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The Sewer That Is The GOP: With All The White Supremacists, Conspiracy Nutters, And Other Malicious Whacko Subgroups, How Does It Get Fixed?


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1 hour ago, The Evil Genius said:

Fox News and especially Tucker need to own this shooting in Buffalo. 

Spoiler alert: Neither Tucker Carlson nor Charlie Kirk nor any of the others spouting xenophobic garbage will. 


Because obviously they do not mean go on a violent rampage and shoot immigrants.  They just want a little bit of ignorant anger and misguided hatred to be used towards an agenda of anti-immigrant policies.  


Those smarter in history reminded me of Julius Streicher -- founder and publisher of anti-Semitic Nazi propaganda, who was executed as part of the Nuremburg trials.


It is more scary to me that Tucker Carlson has the most viewed Cable News show on TV.  I don't think so many people are watching because they think he's full of ****. I think they might enjoy the taste of American fascist propaganda...

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4 hours ago, 88Comrade2000 said:


Recall reading a post.  (No clue if it's true).  


Said that he had been researching names and addresses and things for all of the 1/6 insurrectionists that had been changed.  


He said that the rioters weren't downtrodden poor people.  And they weren't minimum wage high school dropouts.  He said that many of them were middle class professionals.  


He said that the factor that most of them had in common?  Was they they lived in a county that was 90% white, 20 years ago.  And was now only 50% white or so.  


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Conservatives reeeeeally didn’t like it when the dude on SNL made jokes about his eyepatch. We will see if their convictions remain. 

I mean we know they wont. But we will get to watch them be hypocritical again like that’s new. 

Edited by Llevron
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That's the Rs in a nutshell- assholes. Intentional, conscious, willing assholes whose entire existence is defined by pissing people off- any people, anywhere, any way, in whatever venue by whatever means. They are those assholes we went to school with, didn't do the homework, don't listen, don't understand, don't want to and are there solely to disrupt anyone else from learning or experiencing anything. Doesn't need to track or make sense or be defensible or anything else as long as someone is offended or pissed off ( or on ).


These are not deplorables

These are disposables


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2 hours ago, LD0506 said:

That's the Rs in a nutshell- assholes. Intentional, conscious, willing assholes whose entire existence is defined by pissing people off- any people, anywhere, any way, in whatever venue by whatever means. They are those assholes we went to school with, didn't do the homework, don't listen, don't understand, don't want to and are there solely to disrupt anyone else from learning or experiencing anything. Doesn't need to track or make sense or be defensible or anything else as long as someone is offended or pissed off ( or on ).


These are not deplorables

These are disposables


And at the end of all of this they are more than anything the victim in their minds. It’s the most frustrating part for me. 

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13 minutes ago, Llevron said:

And at the end of all of this they are more than anything the victim in their minds. It’s the most frustrating part for me. 


They have to be a victim

The only alternative is admitting that they are assholes

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Republicans Block Bill to Stop Price Gouging at the Pump as Gas Hits New Record High


Take a walk through U.S. Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers‘ tweets and you’ll find complaint after complaint about the price of gas. Congresswoman McMorris Rodgers, Republican of Washington, is the ranking member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee but opposes legislation to stop oil and gas companies from price gouging consumers.


Rep. McMorris Rodgers on Monday claimed that making it illegal for oil companies to price gouge is “socialism,” something that’s done in places like “Soviet Russia,” not in America.


“The promise of America is free enterprise, not socialism, not government price controls,” she claimed, as she complained about the price of gas, which just hit a new record high.


Click on the link for the full article

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2 hours ago, Bang said:

I wish they'd just buy Greenland and go create the MAGA dream on their own.




I think someone needs to create a deepfake video of Trump announcing he has brokered a deal to buy Greenland and that all of his loyal MAGA followers can homestead with a free parcel of land, inclusive of a free cruise to get them to Greenland.  Once you have all his most idiotic rabid followers loaded onto cruise ships, have them set sail and have the Navy torpedo them.

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22% of Republican State Lawmakers Nationwide Joined Far-Right Facebook Groups, Study Finds


Nearly 22% of Republican state lawmakers nationwide have joined at least one far-right Facebook group, according to a new survey by an advocacy group that tracks bigotry and attacks on democracy.


The Institute for Research and Education on Human Rights found 875 legislators representing all 50 states who have joined white nationalist, paramilitary, QAnon, anti-immigrant, “Stop the Steal” or other groups tied to the far right. The Facebook groups that the report focuses on are active on a range of issues, and not all of them embrace racist or nationalist ideologies.

“We wanted to have some sort of indicator of how far-right ideas have moved from the margins to the mainstream,’’ said Devin Burghart, executive director of the institute. “Frankly, we were shocked by what we found.”


The institute’s report, “Breaching the Mainstream,’’ contains a database of 789 far-right Facebook groups and lists the state lawmakers who have joined them. 


The report defines “far-right” groups as those advocating for changes that would significantly undermine political, social and/or economic equality along class, racial, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, immigration status or religious lines.


Click on the link for the full article

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