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The Sewer That Is The GOP: With All The White Supremacists, Conspiracy Nutters, And Other Malicious Whacko Subgroups, How Does It Get Fixed?


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Never heard the term ‘consequence free sex’ before but here it is. The GOP will never stop. If you let them they would take sex away from you. She straight up says it. 

Sounds crazy now. A coup did too in 2015 



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Oh, I've said for decades that The Right's positions become a lot more consistent, if you assume that they want to ban sex, but they know they don't have the votes to do it. So they'll just make it as dangerous as possible instead. 

Opposing abortion, contraception, and sex education become consistent policies, then. 

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Rural citizens gripe about the lack of jobs, a governor does something to improve the situation, and the assholes gripe about that. 


BTW, I don't remember the people getting the government handouts passed by Democrats gripping about free money. 

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On 5/19/2022 at 7:55 PM, China said:



People have ignored this (or laughed it off), but we have a sitting US Congressman openly calling for fascism.


What Is Dark MAGA? Trump Supporters Attempt Rebrand for 2024


Dark MAGA supporters are calling for a ruthless, unforgiving version of Trump to take revenge on his political enemies at the 2024 election - though the movement hasn't been recognized or endorsed by Trump in any form. The former president hasn't yet even formally confirmed whether he'll run for president in 2024.


In the description of the #DarkMAGA hashtag creator, as described by the Global Network on Extremism & Technology (GNET), Dark MAGA represents "Napoleon, being exiled, and then raising a f****** army to attack Europe to attack the elites."


"#DarkMAGA is the aesthetic demand that Trump embrace a harder and more focused approach to the role only he can fill. He was too kindhearted, too forgiving. Dark MAGA demands he learn from his mistakes," writes another Twitter user.


"It's the realization that there is no political solution beyond vengeance," tweets another user.


"If you want to win, if you don't want to repeat the past, you have to get mean; you almost have to embrace the villain role that they're bringing you with," describes another supporter quoted by GNET.


Click on the link for the full article

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9 hours ago, China said:

"more focused approach to the role only he can fill" 


Senior with Adderall addiction and probably a rotten brain from syphilis is going to be more focused. 

12 hours ago, Cooked Crack said:



“Sherman and his troops destroyed our community. Now this supposedly green company is coming to destroy it again,” said JoEllen Artz, the president of the grassroots No2Rivian group, which says it has raised over $250,000 and hired Atlanta lawyers to help wage their battle. “We want to keep it just like it is.”


Jiving America First with..... When the United States of America destroyed our community 160 years ago. 


Wannabe confederate hack. 

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The GOP should change their moniker to S&M.
they are sadists, depriving and directly hurting the people who vote for them.
The people who vote for them are masochists, begging for it and loving every second that they can take it so they can blame it on whoever the sadists point to.

****ing degenerates.



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4 hours ago, Bang said:

The GOP should change their moniker to S&M.
they are sadists, depriving and directly hurting the people who vote for them.
The people who vote for them are masochists, begging for it and loving every second that they can take it so they can blame it on whoever the sadists point to.

****ing degenerates.




50 Shades of GOP

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Republican Senator Claims It’s Biden’s Fault That ‘Kansas Is No Longer a Border State’


On Sunday, GOP Sen. Roger Marshall, of Kansas, attacked Joe Biden, suggesting the President is to blame because “Kansas is no longer a border state.”


Marshall’s stunning comment came during an interview on Fox News where he complained that migrants are “stacked up” waiting to enter the United States as soon as pandemic-era Title 42 measures are lifted.


“Joe Biden has to stop sending this signal to everybody,” the Kansas Republican said. “He needs to stop making this a magnet. So this — when he said, when he announced he was ending Title 42, that was the magnet for the rest of the world.”


He then claimed that “hundreds of dead bodies” have been found at one ranch he visited and appeared to blame Biden for it.



Click on the link for the full article

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SHOCK POLL: Almost 70 Percent of Republicans Say IMPEACH BIDEN After Midterm Win


Almost 70 percent of Republican voters say the House of Representatives should impeach President Joe Biden if their party takes over the chamber in the 2022 midterms — doubling the number of all other Americans who say the same.


Former President Donald Trump was impeached twice, the second time for inciting the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol. Overwhelming majorities of Americans believe the actions surrounding that event are a crime — over 71 percent in one recent poll.


A roughly equal percentage of Americans (66%) do not believe that President Biden should be impeached if Republicans retake the majority in November — perhaps as a consequence of the fact that Biden has not been credibly accused of any crimes in office.


But according to a new UMass Amherst Poll conducted by YouGov, a full 68 percent of Republicans want Biden impeached by a GOP-controlled Congress. The pollster predicts pressure to impeach will only increase among Republicans:



While just over one-third of the poll’s 1,000 respondents (34%) say that a GOP-controlled House should impeach Biden, 68% of Republicans and Trump voters and 66% of conservatives all would like to see the President charged by Congress for treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors, the formal criteria for impeachment laid out in the Constitution. Asked if they think that a Republican-controlled House actually will impeach Biden, 44% of the poll’s respondents said they think it will, while over half of Republicans (53%) said they think it will.


“The decision to impeach a president was once viewed as a last resort to reign in a president who pushed or broke through the boundaries of our laws, values and ethics,” says Tatishe Nteta, associate professor of political science at UMass Amherst and director of the poll. “Today, impeachment is no longer a final option, but one of many weapons to be used in an era of rampant partisan polarization to gain an upper hand on one’s partisan opponents. With a number of Republican members of Congress calling to impeach President Biden, the chorus will likely grow louder if and when the Republican Party takes control of the U.S. House in 2022.”


Click on the link for the full article

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4 minutes ago, LadySkinsFan said:

Mike Pence consulted with his attorneys to find out if he could stop the Electoral College vote count. 


He doesn't get one scintilla of credit for doing his job after contemplating not doing it. Asshole. 


Yeah I'm honestly not sure what he's playing at.


He won't get the "moderate" (if there is such a thing anymore) Republican vote since he was such a groveling sycophant to Trump, even when Trump tried to steal the election. He definitely won't get the MAGA vote because he was already seen as a borderline traitor for not refusing to certify the election, and now that he has come out with this he's going to be seen as a 100% traitor.


He has no chance with anyone. He tried to play around and straddle the fence and just ended up falling and smacking his balls.

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