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Redskins losing it's fanbase according to 24/7 Wall street article


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Mods if you think this discussion should be moved to the Tailgate please feel free. This is an interesting article about the decline of fan attendance to live sporting events. The Redskins are one of only two NFL teams that have lower attendance figures over the past decade. (the other being the Cleveland Browns) It is interesting to me that at least in attendance numbers we are comparable to arguably the worst franchise in league history. Over the past decade, even with a relatively successful past 5 years, The skins continue to lose fans. The old saying of "win and the fans will come" hasnt seemed to work the past couple of seasons. 


My thoughts on the cause have a lot to do with the fan gameday experience. The stadium is a dump, the concessions are over priced and the parking lot situation is a joke. 



> 10 yr. attendance change: -10.6%
> Sport: Football
> Avg. home game attendance: 78,304
> Avg. capacity filled: 85.4%

The Washington Redskins are one of two NFL franchises to report a more than 10% decline in attendance between 2006 and 2016. In 2006, coming off a relatively successful season culminating in a divisional game loss to the Seattle Seahawks, FedExField was regularly filled to capacity for home games. In contrast, the stadium was only filled, on average, to about 85% capacity last season. The relative lack of interest in the team this year was punctuated by the preseason release of once-promising quarterback and 2012 offensive rookie of the year award winner, Robert Griffin III. RGIII was at one point expected to be Washington’s savior.

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Being consistently mediocre doesn't help.  Hell, the 49ers stadium is brand frickin' new and it took them exactly one losing season before the stadium was half empty for home games.


If the team once again becomes a consistent winner, as in playoff berth or at least meaningful games with the playoffs on the line every season for a 4-5 season stretch, fans will brave the stadium regardless how they feel about "gameday experience"


As a fan of the A's, who play in arguably the worst pro sports stadium in all of sports?  When they are winning, it doesn't matter, people show up.

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I remember going to a David and Busters in Rockville, Md. this was Redskins territory in my youth. When I went into the arcade almost all their sports prizes were Raven's stuff. 


Bobbles, mini helmets, signed footballs. 


I couldn't did any 'skins merchandise. It was weird and depressing. 


That was about bout five years ago, I think. 

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I also have to wonder if the affordability of tickets are also contributing to this. Not sure how reliable this site is but according to Statista, The average ticket for a Redskins game nearly $30 more expensive than the league average.


This team was known for drawing people to the stadium (whether it was at Griffith or RFK) across the class spectrum but between the high ticket prices and the overall impact gentrification has been having on the area (the D.C. area is one of the most expensive places to live in America) along with the team's poor play and the already existent, transient nature of the area, are leading to the drop in attendance. I mean, I started a thread about a month ago here talking about seeing the Redskins on a budget but it still seems like it's going to be a huge financial commitment.


Also: I wonder if the recent success of the city's other three teams is contributing to this. Over the last 10 years, we've seen the Nats, Wizards, and Capitals become title contenders (despite choking down the stretch). Can't speak for the Wizards or Caps but I know I can at least afford bleacher seats at Nationals Park and not only get a better product on the field but better Metro accessibility.


Speaking of (and last point): They move the Redskins way out into the Suburbs and you have to make nearly mile long hike to get to the stadium from the Morgan Blvd. Station. I can't speak for most of you but public transportation accommodations is a pretty big factor for me if I'm going to go somewhere. I go see the Nats, Caps, or Wizards via Metro and I'm basically at the park/stadium as soon as I get off the train.

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Let's face it.  It has not been easy being a Redskins fan these past 25 years.  I'm actually a bit surprised there are so many still out there.  I for one, will always be.  I have made many mistakes as a parent, but one thing I am proud of is both my kids are Redskins fans as well.  I only hope one day they will be able to witness the "Glory Years" we older fans once enjoyed.

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I think the team's performance the last 25 years speaks for itself. That's a whole generation's worth of fans that's wasn't being replenished just to maintain the fanbase.  You're certainly not gonna gain fans with the pitiful, unlikable circus this franchise has been.


