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Nazis showing up at places uninvited.

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Firearm moron should have at least two charges coming:




Top one is a class 1 misdemeanor, bottom one will depend on circumstances.  If someone was injured, it's a class 6 felony.  If no one was injured it'd be a class 1 misdemeanor.  However, if they were within 1,000 feet of a school, it's a class 4 felony.  Dunno if there are any schools near to that spot, or if anyone was injured.  But he's looking at at least two class 1 misdemeanors.  Further, they should be pretty easy to prove, seeing as you've got a video.

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3 hours ago, Fan since a Fetus said:


This really pissed me off. At first I couldn't believe they didn't arrest this guy right there on the spot because he was obviously a danger to everyone there. My wife brought up the point that maybe the cops were taking the safe route because they didn't want innocent people to get caught in a crossfire. Especially if the supremacists all had guns and decided to stick up for their racist partner. They have him on camera and I really hope we hear about him getting arrested. There is no reason he shouldn't be.


He needs to do prison time and have his gun license revoked if he has one,

I was thinking that at first but the police shouldn't be scared to do their jobs. How would they explain if this guy pulled out his gun again and actually shot someone the second time around? I think that's probably why they're going with the offical story that no one heard it.

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If you can stand a bunch of whiney Germans crying "woe is us. Nobody I know was a Nazi. I swear! It must have been the other Germany!!" then I really recommend "The Memory of Justice". It's available to stream on HBO right now. It's fascinating because it's from the 70's so it's almost exclusively folks being interviewed who experienced the Third Reich firsthand. Including Albert Speer, Hitler's favorite architect and good friend and who, for all his faults, is really an amazing man (the most senior Nazi to own the Holocaust and condemn Hitler and spent the last 30+ years of his life walking the walk), the admiral who was officially the last head of state of Nazi Germany, who is a bitter old curmudgeon, the psychologist of the Nuremberg defendants, a lot of the legal folks involved in the trial and many, many others. It's 4 1/2 hours long and obviously can get very heavy at times so you might want to watch it in batches. If you've never seen it though, it really is a must watch. Can't recommend it enough. One of the greatest documentaries ever.






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Do not get me wrong. I hate this level of violence. But the white rights goobers need to learn one lesson from this, don't **** with areas where whitey isn't the overwhelming majority. Stick to mostly white areas like UVA and Boston. It's safer.



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When Antifa does all the fighting, the reporting of violence sure seems to be fair and calm (and quiet and small).  Oh well, at least they're not fascists and it was only a little violence.  They make sure to threaten and attack reporters that film them and we're still supposed to pretend they're the good guys?  Even the media, knowing that they attack the press, still treats them with kid gloves.




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LOL  Some anti-fascist protesters are violent and extreme, most protesters are peaceful and protesting against hate and racism.

Alt-Right/White Supremacy/etc protesters want racial purity, ethnic cleansing and concentration camps and some of them are violent and murderous.

Edited by visionary
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There really is no way for me to defend antifa. 


But you got me ****ed up if you think ima defend someone who wants me ethnically cleansed. I'm glad the coverage is unfair. And I'm glad it's known. One group is wrong and one side is evil. That's my take. 

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15 minutes ago, Bang said:

Has fascism ever been defeated by non-violent means?




Just now, Llevron said:


Having not done any research whatsoever im confidant the answer is no. Thats a good question for one of you history nuts on here. 

Done a bit of research here, though mostly from a political standpoint (Leftists ought to study up on fascism and and at least read Trotsky's "What is Fascism and How to Fight It") and I've also found little-to-no proof of exclusively "peaceful means" of defeating fascism of any variety. Even Dr. King and his clique had Deacons for Defense and Justice. 


Diversity of tactics is a necessity. Can you only defeat fascism through physical violence? I don't believe so. Can you only defeat fascism through non-violent means? History and at least an abridged understanding of fascism points to "no."

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6 hours ago, Destino said:

When Antifa does all the fighting, the reporting of violence sure seems to be fair and calm (and quiet and small).  Oh well, at least they're not fascists and it was only a little violence.  They make sure to threaten and attack reporters that film them and we're still supposed to pretend they're the good guys?  Even the media, knowing that they attack the press, still treats them with kid gloves.





Every group has its share of knuckleheads that want to start trouble. There's no getting around it. The problem is those knuckleheads tend to dominate the news coverage instead of the non-violent ones. Black Lives Matter got the same treatment even though they were largely a collection of diverse individuals coming together for what they saw was a common purpose. Some knuckleheads get out of control and now BLM is being branded as a terrorist hate group in some circles.

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The fact is, these alt right white pride goober douchenozzles have been the bully on the block for a long time. But now that they (the alt right or whatever the **** they want to call themselves these days) are getting their asses kicked and are being outnumbered 100 to 1 (or more) at their ****shows, they've shown how big of pusses they actually are.


Sure, the anti-fascists tactics are problemmatic but I can admit they have been effective as hell. They appear to have the alt right on the run and mostly afraid to have large scale rallies anymore. 


