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Miami Herald: I’m done trying to understand Trump supporters. Why don’t they try to understand me?

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20 hours ago, Busch1724 said:

Gotta keep in mind, these guys are either in meetings, watching film, working out, golfing, or spending time with family. They're not watching news often, if at all. They, like much of the country, get their news from the few minutes they spend on social media. They're not taking the time to evaluate the news they consume, let alone research whether it's legit or not. "Fair and balanced" from FoxNews has duped many people. It is an effective slogan. 


Jack has been around long enough that when the players talk to him, he'll understand their perspective and back off the foolishness. 


do you think football assistant coaches in the offseason are working THAT MUCH harder than doctors/lawyers/teachers/grocery clerks/plumbers/whomever...  people that keep informed?


i just think he is an ignorant ****stick at his core, who may (or may not) have the mental bandwidth to understand ONE specific skill.    and one major aspect of that profession we hope he has mastered is keeping his players on his side, grounded, and motivated.    so far his demonstration of qualifications amounts to him showing up drunk at work the first day, belittling his underlings and then puking on his secretary.    his players MAY squint past it in the future.... but it is a ****ty start  (and one that fits PERFECTLY into the Danny S. era of craptakular perpetual suckitude.

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mcsluggo, you may be right. Is he working that much harder than the folks you mentioned? No. However, politics and analyzing where he gets his news from is likely something that is not on his radar. He's ignorant, no doubt. I know high school coaches that are this way. Does it make it right? No. However, it does happen. Jack is a meathead like a lot of coaches. There are coaches who are intellectuals and those that aren't. Jack comes across as one of those that is not. Now if former and current players say something about his politics, then that's another discussion. So far, there's none of that. 


BTW, you can add the ax incident while in Jacksonville to your list of stupid stuff he's done. He isn't a good head coach, but he's a good coordinator. We'll see what happens. 



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1 hour ago, mcsluggo said:


  so far his demonstration of qualifications amounts to him showing up drunk at work the first day, belittling his underlings and then puking on his secretary.    


I must have missed these incidents.  Can you point me in the direction (link) where I can read about him showing up drunk and vomiting on his secretary?  I searched but couldn't find anything.

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On 6/25/2020 at 12:00 PM, China said:


I must have missed these incidents.  Can you point me in the direction (link) where I can read about him showing up drunk and vomiting on his secretary?  I searched but couldn't find anything.




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1 hour ago, LD0506 said:


Don't forget who this guy is....


Army secretary nominee Mark Green: Public healthcare stops people from being saved by Christianity


I'm pretty sure my Bible makes no mention of God's inability to overcome public healthcare.

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Darling of the "Government should stay out of a private citizen's life" set.


**** these people. 

Every single thing the "conservative" pretends to believe is exactly the opposite in practice.


****. These. People.



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28 minutes ago, nonniey said:

Some of them honestly think he is great - it is cult like. 


some of them? tens of millions...data suggest a very large majority of the republican party...all claiming membership in your home group, amigo...hell, they now are your home group (i mean the gop)


even as screwy, and in some ways very seriously so, the dems are to you (and to me, if to a lesser extent than you) i just can't see giving much (if any) energy in support of the gop as a party other than being virulent anti-trump and wanting to aggressively ouster trumpism, whether it's pragmatic or not...that would be my take on leaning into appropriate principles and priorities


there are policies/ideology in conservatism as have been seen over even this last century or so that are very important and well worth keeping in play socially and that are not likely to be deployed or even well attended to by the left or the dems



these are times when it can serve one's self and others to get deeply honest with uncomfortable things about at least some of their thinking and choices to date and how/where they've spent their energy and exactly who/what's ended up actually being supported, right or left....especially for a routine partisan, or even a partisan-lite


i have made so may errors in thought and action, big and small, in just about everything, and i still find myself falling short too often, but i work at still challenging myself at least as much i do others


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23 hours ago, Jumbo said:


some of them? tens of millions...data suggest a very large majority of the republican party...all claiming membership in your home group, amigo...hell, they now are your home group (i mean the gop)


even as screwy, and in some ways very seriously so, the dems are to you (and to me, if to a lesser extent than you) i just can't see giving much (if any) energy in support of the gop as a party other than being virulent anti-trump and wanting to aggressively ouster trumpism, whether it's pragmatic or not...that would be my take on leaning into appropriate principles and priorities


there are policies/ideology in conservatism as have been seen over even this last century or so that are very important and well worth keeping in play socially and that are not likely to be deployed or even well attended to by the left or the dems



these are times when it can serve one's self and others to get deeply honest with uncomfortable things about at least some of their thinking and choices to date and how/where they've spent their energy and exactly who/what's ended up actually being supported, right or left....especially for a routine partisan, or even a partisan-lite


i have made so may errors in thought and action, big and small, in just about everything, and i still find myself falling short too often, but i work at still challenging myself at least as much i do others


There are three of us that work together on a contract - one Trump voter/supporter who thinks Trump is not as bad as the left claims him to be (He also concedes that Trump is not a conservative), one never-Trumper and one Dem (Actually is part of the Kelley campaign).  I have another acquaintance who worked in the same building who always asked me if I changed my mind because of all the great things Trump has done, - there is a distinct difference between the 1st guy and the last (the majority of Trump voters are of the 1st variety - they are still wrong about him but are not cultish).  These cultish guys actually hate Mitch McConnell  and Lindsey Graham nevermind the Haley's, Martha McSallys and Collinses.  The Republican party is in serious trouble because of Trump and he will be handing the country over to the Dems this fall and it may be a while before they can recover.  In effect Trump in 2016 was the best thing that could have happened for the Democratic Party.

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