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Miami Herald: I’m done trying to understand Trump supporters. Why don’t they try to understand me?

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17 minutes ago, Bang said:

Kathy Griffin can fall off the planet and it will instantly be a better place.




Quoted for emphasis. I dont understand why people like her even have an audience 

Edited by Llevron
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6 minutes ago, visionary said:



This is a perfect example of the "main stream media" getting played by fringe media.  Now the kid has a national platform to spin his version of events unchallenged.  And no I am not one that thinks the kid is evil, he was just likely being a typical teenage jerk who felt empowered in a situation with 100 classmates hooting and hollering behind him.  


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Not a good ratio on that tweet. This is why we need a more diverse media. Someone to veto these overtures that white folks in media just like being blind to. Case in point. If Jake Tapper was Javon Tapper he surely would have not been carrying water for these MAGA youth. No posting dumb articles that psychoanalyze the teens and no putting up statements from PR firms.




12 minutes ago, NoCalMike said:

This is a perfect example of the "main stream media" getting played by fringe media

At some point you got to hold Charlie Brown accountable for falling for the football prank..

Edited by Cooked Crack
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Funny how he decided to leave the MAGA hat at home for the Today show interview. Advice from the PR firm, perhaps?


Ironic how the original narrative from the right was "how is this even a news worthy story" now the kid is getting an interview on The Today Show. 

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7 hours ago, Llevron said:

The real story is the ****ing hat. And that gets deeper the more you think about it. 

His mom had something to say about it...and my mom woulda just beat the **** outta me verbally and never let me go out again. 

I wonder if she even has the power to be a parent. 

...cuz you need a license to fish...🙄

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1 hour ago, CousinsCowgirl84 said:

I thought the conclusion was that everyone there was acting like a **** head. I’m not sure what the deal was with the Indian guy though. He didn’t say anything objectionable did he? 


He escalated it in a really weird way. Like clearly he was trying to.....??? And it didnt work. Or it did. I dunno. But it didnt help at all. 


Edit: media is on this cause it's getting clicks on social media. They dont care about anything but the $$$ Yall know this by now. 


Just like how they stopped putting the parents of kids shot by the police on the tube. It stopped being the thing of the year and they stopped giving it time. It's not like less kids are getting shot. 

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3 hours ago, Cooked Crack said:

Not a good ratio on that tweet. This is why we need a more diverse media. Someone to veto these overtures that white folks in media just like being blind to. Case in point. If Jake Tapper was Javon Tapper he surely would have not been carrying water for these MAGA youth. No posting dumb articles that psychoanalyze the teens and no putting up statements from PR firms.




At some point you got to hold Charlie Brown accountable for falling for the football prank..


That teen is going on the today show because grown famous people, and regular schmucks on the internet that like to feel powerful, were demanding his identity be revealed so strangers on the internet could ruin his life.  The media and twitter made him famous.


Personally, I think we should stop treating misbehaving teenagers as representatives for their entire race.  It’s generally a ****ty way for adults to treat children, entirely unfair, and racist.  A group of black teens causing trouble does not represent black America.  A group of white teens causing trouble does not represent white America.  People only seem to make that argument, when they want to make a racist point.  Usually something along the lines of “see I told you those people are like this!”  




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21 minutes ago, Destino said:


That teen is going on the today show because grown famous people, and regular schmucks on the internet that like to feel powerful, were demanding his identity be revealed so strangers on the internet could ruin his life.  The media and twitter made him famous.


Personally, I think we should stop treating misbehaving teenagers as representatives for their entire race.  It’s generally a ****ty way for adults to treat children, entirely unfair, and racist.  A group of black teens causing trouble does not represent black America.  A group of white teens causing trouble does not represent white America.  People only seem to make that argument, when they want to make a racist point.  Usually something along the lines of “see I told you those people are like this!”  



You ain't wrong but the two races ain't treated the same. Its unfortunate but its true. I'm not sure pointing that out is racist (if that's not what it saying, as I suspect it's not, my bad. That how I read it tho) 

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29 minutes ago, Destino said:


That teen is going on the today show because grown famous people, and regular schmucks on the internet that like to feel powerful, were demanding his identity be revealed so strangers on the internet could ruin his life.  The media and twitter made him famous.


Personally, I think we should stop treating misbehaving teenagers as representatives for their entire race.  It’s generally a ****ty way for adults to treat children, entirely unfair, and racist.  A group of black teens causing trouble does not represent black America.  A group of white teens causing trouble does not represent white America.  People only seem to make that argument, when they want to make a racist point.  Usually something along the lines of “see I told you those people are like this!”  





The story is already winding down compared to a couple days ago, there is no need for a national media program to bring the teen on for further commentary.  He got his statement out through a PR firm.  It's over.  The story would likely be dead to the world by Friday, but having this interview on Good Morning America is just going to re-energize both sides to re-examine everything again and continue the commentary over what was not even the 547634866th biggest issue of the day to begin with.  


As far as the a group of teens not representing all teens in that racial-social economic group? Well yeah duh, kind of funny how that works when white teens are doing what teenagers do, but not the same with other races (not directed at you, just a general observation).  I have no idea if Today Show (or is it GMA?) is bringing anyone else on from the events on that day or if this is just a forum for that specific individual to spin the story how he wants. Either way no one is going to remember him or this entire thing in a couple weeks.   It's a waste of air space.

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As far as the a group of teens not representing all teens in that racial-social economic group? Well yeah duh, kind of funny how that works when white teens are doing what teenagers do, but not the same with other races (not directed at you, just a general observation).  I have no idea if Today Show (or is it GMA?) is bringing anyone else on from the events on that day or if this is just a forum for that specific individual to spin the story how he wants. Either way no one is going to remember him or this entire thing in a couple weeks.   It's a waste of air space.


Do you really believe that?  You think that all media only believes white teens and never minority teens the benefit of the doubt when videos surface?  I disagree.  I think the news media and social media personalities  know their audiences.  They know which outrage narratives sell, and which do not.  If the roles had been reversed in this case I suspect most of the main stream media wouldn’t have touched it.  Left wing twitter wouldn’t care.  Fox and the right wing news, along with right wing twitter, would have been going wild over it though.  Again, because they know their audiences and they know what brings in the revenue.  


One side clicks on people of color being victimized by white folks and the image of a smirking white kids in a MAGA hat is as good as money in the bank.  The other side clicks on whites being victimized by mean minorities.  It’s why the alt right media often has news sections that focus on crimes by minorities.  The trick is to ramp up the drama and scare or enrage the audience.  Boring doesn’t sell.


Teen maga hat will be on the today show because people are going to watch.  The situation has set up beautifully for them.  Some will be outraged, others supportive, but the ad revenue will stream in either way.  


All this over an incident where no one got hurt and nothing really happened.  This entire dramatic episode is built around the emotional responses elicited by this image.


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26 minutes ago, Warhead36 said:

Yep, was gonna come in here to post exactly this.


If that were a black kid staring at a cop mid-riot he'd be arrested.



????...No riot, no cop....no order to disperse.



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1 hour ago, Destino said:

Teen maga hat will be on the today show because people are going to watch.  The situation has set up beautifully for them.  Some will be outraged, others supportive, but the ad revenue will stream in either way. 

This is going to be a turn off more than a ratings bonanza. This would be good for Fox and Friends but Today really barking up the wrong tree. This kid isn't going to say anything new. If you already think he's full of **** then what's an interview going to change? There's a reason Megyn Kelly's brand didn't play on NBC. I'm sure Today isn't the only morning show his PR team reached out to.

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