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NYMAG: Who is QAnon? The Storm Conspiracy, Explained

No Excuses

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10 minutes ago, bearrock said:

What about the whole Biden is Trump in a mask thing?  I mean how stable genius would that be?  Q won!  Trump is Biden!  Biden is Trump!  Q supporters should all wholeheartedly support Biden's (secretly Trump's) policies! 


Kinda like



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10 minutes ago, bearrock said:

What about the whole Biden is Trump in a mask thing?  I mean how stable genius would that be?  Q won!  Trump is Biden!  Biden is Trump!  Q supporters should all wholeheartedly support Biden's (secretly Trump's) policies! 


Until he starts working on liberal policies, what will they say then?  With Trump gone my focus is now on his insane supporters, and of course the convictions. 

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Getting pretty tired of these guys walking around in cowboy hats and cowboy boots. You ever see these jack-offs? Can’t we kill some of these mother****ers? Walking around in a ****ing cowboy hat. Grown men. It’s not even Halloween for christ-sakes. I say “hey Tex grow up and get yourself a wardrobe consistent with the century you’re living in”. Why do certain men feel the need to dress up as mythic figures? You don’t see anyone walking around in a pirate costume do you? When was the last guy you ran into who had on a viking outfit? Make-believe cowboys… the closest they ever got to a cow is when they stopped to take a piss at an Arby’s



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Q is fascinating in how easily it just rewrites itself and soldiers on.  Not that it takes any talent to put together absurd garbage like we see above.  Anyone can pretend to be wise and say some variation of “everything is going exactly as planned” while also moving the goal posts.  What’s fascinating is how readily the Qultists accept it.  There’s no charismatic cult leader selling them anything, they just continuously convince each other.  

At each set back a few random idiots come up with a new theory and then the Qultists choose which one they like best and move on to the next big let down.  It’s a decentralized cult, almost anarchist in its horizontal organization.  

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1 hour ago, Destino said:

Q is fascinating in how easily it just rewrites itself and soldiers on.  Not that it takes any talent to put together absurd garbage like we see above.  Anyone can pretend to be wise and say some variation of “everything is going exactly as planned” while also moving the goal posts.  What’s fascinating is how readily the Qultists accept it.  There’s no charismatic cult leader selling them anything, they just continuously convince each other.  

At each set back a few random idiots come up with a new theory and then the Qultists choose which one they like best and move on to the next big let down.  It’s a decentralized cult, almost anarchist in its horizontal organization.  

That’s how cognitive dissonance works.

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57 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:





I can pretty much guarantee you that them being disqualified from owning a firearm won't stop them.  If they were willing to commit a felony in the first place, and are adamant about their gun rights, they won't not own guns just because they're "not supposed to."

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17 minutes ago, China said:


I can pretty much guarantee you that them being disqualified from owning a firearm won't stop them.  If they were willing to commit a felony in the first place, and are adamant about their gun rights, they won't not own guns just because they're "not supposed to."


...so only the criminals will have guns? 😁

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On 1/16/2021 at 10:31 AM, No Excuses said:

Always a good time to bump this post after the Qtards one up their last insanity. 

Anyone seen reports of college kids engaging in insurrection and sedition lately?

Just wanna pile on here.  Also, I was down on the VCU campus yesterday and it was wonderful.



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