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Tax Bill


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I used to work for ATT a few years ago in the gov't contracting business they have.


I'd often send the CEO and CMO (whose org I reported into) emails complaining about having to pay 3 dollars for coffee and .25 cents for plastic cups in our cafe.


It looks like, with the $1,000 dollar bonus they are giving everyone, they finally listened to me 


BTW, what a cynical move by ATT. I hate that company so much and am disgusted I ever worked for them

Edited by SkinsHokieFan
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Phil Kerpen Retweeted Phil Kerpen

Dems offered this amendment hoping it would be rejected so they could accuse the GOP of preserving a tax break for hush money. But Chairman Hatch happily accepted it, so every Dem is now voting against the bill that will end the tax break for sex abuse hush money.

Phil Kerpen added,

Phil KerpenVerified account @kerpen
Menendez-McCaskill Amendment is IN. The bill bans the corporate deduction for sexual harassment hush money.
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1 hour ago, twa said:

Phil Kerpen Retweeted Phil Kerpen

Dems offered this amendment hoping it would be rejected so they could accuse the GOP of preserving a tax break for hush money. But Chairman Hatch happily accepted it, so every Dem is now voting against the bill that will end the tax break for sex abuse hush money.

Phil Kerpen added,

Phil KerpenVerified account @kerpen
Menendez-McCaskill Amendment is IN. The bill bans the corporate deduction for sexual harassment hush money.
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Uh oh.  Will Trump still sign it? :806:


25 minutes ago, NoCalMike said:


He also raised taxes If I remember correctly?  "No New Taxes" ended up being..."oops, we need to raise taxes"


I actually respect him for that.  And a good example why no politician should sign Norquist's pledge.

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Sometimes it might be easy to just dismiss many of the Rs as stupid (and yes, some of them are, especially in the House) but overwhelmingly they know exactly what they are doing. They understand the specific political calculus that allows them to sit in Congress. Their seats were explicitly bought for them to serve those that fund them, period. They don't even pretend otherwise, there are multiple quotes recently that this was about doing the bidding of their donors, and without it they could not retain their seats. That's pretty bald, pretty blatant, but it's also one of those rare cases where they speak openly about the reality behind their party. The obsequious slavering yesterday up and down their ranks was unprecedented, unpresidented and embarrassing but ultimately,  a genuine reflection of exactly what their concerns are.


History, history, history, history proffers the question and history dares you to see the answer, different cast of characters, different scenery and sets, but in the end plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose, unabashed and unbridled greed breeds the arrogance and hubris that in the end defeats it. Money is only part of it, greed demands the cash but also the control, the power, the attention, the adulation and the credit, greed demands the decision whilst foisting the responsibilities off on others (you know, "others", "those people", ie. the peasantry). Mankind's DNA has been a running never-ending battle between greed and survival. Greed kills the host and anything else it comes in contact with.


This.....this cabal, this diseased collection of greedocrats have convinced themselves that they have won simply by firing the opening salvos. The Confederacy whooped it up when Anderson's men were driven from Ft Sumter, Hitler danced a jig at the fall of France, their own blind greed that drives them to steal at the same time fosters the illusions that bolster their arrogance. Again, plus ça change...............


They are never students of history, anymore than they read their Bibles- except for the Song of Solomon and the begetting parts-they selectively pick and choose any passage that reinforces their preexisting condition. We just saw this in Alabama, the birth of Jesus was used to defend a child molester, I mean c'mon, my lurid ass imagination wouldn't have thought that one up even as satire.


At best they have wakened the sleeping giant as Yamamoto opined, they are stirring vast numbers to watch, to worry and to fear, and history again shows that fear is the midwife to action.

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28 minutes ago, twa said:

people freaking out since govt is taking less of peoples money are cute.

especially those that seem to love giving rich people their money.


Well, they are freaking because govt is taking less from corp and rich and taking more from middle class and the poor to make up for it.  But then again, you knew that already ;)


Also is the spectre of cuts to social programs to make up for the deficit.

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9 hours ago, twa said:


I always wished Hw would have beat out Reagan , but he didn't have that zing.

Well you got what you wanted long term. Between father and son, the Bush family completely betrayed the Reagan movement and turned the GOP into its current incarnation of big government theocrats.

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12 minutes ago, Riggo-toni said:

Well you got what you wanted long term. Between father and son, the Bush family completely betrayed the Reagan movement and turned the GOP into its current incarnation of big government theocrats.



How did they betray the Reagan movement that is the current GOP when Reagan was the one who started this movement?

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Reagan was the continuation of Nixon because he was cut short and hamstrung his aborted second term. The only thing Nixon really achieved was the EPA, which was anathema to Republicans and is now being dismantled.


The Republicans are hellbent on taking this country back to 1928.  And we all know what happened to most citizens in 1929. 

Edited by LadySkinsFan
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Reagan passed the 86 tax reform act and the Gramm Rudman bill which reduced rates while massively cutting deductions, and though there was plenty of cheating going on, the deficit under Miller's direction was going down during Reagan's 2nd term.

Reagan had regulations reviewed by a rational cost basis analysis and eliminated 10,000 pages from the federal registrar.

GHWB's very first budget was designed to sink Gramm Rudman by basing revenue collections increasing based on a projected 8% inflation rate when inflation was under 3%. Quayle and others in their autobiographies have stated that the Bush team was planning from day one ways to sell tax increases despite the read my lips b.s. GHWB was a hardcore Keynesian like his mentor Tricky Dick. His 1990 budget deal, which he claimed to have been forced into, created $2.12 in new spending for every additional tax dollar, with spending cuts to occur after 92...like a devout Keynesian, he wanted to try to tax and spend the country into prosperity, ignoring the fact that his recession has been caused by a credit crunch which his policies actually aggravated.

He added 20,000 pages of new regulations to the federal registrar, with no consideration of cost benefit. Numerous analyses have shown that GHWB era regulations were by far the most expensive in terms of cost/lives saved.

In the end, GHWB had the worst economic record of any President since Hoover. After alienating the libertarian/economic wing of the party, Bush sold his soul to the social religious conservatives, handing the 92 convention over to Pat Buchanan and Dan Quayle in a desperate attempt to win reelection. Screw the economic/fiscal conservatives and suck up to the Pat Robertson and Billy Grahams, campaign across the country with televangelists.


Reagan could NEVER win a GOP primary today - he would be mocked as a RHINO by all the Fox-watchers.

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1 hour ago, Riggo-toni said:

Well you got what you wanted long term. Between father and son, the Bush family completely betrayed the Reagan movement and turned the GOP into its current incarnation of big government theocrats.


Well I wish Cruz had won as well.

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25 minutes ago, BenningRoadSkin said:
When the depression his within the next 5 years, its gonna be chaotic scenes pointing back to moments like this.


Our economy is washed.


This is happens every time a (D) leaves the economy in semi-good shape.  The progress is promptly looted and given to the wealthy donor class. More programs will be cut, deficit balloons No worries, they will just press their work forces to up their productivity, lay more people people off and have those left do the jobs of 2-3 people. Break their backs to make annual GDP numbers look good so the GOP have something to point to as "signs the tax cut works" keep people fooled for another generation. 


Eventually another (D) will come along with proposals to reverse course,  and fix things once again.  1/16th of what he or she proposes will end up passing, setting the course for recovery, but at a fraction of the rate it could have been had what they wanted to get passed actually got passed in full.  Then on cue, they will be blamed for not fixing things fast enough.

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