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The Politics Sexual Assault Thread

No Excuses

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there's so much to marvel at over this particular roy moore thread of the gop-should-just-be-annihilated-now tapestry...most impressive is the ever-growing list of alabama and other gop officials---not just "regular" roytoy voters---who flat out say even if the 14 yo deal is true they still would vote for roy over any dem. it literally is saying you'd take a child molester over a democrat because that's your personal values priority. 


and god-fearing real-american non-coastal non-elitist white "conservative" christians, almost all of them. 




church lady.gif

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42 minutes ago, Sacks 'n' Stuff said:

He’s still alive, ain’t he?


Im assuming this is Billy Graham’s kid...

It is Billy’s son, as near as I can tell Franklin has gone full Pat Robertson Rightwing Republican. It’s very sad because his father learmed very early on the dangers of a religious leader affiliating with poltical candidates. Billy chose Nixon and from that learned to be pastoral to both sides which is why he was sought out by Presidents in both parties. Franklin failed to learn from his father and has opted to be everything I dispise about Evangelical Christianity.

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57 minutes ago, Jumbo said:

there's so much to marvel at over this particular roy moore thread of the gop-should-just-be-annihilated-now tapestry...most impressive is the ever-growing list of alabama and other gop officials---not just "regular" roytoy voters---who flat out say even if the 14 yo deal is true they still would vote for roy over any dem. it literally is saying you'd take a child molester over a democrat because that's your personal values priority. 


and god-fearing real-american non-coastal non-elitist white "conservative" christians, almost all of them. 



I keep remembering an exchange supposedly attributed to Churchill.  


Madame, if someone were to approach you politely, ask for permission to engage you, take you to dinners, buy you some romantic gifts, bring you a diamond ring, politely ask you to marry me, conduct a larege, elaborate, wedding, buy you a large house, support you in luxury, and tell you that I want to be the person to raise our children, would you consider having children with him?  


Well, I suppose it's possible.  


OK, would you have sex with me tonight for 20 bucks?  


Mister Churchill!  What kind of woman do you think I am?  


We've already established that.  Now we're haggling over the price.  


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1 hour ago, AsburySkinsFan said:

It is Billy’s son, as near as I can tell Franklin has gone full Pat Robertson Rightwing Republican. It’s very sad because his father learmed very early on the dangers of a religious leader affiliating with poltical candidates. Billy chose Nixon and from that learned to be pastoral to both sides which is why he was sought out by Presidents in both parties. Franklin failed to learn from his father and has opted to be everything I dispise about Evangelical Christianity.


You should check out Jerry Falwell Jr’s Twitter. Dude is a hack, retweeting every pro-trump article, heaping praise on him etc. it’s realy quite embarrassing but the replies to all of his tweets are very entertaining 


complete fraud 

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In a statement to CNN, Teresa Jones, who served as Deputy District Attorney for Etowah County, Ala., from 1982 until 1985, said that multiple people thought it was unusual that Moore dated high school girls, but that no one ever raised the matter with him.


"It was common knowledge that Roy Moore dated high school girls, everyone we knew thought it was weird," Jones told CNN. "We wondered why someone his age would hang out at high school football games and the mall ... but you really wouldn't say anything to someone like that."



This country is over.


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Roy Moore must be elected. He is what the GOP is today. We need that example in the Senate next year and plastered in ads everywhere. A Senator US Moore is the Democrats best weapon in 2018.  See, Roy Moore, is everything the GOP stands for.  Do you want GOP candidate X to represent you?

Edited by Rdskns2000
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4 hours ago, AsburySkinsFan said:

Companies pulling ads from Hannity! Good hit him where it hurts. The fact that anyone still sponsors that jackwaggon after the supposed Clinton murder fiasco is beyond me. Hannity is truly the mayor of Mos Eisley.


I literally did laugh out loud at that one.  


Sucks that they're not pulling their advertisements from Fox News altogether.

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26 minutes ago, twa said:


or Clinton supporters.:evil:


you just made me $5 :D but i had a back-up call too that would have counted


 now i wonder if i could have got it up to $10 if i had thought of predicting the clinton part--can't believe i missed that :ols:


if some tales of your religion turn out to be true, i hope fake news whataboutism is a st. peter fave for your sake :P


btw, if you do get a mod directive sometime that you can't mention a clinton for 30 days, know that it's an idea that's been around for awhile ;)




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