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NYT:I’m Glad the Dyke March Banned Jewish Stars


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Just more political correctness at it's best.




".....Has there ever been a crisper expression of the consequences of “intersectionality” than a ban on Jewish lesbians from a Dyke March? 

Intersectionality is the big idea of today’s progressive left. In theory, it’s the benign notion that every form of social oppression is linked to every other social oppression. This observation — coined in 1989 by Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw — sounds like just another way of rephrasing a slogan from a poster I had in college: My liberation is bound up with yours. That is, the fight for women’s rights is tied up with the fight for gay rights and civil rights and so forth. Who would dissent from the seductive notion of a global sisterhood?

Well, in practice, intersectionality functions as kind of caste system, in which people are judged according to how much their particular caste has suffered throughout history. Victimhood, in the intersectional way of seeing the world, is akin to sainthood; power and privilege are profane.

By that hierarchy, you might imagine that the Jewish people — enduring yet another wave of anti-Semitism here and abroad — should be registered as victims. Not quite.

Why? Largely because of Israel, the Jewish state, which today’s progressives see only as a vehicle for oppression of the Palestinians — no matter that Israel has repeatedly sought to meet Palestinian claims with peaceful compromise, and no matter that progressives hold no other country to the same standard. China may brutalize Buddhists in Tibet and Muslims in Xinjiang, while denying basic rights to the rest of its 1.3 billion citizens, but “woke” activists pushing intersectionality keep mum on all that........"

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I listened to a cool show on NPR yesterday about part of this issue.

http://www.npr.org/2017/06/29/534916059/its-larger-than-pride-activists-consider-path-forward-for-lgbt-movement  That's part of the whole show.


Basically, the debate is about whether the mainstream acceptance of Pride events, corporate sponsors, attendance by straight people etc, has done more harm than good for the Gay political agenda.  It's a fascinating debate really.


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Believe me, in the Radical Feminist movement, this is getting a bunch of resistance. And another thing that's concerning is that "transdykes" (yes, wrap your mind about that concept and further that Lesbians are being pilloried for refusing to have sex with these delusional men) want to take over the Dyke Marches. 


Dyke = adult female Lesbians, not males whatever their feels.


I have a gay flag with a double women's symbol on it. That will be the next banned.


Corporate sponsorship of Gay and Lesbian Pride has been a bone of contention for a number of years. I haven't gone in years because of it. I remember when it was held on school grounds near Georgetown and it was a fun festival. 

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So the lesson here is assholes come in all sizes, shapes, colors, sexual persuasions, political leanings, ..  gee,, seems like just about every walk of life.


And the lesson we learn from this is that this is a lesson every adult should already know... and gasping and pointing is ludicrous to those of us who already realize the human species as a whole is a self centered, immature, territorial animal with little to no concern with anyone other than their own selves.


In my mind, every adult, especially in this country where everything is set up to steal from you, ought to expect this, and if they don't and are constantly surprised when it happens, or constantly trying to use fingers to point out various groups are just as ****ty as the group they pretend isn't, well, God damn, go kick your parents for never teaching you this incredibly basic fact of life.


People ****ing SUCK.

This is why I happily employ an "everyone can equally go **** themselves" policy.





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I really hate the insidious way "feel unsafe" is used against virtually anything disagreed with.  By labeling the mere presence of an idea, or in this case a very real identity, a threat they justify actions taken against it.  


This form of propaganda is dangerous because people do not respond to threats and disagreements the same way.  

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Again, look up cotton ceiling.


Still male, most keep their male genitalia, and no I don't recognize said genitalia as lady sticks or whatever other euphemism they use. And no I won't have sex with them no matter how hard they want to shame Lesbians into having sex with them.


Their gender feels are far removed from sexual orientation. The alphabet soup orgs have been taken over by transactivists and have been turned into some of the most misogynistic groups ever. 


The banning of the gay flag with the Jewish star on it also fits nicely with the anti-Semitic views of some of these guys. 

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1 minute ago, LadySkinsFan said:

Again, look up cotton ceiling.


Still male, most keep their male genitalia, and no I don't recognize said genitalia as lady sticks or whatever other euphemism they use. And no I won't have sex with them no matter how hard they want to shame Lesbians into having sex with them.