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I think judging by game attendance is not the best way to go. For one, the average ticket prices around the league keep increasing. Attendance around the league has been down lately as well. I think people aren't willing to shell out thousands of dollars a year to go to 8 football games. That money can go towards a really nice TV, a family vacation, etc.


Also like another poster said, the team has taken seats out of the Stadium. So of course attendance is going to go down when there are less seats. And of course, winning helps bring people to the games. If the team can continue to win more games, then more people will want to go.

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I live in San Diego - come out here and go to Winstons Bar on game day.  The 'Skins aren't loosing any fans out here.  My and I am sure others on this board, are already planning 1 or 2 trips up to LA to see the 'Skins play.  The group I am traveling with is at 9 people right now. 

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Again, the team wouldn't remove the seats if they were easy to sell.  I'm not sure why this is being brought up as a means to say the fanbase isn't decreasing.  I don't think it's all due to the dysfunction and how much the team sucks overall as there are other factors being brought up that are also credible. (Pricing, additional options to watch football, etc.)

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24 minutes ago, ExoDus84 said:

I don't even think total attendance tells the real story. Anybody see "home" games lately? The number of opposing fans in the stadiums is ridiculous. It's almost an away game played at FedEx.

And it doesn't surprise me one bit, especially because our division opponents are either

1.) Along the I-95 corridor 

2.) (Unfortunately) one of the most popular franchises in the country, regardless of sport


That, along with Washington already being a transient city and (sorry for bringing this up but I have to believe this is a factor) economic factors pushing the city/area natives out (the folks that are the dyed in the wool, multi-generational Redskins fan) have got to be playing a role in this.


Why on Earth would someone from somewhere else be a Redskins fan right now and how could someone from here justify going to multiple games if they aren't making a sizable salary, especially if they don't live in Washington anymore? My base salary is at about $27,000. Maybe with my bi-monthly commission I can justify going to a game if I kick ass and take names (and I only live about two hours away from the stadium - just across the Mason-Dixon line). 

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I've long believed over that time span that Daniel Snyder priced the average earners out of the stadium. For nearly 40 years my family held season tickets to the stadium but gave them up in this time frame because we aren't wealthy and can't afford the price of admission. When the family gave up 4 tickets it was a very sad day for many people but it's impossible to ask for an extremely expensive price to see something live you can see for nearly free (electricity still costs money).


Our owner needs to be more like the Falcons owner



And make going to games affordable for the middle average earners to fill up the stadium again. This news comes as not surprising to me. Our owner would charge to walk on the sidewalks from the metro to the stadium if he could it seems. Big difference between a $12 hot dog and a $2 hot dog feeling of being welcomed.


When ticket prices and parking prices and concessions went through the roof that was the moment we started seeing more and more opposing fans in the stadium as well.


RFK was a dump (say that with love and many many fond memories) but it was a dump the average guy could afford to go and take his family to a ball game and that place was rocking even in the lean years because the rich don't get nearly as emotionally involved in a professional team like the average guy does. The average earner just can't afford to take his family to games these days. Times have changed

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The old guard Redskin fan base is dying off. The new generation coming up is growing up with the Nats and Wizards(I think the Caps "era" has come and gone but they have a small niche but loyal passionate fanbase).


Look at Redskins home games. They're half filled with opposing fans.


When I walk around town I see a LOT more Nats, Caps, and even Wizards gear being worn than Redskins.

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34 minutes ago, ExoDus84 said:

I don't even think total attendance tells the real story. Anybody see "home" games lately? The number of opposing fans in the stadiums is ridiculous. It's almost an away game played at FedEx.

I think it's gotten better since we've been winning a little more.  I still can't get over the ticket prices then saying "Oh people aren't coming because they don't care".  No, people can't come because its too GD expensive.  I get it, billion dollar franchise playing multimillioare players, money has to come from somewhere, but good lord.  I want to go to the Raiders game and that's an investment to deal with the ticket and parking pass. A lot of diehard fans that just can't roll like that.

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