk through the way that they were able to estimate the value based on comparable properties, etc, which puts the burden on them if it proves to be radically different from reality. But in Trump's case, he essentially crafted his own appraisals.


"What I found powerful" Craig continued, "the attorney general mentioned it in her remarks, which is he had professional advice and he ignored it. And went with another number. And that's where they got that over and over and over.  That's where he gets into big trouble, where he had an appraiser come in and say, this building's worth $100 million, and he said no, it's worth $180, and that's the document that went to the bank."


Click on the link for the full article


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Having this situation escalate now could be great for the country in terms of accepting Trumps criminality.


Ease some of the more fenceworthy peoples into this before the looming whammy of some of the major stuff he will be charged with down the road.



Won't do squat for the zealots, but there has to be some demographic where this gradual ramp up could help soften the blow.

Edited by FootballZombie
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7 hours ago, Spaceman Spiff said:

Unless it's prison (federal, pound me in the ass prison at that), I'm not interested in what the possible punishments are.



Actually I think you want state. Fed time, from the people I’ve known in both, is supposed to be a lot easier.


you want trump in sing sing or San Quentin for that legit “pound me in the ass” experience.

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