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Miami Herald: I’m done trying to understand Trump supporters. Why don’t they try to understand me?

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Here's hoping the police are issued a special exemption for face punching when they arrest Rudy.
Break his ****ing jaw and then remind him he's lucky they didn't shoot him. 
we just saved your life, sir.



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4 hours ago, hail2skins said:

But you have to admit that, at this time, these are unique circumstances. Has there been a time in recent history where there is this much uncertainty over whether the sitting president in his first term is going to seek reelection?  And on the other side, a defeated one-term president who has as much sway over his party as Trump?

right, but I don’t think any of that makes our ability to predict who will be a top consideration in the primaries which are far off, much less who will actually be on the ballot. 

wasn’t Biden very late declaring candidacy, and he won…


feels like the news cycle requires discussing it, years out, to fill air time and capitalize on people saying stuff, but they’re always wrong…

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4 hours ago, 88Comrade2000 said:

If Biden is a no go; Harris is definitely running. There will be pressure to have no opposition for Harris

This is my fear. 

I, personally, don’t care if Biden runs again. I have no idea if he will or can win. Age does matter and he’ll have 4 years to defend (and we don’t know what all 4 look like yet)


But I don’t think Harris can win. Maybe I’m wrong but I just don’t see her winning. 

And I don’t see any attempt by the DNC to rig it so she is the nominee going well. 

To me the best chance for dems is an open primary. But, what do I know…

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5 minutes ago, tshile said:

But I don’t think Harris can win. Maybe I’m wrong but I just don’t see her winning.

I think the only way Harris would win is if Biden stepped down right after the midterms, she had two years as sitting POTUS, and the economy improved and she had no foreign policy crises.


But I think Joe intends to serve all four years at this point. He probably came into office only expecting to serve all four, but he also thought (naively, like most of us) that the GOP wasn't still going to be under Trump's thumb. His antipathy for DJT is the one thing that will prompt him to try for a second term but, as you said, at 82 that's a dicey proposition.

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1 hour ago, tshile said:

This is my fear. 

I, personally, don’t care if Biden runs again. I have no idea if he will or can win. Age does matter and he’ll have 4 years to defend (and we don’t know what all 4 look like yet)


But I don’t think Harris can win. Maybe I’m wrong but I just don’t see her winning. 

And I don’t see any attempt by the DNC to rig it so she is the nominee going well. 

To me the best chance for dems is an open primary. But, what do I know…

I think the only way Harris becomes president is if Biden dies.


If she’s the 24 nominee; she loses. I think she loses an open primary. Progressives want their own leading the 24 ticket.

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Trump walks in and out of rooms at Mar-a-Lago just to get applause because he loves the attention, a filmmaker who interviewed him there said


Former President Donald Trump walks in and out of rooms at Mar-a-Lago just to receive applause from guests because he loves the attention, a British filmmaker who interviewed him there told "The Bulwark Podcast."


"What Trump does in Mar-a-Lago and why he loves it there so much is that he just walks around where people are having dinner just to get a round of applause," filmmaker Alex Holder told "The Bulwark Podcast" in an episode that aired on Tuesday.


"So he will just walk into the dinner area ... there will be a cheer, and then he will go out, and then he'll go back in again, and go out," Holder added. "He just loves that admiration." 


Holder interviewed the former president at Mar-a-Lago in March 2021 as part of his documentary, "Unprecedented." The series portrays the Trump family before, during, and after the 2020 presidential election.


The filmmaker had also interviewed Trump once in the White House on December 7, 2020, and once at his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey, in May 2021. 


In the podcast, Holder described the former president as a "simple, but very unusual" man, who has an "inability to understand why people don't like him unless he doesn't like them first."

"That is the world he lives in. He is incapable of understanding anything other than total and absolute admiration towards him," Holder said, adding that it was these qualities that made it "frustrating" to interview Trump. 


"You could never go deep with him," he said.


Click on the link for the full article



"You could never go deep with him" 


That's what she said...



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Remind you of anyone?


What Is a Narcissistic Collapse?


any people picture narcissists as supremely confident people who never suffer from self-doubt. The reality is quite different. People with narcissistic personality disorder have unstable self-esteem and underlying shame and worthlessness. They depend on other people to give them the external validation they need to feel confident and special.


As a result of their dependence on external validation and their value on their public image, narcissists can experience a debilitating narcissistic collapse when they anticipate a humiliating public failure. The anxiety associated with the idea of being exposed as flawed can interfere with their mustering enough defensive grandiosity to support their self-esteem. Without the prop of their grandiosity, they can sink into a shame-based depression in which they are afraid of the future and can no longer function in the present.


In extreme cases, narcissists may attempt suicide because they view death as less dreadful than being publicly exposed as an inadequate fake.


Note: I am using the terms narcissist, narcissistic, and NPD in this article as shorthand to describe someone that qualifies for a complete diagnosis of narcissistic personality disorder.


G – Grandiosity: They act as if they are special and entitled to do or say whatever they want. Grandiose motto: “I am special.”

O – Omnipotent: They make all sorts of unrealistic claims about how powerful and knowledgeable they are. Omnipotent motto: “I can do anything, and I know everything worth knowing,”

D – Devaluing: They feel free to attack and devalue anyone who is not clearly above them in their status hierarchy. Devaluing motto: “You are worthless, defective garbage, and are here to serve me.”


Exhibitionist narcissists act as if they are special, make exaggerated claims about what they know and what they can do, and devalue other people. As long as their GOD defense is working well, they feel great.


What Is a Narcissistic Collapse?


Click on the link for more


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On 8/30/2022 at 5:03 PM, Cooked Crack said:




Rob Schneider will lose his career the moment he's not gargling Adam Sandler's balls. 


It's perplexing to me to think that he spins this yarn about WW2 pilots who go to a priest to ask for guidance or clarity and the priest tells them that "humanity has come out of the dark ages, we've come out of a period where people are being burned at the stake and we're entering a freer, enlightened period, and that this (the bad guys in WW2) is a step back towards that."  And the pilots go out and fly their mission.


And HE THINKS HE'S TALKING ABOUT THE REPUBLICANS being akin to these WW2 pilots who went and flew.   You know, the party that wants to take reproductive rights away from women, ban contraceptives, make this a Christian only country and, I'm sure if they really had their way unimpeded, would have slavery all over again. 

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