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The Sewer That Is The GOP: With All The White Supremacists, Conspiracy Nutters, And Other Malicious Whacko Subgroups, How Does It Get Fixed?


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3 hours ago, Califan007 The Constipated said:

Maddow’s tweet quoted a Rolling Stone article about rural hospitals getting backed up from people being admitted for taking too much Ivermectin…The article itself quoted a doctor who was making the claim. The doc was associated with some large established hospitals but also worked with small rural hospitals and was only talking about those smaller ones. Spokespeople for the larger hospitals he was associated with said they were not running out of beds due to Ivermectin use, and antivaxxers ran with it saying the doctor lied. Not sure anyone checked with the small rural hospitals.

Wait! MAGidiots did their own research, and got it wrong?!? Shocking!



…no, not one bit.

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GOP planning 'catastrophic default' if Democrats refuse to cut Social Security and Medicare


Top House Republicans are planning to threaten to shut down the U.S. Government by refusing to raise the debt ceiling next year in a scheme to force Democrats to cut Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, should they win the House in November critics warn, pointing to a Bloomberg report.


“Social Security and Medicare eligibility changes, spending caps, and safety-net work requirements are among the top priorities for key House Republicans who want to use next year’s debt-limit deadline to extract concessions from Democrats,” Bloomberg Law reports. “The four Republicans interested in serving as House Budget Committee chairman in the next Congress said in interviews that next year’s deadline to raise or suspend the debt ceiling is a point of leverage if their party can win control of the House in the November midterm elections.”


U.S. Rep. Don Beyer (D-VA), chair of the Joint Economic Committee Democrats, an advisory committee created by law, blasted House Republicans, warning they “plan to hold the U.S. economy hostage with the threat of a catastrophic default to try to force cuts to Social Security and Medicare.”


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10 hours ago, Cooked Crack said:



Jesus Christ. Sarah Palin is still around? The desperation is palpable.




2 hours ago, China said:

GOP planning 'catastrophic default' if Democrats refuse to cut Social Security and Medicare


Top House Republicans are planning to threaten to shut down the U.S. Government by refusing to raise the debt ceiling next year in a scheme to force Democrats to cut Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, should they win the House in November critics warn, pointing to a Bloomberg report.


“Social Security and Medicare eligibility changes, spending caps, and safety-net work requirements are among the top priorities for key House Republicans who want to use next year’s debt-limit deadline to extract concessions from Democrats,” Bloomberg Law reports. “The four Republicans interested in serving as House Budget Committee chairman in the next Congress said in interviews that next year’s deadline to raise or suspend the debt ceiling is a point of leverage if their party can win control of the House in the November midterm elections.”


U.S. Rep. Don Beyer (D-VA), chair of the Joint Economic Committee Democrats, an advisory committee created by law, blasted House Republicans, warning they “plan to hold the U.S. economy hostage with the threat of a catastrophic default to try to force cuts to Social Security and Medicare.”


Click on the link for the full article


Because that worked so well for the right when they've done it in the past.

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2 hours ago, China said:

GOP planning 'catastrophic default' if Democrats refuse to cut Social Security and Medicare


Top House Republicans are planning to threaten to shut down the U.S. Government by refusing to raise the debt ceiling next year in a scheme to force Democrats to cut Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, should they win the House in November critics warn, pointing to a Bloomberg report.


“Social Security and Medicare eligibility changes, spending caps, and safety-net work requirements are among the top priorities for key House Republicans who want to use next year’s debt-limit deadline to extract concessions from Democrats,” Bloomberg Law reports. “The four Republicans interested in serving as House Budget Committee chairman in the next Congress said in interviews that next year’s deadline to raise or suspend the debt ceiling is a point of leverage if their party can win control of the House in the November midterm elections.”


U.S. Rep. Don Beyer (D-VA), chair of the Joint Economic Committee Democrats, an advisory committee created by law, blasted House Republicans, warning they “plan to hold the U.S. economy hostage with the threat of a catastrophic default to try to force cuts to Social Security and Medicare.”


