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Presidential Election: 11/3/20 ---Now the President Elect Joe Biden Thread

Message added by TK,


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Just how many of these grifters are making excellent money lying to the right wing? Millions in contracts from Bush’s CIA and 100k from Maricopa?  Now he’s back with a third album: HAMR!  The computer so magic it makes people forget paper ballots exist.  

I need to write my own conspiracy theory.  Don’t know how to monetize it yet, but I’ll get there.

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Yeah the "Scorecard Hammer" thing is so stupid and so completely debunked. Like most lunatic fringe right wing conspiracy theories it was started by some rando, picked up by far right media outlets, and then magnified by right wingers/bots on Twitter and elsewhere until the whole right wing sphere was clamoring about it. Some of them still are. 

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21 minutes ago, Destino said:

Just how many of these grifters are making excellent money lying to the right wing? Millions in contracts from Bush’s CIA and 100k from Maricopa?  Now he’s back with a third album: HAMR!  The computer so magic it makes people forget paper ballots exist.  

I need to write my own conspiracy theory.  Don’t know how to monetize it yet, but I’ll get there.


Many of them follow the Alex Jones model. They use people who are following their lunatic conspiracy theories to try to get as many clicks as possible to their site where they then hawk all sorts of ludicrous **** that people who are stupid enough to believe their "theories" would definitely buy.


That or if they get enough notoriety and get popular enough on the right they'll start some sort of PAC or other group with the stated goal of helping Trump in some way, but is in reality just a slush fund. That's exactly what Bannon got caught doing. IIRC his big problem there was that he had gotten so used to getting away with **** that he got sloppy and it was super easy to trace and make a legal case for fraud.


But others still do it without getting caught if they're careful.


Hell, Sidney Powell is doing it right now. There's a reason her emails asking for donations have specific wording for tax purposes that try to keep her in the clear. She might be a true nutter, who knows, but she's also making plenty of money on this. All she has to do is keep filing stupid lawsuits, show up to the court and make sure she doesn't actually allege anything specific so she won't get in trouble with the judge and/or the bar, get thrown out, go back to her supporters with claims about how the "deep state" and the "swamp" is trying to keep the truth from getting out, ask for money, and then cha-ching.


Rinse, repeat.

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2 hours ago, Destino said:

I want to know more about this Hammer super computer.  Is this a Sydney Powell claim?  She likes these dramatic names for nonsense like “Kraken” and it’s lesser known sequel “Kraken 2: Kraken on Steroids”.  Hammer, the mighty supercomputer, fits right in.  



I think Hammer is phase 2 of the Powell universe development.  Kraken, Kraken2: The Dork World, Kraken3: GOP-Ragnarock, Hammer: Scorecard and of course Hammer: Endgame.


Ultimately we'll end up with a Kraken-Hammer morning cartoon for the little ones:



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14 minutes ago, wrilbo67 said:

These Proud Boy protests remind me of a 2-year-old that's sleepy but doesn't yet understand the feeling of getting sleepy, so they start screaming and throwing a tantrum because the feeling makes them uncomfortable.


The Million Incel March

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