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The Sewer That Is The GOP: With All The White Supremacists, Conspiracy Nutters, And Other Malicious Whacko Subgroups, How Does It Get Fixed?


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Roughly half the population of this country should indeed be purged, I'm just fussy about selection.


And I'm available as a guide on who's most qualified to be purged if any existing entity able to do the task is interested.


Here to serve. 😇

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So a GOP power couple, the wife of whom is the founder of a homophobic group that has thrown an epic **** fit because gay people exist, was evidently having threeways with another woman, who the husband then raped. The wife was also training people on how to win school board seats to further push their agenda against people who they consider to be sexual deviants. 




As 2023 began, it looked as though Christian and Bridget Ziegler had a golden year ahead. And it was — for 11 months.


He was elected chairman of the Republican Party of Florida, its most important position and one that was particularly crucial given that the two leading candidates for the GOP presidential nomination were Florida men. He would be in charge of fundraising and spending millions of dollars for party candidates going into 2024.


She was starting her third and final term on the Sarasota County School Board, having been reelected while running on a slate of “anti-woke” policies she had adopted as co-founder of Moms for Liberty. She was also six months into another job: training conservative parents and others around the country to run for school board seats, a key goal of the Virginia-based Leadership Institute, which hired her to help “stop the left’s terrible indoctrination.”


The couple’s income was on the rise and their political influence was spreading well beyond state lines.


Then on Nov. 30, the nonprofit Florida Center for Government Accountability published a Sarasota police search warrant detailing allegations that Christian Ziegler had raped a woman with whom he and his wife had previously had a three-way sexual encounter. According to the affidavit, Ziegler told detectives that his separate encounter with the woman in early October was consensual and that he had recorded it.


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10 minutes ago, PleaseBlitz said:

So a GOP power couple, the wife of whom is the founder of a homophobic group that has thrown an epic **** fit because gay people exist, was evidently having threeways with another woman, who the husband then raped. The wife was also training people on how to win school board seats to further push their agenda against people who they consider to be sexual deviants. 





Yes, this was covered earlier in this thread; including the tidbit that Ziegler was asking for $2M to resign from the GOP chair.

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44 minutes ago, dfitzo53 said:

Also, that looks like an actual well-designed state flag for once. Most state flags are hot garbage. 


I love my states flag.  Honestly think its one of the best.




and I would point out, it definitely falls under "minimalist".  Having said that...I was looking thru their other options, and I gotta say I think they missed.  I wouldve gone with F944:



Edited by Jabbyrwock
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It's Time to Talk to the Kids: The GOP Needs to Divorce

This toxic stew is destroying you, the kids, and our country



Write-up from Adam Kingzinger to what I imagine is his audience of conservatives on his substack (I still have no idea how substack works lol). Some of what he says:



"To any GOPers left who still believe the party will be saved by co-opting the MAGA movement and steering them back to “normal,” this is your intervention: it’s time to call it off. I know you tried, I know you fought. I know you prayed. But you cannot co-exist with MAGA anymore. I’m sorry, but the values you hold are the antithesis of what MAGA believes. Your strength and ability to think for yourself, is an unacceptable trait in MAGA, they only want compliant, weak and broken down people who need to belong to a group to feel safe. Viewpoints don’t matter. Policy doesn’t matter. That isn’t you.


Now, with the primaries coming up, it’s important for you “RINOs” to fight for the assets. While it appears unlikely you can win in court, who knows, the fight maybe important to show the rest of the family who you are and what it is your believe. But if you lose that fight, you need to roll out. This doesn’t mean you become a Democrat, it does mean you have to think of yourself completely apart from the poison and viral weakness of MAGA. And you have to stop voting for them.


You have been co-opted, mocked, beat down, and twisted into a pretzel to make your MAGA spouse happy. But, they will never be happy. The entire format is based on victimhood, perpetual conflict, and pointing out your shortcomings not to make you better, but to make you more compliant. MAGA hopes that you just become exhausted and give up…give them your vote, and let them lead the country into a complete dumpster fire because, their real mistress Donald Trump needs their re-affirmation over and over.


[...]Sure, a GOP divorce will be good for Democrats in the short term. You may not love their policies, but let me tell you one thing, they don’t live to humiliate you like Donald does. In the long term, it gives you a chance to really decide who you are…to feel at peace with your beliefs, and unlike your MAGA spouse, to lead in strength instead of follow in fear."

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😂 😂 👍

info to be released that ‘Will lead’ to Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Georgia) getting indicted and expelled from Congress.



A man who was one of the Jan. 6 Organizerers claimed he would have the Georgia representative brought up on criminal charges and expelled from Congress.


Ali Alexander has threatened to release evidence that Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene “committed a crime” that will get her expelled from Congress: “I will not suffer this harlot. I will not be taught vows and loyalty, commitment from a whore!”


“The House Ethics Committee and House Rules must expel Marjorie Taylor Greene when this evidence comes to light,” Alexander said.


(audio of Scammy Davis, Jr. talking about MTG is at the link)


I don't even care if nothing ever comes from this, I just enjoy how seemingly the entire MAGA movement is becoming a chaotic shambles lol...


EDIT: Just realized this was said early this year, so I'm guessing he never released anything or never had anything TO release...dammit lol...

Edited by Califan007 The Constipated
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Just goes to show that their misogyny isn't far below the surface. 


Calling MTG a "whore", well, they call all women whores whenever they want to expound against one. 


I would like to see what the evidence is anyway. Probably more smoke.





Edited by LadySkinsFan
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And then there's this:



"I don't like the New Right. What they're talking about is not conservatism.


By maintaining the separation of church and state, the United States has avoided the intolerance which has so divided the rest of the world with religious wars.


The religious factions that are growing throughout our land...a divisive element that could tear apart the very spirit of our representative system, if they gain sufficient strength. Far too much of the time of members of Congress and officials of the Executive Branch is used up dealing with special-interest groups on issues like abortion, prayer in the schools and pornography. I share many of the values emphasized by these organizations, but will fight them every step of the way if they try to dictate their moral convictions to all Americans in the name of 'conservatism.'


Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them."



Barry Goldwater, 50 damn years ago...I can't think of a single conservative Republican in Congress that would dare say any of that today.



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4 minutes ago, Fergasun said:

Tulsi Gabbard gave a speech at Charlie Kirk's "America Fest..." 


I want to know who is paying and how much she is getting paid for their free speech... because quite frankly had some insanity. 



Oxymoron:  paid free speech.

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