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The Sewer That Is The GOP: With All The White Supremacists, Conspiracy Nutters, And Other Malicious Whacko Subgroups, How Does It Get Fixed?


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6 hours ago, skinsfan4128 said:

Can someone...anyone...please explain what this incoherent babbling ****ing idiot is talking about? I just lost 20 IQ points listening to this ignorant assclowns blathering.







Just the latest smoking gun of a son paying his dad back. Now it's time to impeach the Biden crime syndicate!

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Influence peddling as a private citizen. 




As he moved toward a campaign, Biden's liabilities were clear. He has faced sharp criticism for his pointed questioning of Anita Hill, the African American woman who leveled sexual harassment claims at Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas in 1991. Biden has also been blasted for his role in crafting the 1994 crime bill, which is now blamed for disproportionately imprisoning hundreds of thousands of young black men.  More recently, he's faced scrutiny for his past opposition to mandatory school busing in the 1970s to achieve integration.  Biden recognized those vulnerabilities early on, studying a briefing book that included discussions of how his long record in public life could be seen differently in 2019 — and used against him.

Never would have thought his son's career would be used against him.

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13 minutes ago, Fergasun said:

Never would have thought his son's career would be used against him


Oh, I assume that his son got a lot of jobs because of who his dad was. 


I don't like it. But it seems to have been baked into the system, decades ago. 




It's also obvious that the reason it's being pushed, is the same reason they're making impeachment threats. It's an intentional plan, to try to generate excuses for the things that the Trump family are obviously guilty of. 

Edited by Larry
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Nepotism is a thing. I tried to talk my daughter into working with me as a proposal writer. She had good skills, just needed training in proposal writing. She didn't want that career (after experiencing me having little time for family life), so she's in something way different. 


Either the children have skills or they don't, or they like the business. I don't see anything wrong except if they are unskilled. The Trump children aren't particularly skilled and unlikely to be hired by anyone other than Daddy.

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10 hours ago, skinsfan4128 said:

Can someone...anyone...please explain what this incoherent babbling ****ing idiot is talking about? I just lost 20 IQ points listening to this ignorant assclowns blathering.




My favorite is how the Newsmax douchenozzle was sitting there and nodding sagely as if Comer was making some sort of deep observation about the nature of the universe vs being an incoherent buffoon who was trying to make a point that a 4th grader could probably refute without breaking a sweat.

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15 minutes ago, Captain Wiggles said:

Joe Bidens big crime is he bought his kid a truck and then the kid payed him back? I've read enough. Lock them up. And by them I mean every dumbass pushing this story as some kind of evidence of nefarious wrong doings. 🤣




Reminds me of when the right was apoplectic over Obama wearing a tan suit. They know there's nothing there, so they shriek about the only thing they can find. I actually kinda hope they impeach Biden over this. Can you imagine how inanely stupid the Republicans would look during those hearings?

Edited by mistertim
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Let the House Fascists impeach Biden and let the Senate Fascists convict and remove him. Then we have President Harris, a woman, of color BTW, who's younger and ready to be president elect. 


The Congressional Fascists will never let that happen.  A woman younger than Trump opposing him? Along with women and men voting for female bodily autonomy plus voting for the first woman president, plus payback for Hillary Clinton, Trump is toast in 2024. And that's not counting his legal problems.

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I rarely have spare time, but I dod today.  I hate paying attention to the narrative people are pushing. Things trending:


1) Outrage at Ivy League university Presidents over pro-Palestine (Hamas) / anti-Israel (antisemetic) protests.  Congress asked them to testify and Stefanik was grilling them "Yes or no, does antisemetic protests violate your schools code of conduct."  They all gave answers that were more like "it depends if they were targetting specific students".   So we don't allow protests anymore on colleges? 


October 7 will be used to justify any amount of deaths on Palestinians. 


2)  Can't proove it, but I believe the "I am Muslim and not supporting Biden over his support for Israel" is a classic astro-turf.  THE US JUST SANCTIONED ISRAELI SETTLERS!  Small but huge step...brings us more in line with the UN. 


3)  This feels like I am back in the politics of 2004 to 2009 again.  War, war, war!  Let's cheerlead Israel killing terrorists. It doesn't matter that we are almost at 20,000 dead Palestinians and we don't hear much backstory about the "bad terrorists" that were killed.  


I fell so far into the pro-GWOT rabbit hole... that I can tell one has opened up and unsuspecting victims are being funneled into it.


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11 hours ago, China said:

Still wondering why Ken Paxton isn’t in jail yet.


It's a definite good ol' boys club plus headed by fascists. Even him cheating on his wife publisized during his impeachment trial wasn't enough to get him kicked out by his wife's Senate colleagues while she was sitting there recused from voting. It's disgusting here.

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GOP Candidate for George Santos' Congressional Seat Convicted

on January 6 Charges After Testifying He "Had No Idea" Congress Met at the Capitol.


WASHINGTON — A New York man who is running for the congressional seat previously held by George Santos was convicted this week of charges relating to the Jan. 6 riot after he testified at his trial that he didn't know Congress convened inside the Capitol.


Philip Sean Grillo, of Queens, was found guilty Tuesday of the felony charge of obstruction of an official proceeding, along with a series of misdemeanors like entering restricted grounds and disorderly conduct in a Capitol building, the Justice Department said in a news release.


Grillo, 49, entered and exited the Capitol on Jan. 6 multiple times, at least once through a broken window, according to the Justice Department. While he was inside the Capitol, Grillo was interviewed on camera about why he was there.

“I’m here to stop the steal,” he said, according to the Justice Department. “It’s our f---ing House!”


During the riot, Grillo recorded videos of himself in the Capitol.




Candidate for Santos' old seat is convicted on Jan. 6 charges after testifying he had 'no idea' Congress met in the Capitol (yahoo.com)

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