Their gender feels are far removed from sexual orientation. The alphabet soup orgs have been taken over by transactivists and have been turned into some of the most misogynistic groups ever. 


The banning of the gay flag with the Jewish star on it also fits nicely with the anti-Semitic views of some of these guys. 

Do you not see the moral relativism you complain about being directed at you, reflected in your' own words?

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2 minutes ago, LadySkinsFan said:

Not when men are trying to force women into having sex with them.

Right, but if that logic is applied to the bathroom bill debate, or the woman in combat position debate, or any number of debates, its frowned upon. Why is it now OK for you to use? It's almost like the NIMBY argument - it's bad, until it suits me. Then, naturally, it is logical and appropriate. 

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Here's something else, transing children is child abuse.


Example: that boy Jazz who has a TV show. His parents bought into his wanting designated female things (clothes and toys) and decided to call him a girl despite biology, and just letting him like these things anyway, and maybe he was gay. So they sought out transing doctors and put this poor kid on puberty blockers. It's been revealed on the show that when he wanted "bottom surgery" he didn't have enough material to perform the surgery. The puberty blockers did their job well, his penis is is size of a child and isn't big enough use as the material to create a faux vagina. So he's stuck with a child's size penis and his sex life has been compromised.


Too many have jumped on the trans wagon so as not to upset these people. They can just declare themselves girls/women bases on how they feel. They don't even have to go through mental health care to determine what's going on with them.


Just yesterday, Donna Perry, a MtT who killed two women, was convicted of those crimes. He was finally caught because of his male DNA. He's been convicted as a woman, will skew female crime statistics, and will most likely be incarcerated in a women's prison.


9 minutes ago, Popeman38 said:

Right, but if that logic is applied to the bathroom bill debate, or the woman in combat position debate, or any number of debates, its frowned upon. Why is it now OK for you to use? It's almost like the NIMBY argument - it's bad, until it suits me. Then, naturally, it is logical and appropriate. 


Ever hear of rape culture or corrective rape? 

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30 minutes ago, LadySkinsFan said:

Ever hear of rape culture or corrective rape? 

Yes. The last time this subject was discussed.  When you brought it up to justify your moral equivalency. 


And Donna Perry was convicted of three murders.  And that has nothing to do with trans anything.  

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There's a segment of the alphabet soup orgs that discriminate against people of color, Jewish people, Muslim people, and others. That's why I don't belong to any of these orgs nor attend any events by them, because they are against women too. 


It's a shame that we ended up here.

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29 minutes ago, tshile said:


it's the only way to go

Naw, people I like.

It's people i don't like.



Individually people are terrific, mostly. Most of the time it's because they're constrained by societal norms or fear borne of knowledge that their prejudices are wrong, and they usually keep it to themselves. But get them in a group and empower their idiocy, and it almost always turns into discriminations of one form or another.


i guess the irony of THIS particular bag of hateful assholes is that it's supposed to be about who they LOVE.

****ing people.



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1 hour ago, LadySkinsFan said:

He wasn't identified for a while because he transed himself. It was his DNA that finally got him caught. The police were looking for a man, not a woman. Although he doesn't look much like a woman.

So you are 100% confident that he "transed" himself to avoid being prosecuted for their murders?  Even though his motive as stated was jealousy that they could be pregnant?  How is that any different than a heterosexual preacher being 100% sure he can cure you of being a lesbian?  You think he chose to be trans and the preacher thinks you chose to be a lesbian. Both are moral relativism.  Why is it you are right and he's wrong?

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10 hours ago, LadySkinsFan said:

Here's something else, transing children is child abuse.


Example: that boy Jazz who has a TV show. His parents bought into his wanting designated female things (clothes and toys) and decided to call him a girl despite biology, and just letting him like these things anyway, and maybe he was gay. So they sought out transing doctors and put this poor kid on puberty blockers. It's been revealed on the show that when he wanted "bottom surgery" he didn't have enough material to perform the surgery. The puberty blockers did their job well, his penis is is size of a child and isn't big enough use as the material to create a faux vagina. So he's stuck with a child's size penis and his sex life has been compromised.


Too many have jumped on the trans wagon so as not to upset these people. They can just declare themselves girls/women bases on how they feel. They don't even have to go through mental health care to determine what's going on with them.




This x1000


That parents are doing this to children is absolutely beyond the pale

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