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Presidential Election: 11/3/20 ---Now the President Elect Joe Biden Thread

Message added by TK,


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Was looking at Dave Wasserman's final version of his popular vote tracker.  Looks like the final popular vote tally will be Biden 51.3, Trump 46.9, 3rd party 1.8  My pre-election prediction was pretty much in line with this. I did think DJT was going to win the electoral vote. 


Also, the number of votes cast increased by 15.9 percent over 2016. According to my calculations, in the 25 states plus DC that Biden won, vote totals on average increased by 15.75 percent, while in the 25 states Trump won, vote totals on average increased by 13.79 percent. Also, on average, in the states that Biden won, he did an average of 3.8 percent better than Hillary. In the states that Trump won, he did an average of 2.3 percent worse than he did in 2016.


2020 Popular Vote Tracker | The Cook Political Report


Now that the SCOTUS ruling (or lack thereof) on Texas is done, I guess the next milestones are the electoral college certifcation on Monday and then Congress doing what it does in early January. From what I understand, any sort of Congressional protest that would question the election results needs to be approved by both chambers, which renders it moot. But what would've happened if the GOP won both chambers? I know you have people like Romney and Kinzinger who likely would've stood fast, but still...........


I wonder when some of these Congressman are going to stop kissing Trump's ass. I fully expect that a good number of those 120+ who signed on the Texas suit won't show up when Biden gives his first quasi SOTU address in late February. 



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2 minutes ago, PCS said:




Trump: I don't even know who the Proud Boys are. 

Trump: Stand back and stand by.

Trump: Hey, Proud Boys. I know my own Justice Department labeled you as a right wing terrorism group, but why don't you come by for a visit? I think we have some things to discuss.


(For some reason, every time I tried to type "right wing terrorism group" my fingers wrote "white wing..." I had to correct myself multiple times.  I figure that means my subconscious is trying to tell me something.)

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1 hour ago, Burgold said:

(For some reason, every time I tried to type "right wing terrorism group" my fingers wrote "white wing..." I had to correct myself multiple times.  I figure that means my subconscious is trying to tell me something.)

I dunno...I think this could swing either way.  Could be subconsciously you think "right wing terrorists"="racist white nationalists" or it could be that you subconsciously think "white"="right"...honesty disturbing and I think we need to psycho-analyze.  So lets start from the top.  Tell me...do you have dreams that involve large numbers of either pickles or bananas? 😉

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2 hours ago, The Evil Genius said:

😆 millions and millions...



So, this is the second Million Maga March that's attracted dozens. I wonder if the people who attend it look around and thing, "Gee! Kinda sparse. Maybe this isn't all I was told it would be?"


You could attract more people for a spontaneous Milli Vanilli Lip Sync impersonator. 

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2 hours ago, Jabbyrwock said:

I dunno...I think this could swing either way.  Could be subconsciously you think "right wing terrorists"="racist white nationalists" or it could be that you subconsciously think "white"="right"...honesty disturbing and I think we need to psycho-analyze.  So lets start from the top.  Tell me...do you have dreams that involve large numbers of either pickles or bananas? 😉

Hmm... I do like pickles. (Insert Mel Brooks delicatessen joke)

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56 minutes ago, Burgold said:

Hmm... I do like pickles. (Insert Mel Brooks delicatessen joke)

Well I'm no therapist, but I have stayed at a Holiday Inn Express and spent literally seconds googling your conditions and it seems that you're either perfectly fine or need intense shock therapy.


...odd that the internet only proposed two extremes and no middle ground...who would'a seen that coming?


In any case, I think out of an abundance of caution its clear how to proceed.  We're gonna need a battery, jumper cables and you might wanna remove any jewelry. 🤪


27 minutes ago, AlvinWaltonIsMyBoy said:



Am I the only one that got really sad looking at Alvin's picture and realizing its RGB on the right side there (at least I think its RGB)?  She shoulda been there to deep-six Trump's case yesterday.

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I want to know more about this Hammer super computer.  Is this a Sydney Powell claim?  She likes these dramatic names for nonsense like “Kraken” and it’s lesser known sequel “Kraken 2: Kraken on Steroids”.  Hammer, the mighty supercomputer, fits right in.  


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2 hours ago, Cooked Crack said:





A man who once claimed he could prove a federal conspiracy against Sheriff Joe Arpaio — and who collected more than $100,000 from the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office before it determined his claims were baseless — is now a key figure in a right-wing vote fraud conspiracy theory being pushed by key supporters of President Donald Trump. 


Media reports and conservative activists on social media say Dennis Montgomery has been spreading the claim that widespread voter fraud is the product of a deep-state supercomputer called “The Hammer” and software called “Scorecard.” According to the claims circulated online, those systems were allegedly used to alter ballot counts across the country....


The site said Montgomery claimed to have developed the HAMR, or Hammer, computer and the Scorecard software in the late 2000s, and that it was commandeered by the Obama administration and used to steal the 2012 election and is now being used to steal the election on Biden's behalf.


According to a 2011 New York Times story, (Montgomery) was able to convince CIA officials and other members of the George W. Bush administration that he had developed a technology for decoding secret messages to al-Qaida sleeper cells that were supposedly being broadcast on the al Jazeera television network.


Montgomery was able to parlay his claim into millions of dollars in government security contracts, and his warnings once led to an apparently baseless grounding of airline flights in 2003.




16 minutes ago, Destino said:

I want to know more about this Hammer super computer.  Is this a Sydney Powell claim?  She likes these dramatic names for nonsense like “Kraken” and it’s lesser known sequel “Kraken 2: Kraken on Steroids”.  Hammer, the mighty supercomputer, fits right in.  



See above lol...

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