**** Nazis. 

Edited by The Evil Genius
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Antifa is a huge liability for Democrats.  They are ridiculous, violent morons whose methods couldn't be more counterproductive to the cause of advancing progressive agendas.


But beyond the consideration of the negative political consequences for progressives, I fear the rise of a militant left.  That is the path that leads towards a diffuse Civil War because the right is already radicalized has a very large militant fringe.


We need some fundamental reforms to buttress the stability of our democracy.  We need the return of the Fairness Doctrine to limit the influence of destructive partisan propaganda.  We need to abolish the electoral college.  And we need nation-wide non-partisan redistricting.


But I also think it's going to take the specter of a radicalized mainstream left to get any of those reforms.  Conservative lawmakers and policymakers are too stupid, selfish, and unpatriotic to enact those kinds of fundamental reforms and that the civil war is going to have to come first.

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I don't think it will come to a civil war. Municipalities must stand up and put limits on the bearing of weapons at these marches, and the courts have to back them up with these bans. 


We need to take fear, on both sides, out of the equation. And that comes from education, which Republicans seem to want to curtail.


And we have to get rid of a president that foments violence. And Republicans who seem to forget their oaths to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution. It's not just a piece of paper. 


They need to start thinking of We the People, in other words, human beings first. Those are the first words of our Constitution.

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39 minutes ago, stevemcqueen1 said:

Antifa is a huge liability for Democrats.  They are ridiculous, violent morons whose methods couldn't be more counterproductive to the cause of advancing progressive agendas.


You're implying that Anti-fascists are Democrats, care about the Democratic Party,  have any desire to see either the Democratic or Republican Parties succeed, or don't know Democrats haven't been just as complicit in red baiting as Republicans over the past century.


Anti-Fascists of most stripes know they don't have a place in the Democratic Party and don't want one. 


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22 minutes ago, thebluefood said:

You're implying that Anti-fascists are Democrats, care about the Democratic Party,  have any desire to see either the Democratic or Republican Parties succeed, or don't know Democrats haven't been just as complicit in red baiting as Republicans over the past century.


Anti-Fascists of most stripes know they don't have a place in the Democratic Party and don't want one. 



I'm implying that they are liberal progressives.  And last I checked, there is exactly one party capable of getting liberals elected, forming governing coalitions, and advancing any sort of liberal progressive agenda whatsoever.


Antifa are children playing at revolutionary who have zero capacity to achieve anything of positive consequence on their own.  Their only shot at making a difference is by working with Democrats through the political process.

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One thing about Antifa that makes them tough to corral is that they are a very decentralized group.


BLM, for example, had two parts to it, the actual organization, and the randos who said they were BLM at rallies.


Antifa is the latter without the former.  Sure there are some loose leadership structures in some places, but for the most part they don't speak for more than tiny local slivers of Antifa.


As such, how Dems can put a lock on Antifa is a hard question.  They really can't.  A half dozen black bloc dudes who decide to throw rocks at police can sour people on entire rallies, and are basically impossible to stop if they want to act.



Ultimately, I think you have to kind of hope that coverage keeps being lopsided against Nazis/Alt-Right/etc., because Dems will undoubtedly get blamed for Antifa/Black Bloc violence while having no control over it (and over Dem condemnations of violence).


That being said though, the violence committed at the Charlottesville rally by Nazis/Alt-right/etc is worse than what Antifa has done thus far.  Car guy is the worst, but firing into crowd guy and beating a guy's head bloody guy aren't far behind.  I haven't seen quite the same magnitude of violence from Antifa and/or other counterprotest groups on my feeds, mainly just some punches here and there, but if it has happened please let me know.


If they haven't risen to that level of violence, it's important to not let the narrative suddenly become "both sides" stuff.  One side committed at least 3 potentially deadly acts of violence, one of which actually resulted in a death, along with numerous smaller acts of violence.  The other side appears to have only committed smaller acts of violence.  Keeping that in context is important.

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2 minutes ago, stevemcqueen1 said:


I'm implying that they are liberal progressives.  And last I checked, there is exactly one party capable of getting liberals elected, forming governing coalitions, and advancing any sort of liberal progressive agenda whatsoever.


Antifa are children playing at revolutionary who have zero capacity to achieve anything of positive consequence on their own.  Their only shot at making a difference is by working with Democrats through the political process.

There are liberal progressives among the Anti-fascists but you're also going to find Socialists of all stripes (it's one of the few things the Left can agree on right now). Socialists and liberals are not, have not, and never will be the same and the prior will, at best, hold their nose and vote for them when there are no better choices on the ballot (which is awfully hard to do when you consider the hoops third-party and independent candidates have to jump through in order to get on the ballot in most states). 


Anti-fascists, for the most part, are actually trying to address fascism on the streets and with direct action. That means dealing with fascist rallies but it also means volunteering with Food Not Bombs, starting community gardens for food sustainability, and organizing their work places. I've got buddies doing all of the above and more - putting their livelihoods and safety on the line to do it - not just writing #Resist on their Twitter feeds and relying on elected officials to do the work for them. 





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