Click on the link for the full article

Thats exactly what Russia would want right?

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6 hours ago, LD0506 said:


They're overwhelmingly ****ing stupid


They don't believe in dots


They really are. They keep doing the same thing, even though it pretty much always leads to the same results.


"Maybe if I shoot my own foot for the third time it will give me superpowers now!"

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8 hours ago, The Evil Genius said:

I don't see how cutting SS and/or Medicare would help the GOP. The bulk of their most reliable voters receive it. 

1). It's been made very clear that a large chunk of their base will enthusiastically vote to harm themselves, if they think it will hurt (a group they won't explicitly mention) worse. 

2). And the GOP politicians actually believe that if they take the economy hostage, then they can sell the narrative that the Dems caused the damage, and the Dems cut SS and Medicare. 

(See: sequestration. Which they insist that Obama did.)

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12 hours ago, Larry said:

1). It's been made very clear that a large chunk of their base will enthusiastically vote to harm themselves, if they think it will hurt (a group they won't explicitly mention) worse. 

2). And the GOP politicians actually believe that if they take the economy hostage, then they can sell the narrative that the Dems caused the damage, and the Dems cut SS and Medicare. 

(See: sequestration. Which they insist that Obama did.)


Check It Out Tim And Eric GIF


MAGA conservatives are so ignorant and the dumb they believe anything they're told as long as it's said by Trump or someone loyal to Trump. 


That's why theses assholes can go back to their districts and take credit for legislation and programs they themselves voted against and which Democrats actually passed. Rescue plan n infrastructure for example. 

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16 hours ago, mistertim said:


They really are. They keep doing the same thing, even though it pretty much always leads to the same results.


"Maybe if I shoot my own foot for the third time it will give me superpowers now!"

Ikr?  They're the biggest bunch of idiots who always vote against their own self-interest. 

It's absolutely astounding.  I'm like, "Mom!  Who do you think wants you to be healthy and okay?  Who is trying to take it away from you?  THEY'RE NOT THE SAME GROUP!!!!" 

Granted, I'm the only person other than my nieces who can actually make her LOL...but that's not funny at all.  She's a 76-year-old nurse & breast cancer survivor who cared for my Alzheimer's-plagued father until he passed away...and technically my step-mom, but has always been my hero for some of the things she's managed to maneuver over the decades.  


Sheesh...critical thinking has completely escaped her.  It scares me.  

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Google built a spam backdoor for Republicans — and they aren’t using it


With only weeks until Election Day, the Republican National Committee is escalating its war over Gmail’s spam filters in what critics deem a bad-faith effort to bully Google into letting them spam user inboxes.


The GOP has long complained about tech bias, but the latest fight hits the organization’s fundraising apparatus directly. In response, Google has launched a controversial program allowing campaign committees to effectively opt out of spam filters — a huge concession to mounting political pressure from Republicans. But Verge reporting shows the RNC has not taken advantage of the program and made few efforts to alter the core practices that might result in their emails being labeled as spam.


A source familiar with the matter confirmed to The Verge that, nearly a month after the pilot’s launch, the RNC has not joined or even applied for the program, even as the party continues to mount political and possibly legal pressure against Google. The RNC did not respond to multiple requests for comment regarding the committee’s decision to abstain from the pilot program.


The decision is remarkable because of the intense pressure placed on Google to find a way to protect Republican fundraising emails. The concerns came to a head in March when North Carolina State University published a study finding that Gmail’s spam-filtering algorithms disproportionately flag messages sent from conservative political senders. Seizing on the study’s findings, Republicans staged a party-wide pressure campaign against Google, accusing the company of purposefully silencing conservative messages and restricting their ability to raise money online. (In May, the study’s authors claimed their findings were being misinterpreted by the GOP.) 


This partisan outrage resulted in top Republican lawmakers summoning Google executives for closed-door meetings over the summer to discuss the issue. In June, Sen. John Thune (R-SD) went as far as introducing a bill, backed by GOP heavyweights like Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), essentially banning email providers from filtering out any spammy messages from verified political senders.     


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