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The Sewer That Is The GOP: With All The White Supremacists, Conspiracy Nutters, And Other Malicious Whacko Subgroups, How Does It Get Fixed?


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Yeah I'm pretty convinced at this point that MAGA sycophants could basically admit to anything and the mouth breathing base would figure out a way to support it.


Admitting to campaign law violations.

1) Normal people: "This person is a crook and a liar"

2) MAGAs: "Hey, they played the system good for them!" or "They're trying to show from the inside how bad the swamp is!"


Admitting to having tons of abortions.

1) Normal people: "Wow, this person is a complete hypocrite"

2) MAGAs: "This just shows the amazing redemptive power of Christ!" or "Hey, we're all sinners, so nobody can cast a stone!"

Admitting to being a pedophile.

1) Normal people: "Holy crap. Get that piece of **** to prison ASAP"

2) MAGAs: "The Deep State set them up!" or  "They're trying to expose from the inside the Democratic party's child sex trafficking ring!"


Admitting to 1st degree murder.

1) Normal people: "Um. This person is literally a murderer"

2) MAGAs: "Maybe it was premeditated self defense! Stand your future ground!" or "The victim was probably an Antifa or BLM crisis actor"



Also, for all of the above:


3) MAGAs: "I don't give a **** as long as it triggers the libs"

Edited by mistertim
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Marjorie Taylor Green’s Chief of Staff Quits — Hours After Her Very Public Meltdown on the Capitol Steps


Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) lost her most senior staffer on Friday after she made a scene on the steps of the U.S. Capitol.


NBC News reported Greene “instigated a shouting match with a group of House Democrats who were holding an event outside the U.S. Capitol on Friday.”


Greene screamed that Democrats support “murder” for supporting abortion rights.


Following the incident, Greene announced that her chief of staff had “advised” her that he would no longer be working in her office.


“I want to thank my Chief of Staff, Patrick Parsons, for helping me take the fight to the Socialist Democrats as I’ve transitioned into Congress. He’s advised me he will be moving back into the political arena to help elect America First conservatives who can fight alongside me,” she posted to Twitter.




Click on the link for the full story

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On 9/22/2021 at 10:26 AM, mistertim said:




It's kind of like how they are with cops: "Back the blue! Unless they stop us from trying to storm the Capitol, then they're fascist pigs who need to be beaten with flag poles!"



You might be correct there but wait a second. Isnt the liberal thing about covid that we should wear masks and have vaccine cards.....but then something like Carmines New York happens and all of a sudden carmines is racist and so are vaccine cards? From the looks of things i thought that anti vaxxers are trump supporters with a pea sized brains and shouldnt be allowed on this earth 

Edited by CjSuAvE22
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12 minutes ago, CjSuAvE22 said:

You might be correct there but wait a second. Isnt the liberal thing about covid that we should wear masks and have vaccine cards.....but then something like Carmines New York happens and all of a sudden carmines is racist and so are vaccine cards? From the looks of things i thought that anti vaxxers are trump supporters with a pea sized brains and shouldnt be allowed on this earth 


Who is saying Carmines is in the wrong besides a weird group of like 10 supposed BLM protestors from a video posted on Fox News?

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I have a lot more respect for this thread after the last three posts...There is a problem with america, and its wealth/academia because if u are not intwined into those groups nobody cares about you plain and simple, which brings me to my next point its no fluke Trump gets voted into office the majority of poor white america felt like he was their voice (and if we want to be true to the situation than they are right) democrat party needs to evolve plain and simple if they want to preach equality for all that includes every poor indian asian white black and latino american and make it blatant, but its so obvious that democrats cater to a couple of certain races that as an asian american i feel like a podunk white america left out and forgotten so i vote conservative. I know a lot of u will chastise me for this, and yes there are asian americans that are on board with progressive values so im pointing why i feel left out and why although the gop cares less about me too at least i dont see them leaving me out hence why i vote conservative.

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Abortion-Banning, Voter-Suppressing, Gun-Promoting, Border-Sealing Texas Gov. Abbot Not Far-Right Enough for Trumpist Wing of GOP


Texas Gov. Greg Abbott signed the nation’s most radical abortion ban, a far-reaching voter suppression law, and legislation that allows Texans to carry handguns without a permit or training. He responded to a surge in COVID-19 delta variant cases by blocking local vaccine and mask mandates, and he mobilized state police and national guard troops to “seal” the border with Mexico. But none of that is enough for some Trump-loving Republicans. Former Trump campaign lawyer Jenna Ellis recently declared on her radio show that Abbott is “not a real Republican” while endorsing Abbott challenger Don Huffines in the state’s Republican primary.


Ellis endorsed Huffines in a video released last Thursday and interviewed the far-right candidate on the Sept. 15 edition of the “Jenna Ellis Show,” where she declared Abbott to be a “Republican in name only” while describing Huffines as a “true, actual Republican.” Ellis also attended a Sept. 15 brunch event hosted by Huffines’ wife.


Ellis reminded listeners that she is “not a fan” of the Republican National Committee or “any of the RINOs,” adding, “And we as conservatives, as faith-based Christians, as people who just care about this country, we need to make sure that we are advocating for, supporting, endorsing the true actual Republicans.” Ellis and Huffines criticized Abbott for not taking more aggressive action on the border sooner, and Ellis claimed, not very credibly, that “it has really also concerned me to see the LGBT movement that has basically been broadly endorsed by Abbott.”


Despite being turned out of office by voters in 2018, Huffines, a wealthy Dallas-area developer and former state senator,  announced his candidacy for governor in May. Huffines’ campaign website is a parade of far-right rhetoric on “election integrity,” “critical race theory,” “social media censorship,” and more. In a section labeled “Texas Values,” Huffines declares:


We will stop bowing down to the federal courts. This is Texas. We don’t care what John Roberts thinks. He and other sellouts on the Supreme Court have proven that they cannot be trusted to protect our liberty or state sovereignty.


Click on the link for the full article

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9 hours ago, CjSuAvE22 said:

How does this thread feel about Joe Manchin? 

I like him for the most part though that doesn’t mean I approve of everything about him.  Not surprising though since I ten to lean further to the right than most of this forum.


7 hours ago, Rdskns2000 said:

Joe Manchin is no longer in tune with the Democratic Party. His Democratic Party is long dead. He might as well become a republican.


This is probably right and honestly, he more represents what I wish the Republican Party was.

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