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The Sewer That Is The GOP: With All The White Supremacists, Conspiracy Nutters, And Other Malicious Whacko Subgroups, How Does It Get Fixed?


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19 minutes ago, Larry said:

The Constitution also gives Congress the power to determine it's own membership. 

As I understand it, the rule stating that congressmen must be selected by dividing a state into districts of one representative each, and having an election, is from a federal law. 

Wait. I thought they did. 

Yeah. It was BLM in whiteface and Antifa.

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1 hour ago, mistertim said:


Unfortunately I think you're fighting a pointless battle here. He's probably the same kind of person who insists that Trump never praised the KKK/neo-nazis from the Charlottesville rally because he said "Very fine people" as opposed to explicitly saying "Very fine nazis".


Once you get into that sort of semantic rabbit hole there's very little chance of coming back.

I didn’t vote for trump in either election. I think he is quite nuts. 

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5 hours ago, tomwvr said:

You are completely wrong. I know human nature and democrats would have supported him. He would have said different lines and not said the comments about drug cartels members being racist ( he never called all Mexicans racist go watch the full comment )

People without character or principles tend to project that lack onto other people. You don’t know human nature, you only know a slice of ignorant, tribal, human nature. 

There are people who exist, who hold others accountable for their failings in humanity, but they sure as **** aren’t republicans. Those that were left the party and no longer support traitors and **** people like Trump. 

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Republicans to field more than 100 far-right candidates this year


More than 100 far-right candidates are running for political office across the country as Republicans this year according to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), a non-profit that monitors hate groups.


Aside from those expressing extremist rhetoric and far-right views, the ADL has found at least a dozen of the candidates had explicit connections to ‘“white supremacists, anti-government extremists and members of the far-right Proud Boys”. It includes primary challengers running to the right of some sitting Republicans.


Click on the link for the full article

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At this point the nightmare-scenario is coming true which is Trumpism outliving Trump himself. The country likely could have survived Trump if immediately after he lost the majority looked back on his time as an aberration but instead he just normalized and legitimized a ton of the crazy that was already out there lurking in the shadows and under rocks, and now they have all been emboldened to insert themselves in civilized society and worse, public office.

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I pulled the mail out today & saw an envelope that said "URGENT!!" .  As it's tax season, I looked at it closer.  It's from some democrat I've never heard of who wants me to "help him vote MTG out".  It's a 2-page letter, he's a veteran & explains how kooky MTG is very eloquently. 

I decided that, yes, that's urgent.  I can & will do that.  (His name is Marcus Flowers if anyone else feels so inclined.)

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5 minutes ago, Rdskns2000 said:

The GOP  seems clueless in the Roundtable. 


They're not clueless, they are using this as a political arena to attack Biden and this governments policies. It's right on par for what they typically do, which is to never argue the point and just continue enraged their base with fear.

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17 minutes ago, Rdskns2000 said:

The GOP  seems clueless in the Roundtable. 

Not clueless - it's coordinated, talking points and all. And it's disgusting.  Claiming they have no idea what they are doing there and are powerless to stop it? How about introducing bipartisan legislation on workplace harassment and federal penalties if **** like this goes down.  Give me a break, every day the GOP sinks lower and lower.  Disgusting human beigns and not a redeeming one out of all of them. 

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the GOP says the government has no role in what a private business does.  I disagree.


Sexual harrassment does get government oversight.

Also, the fact that the NFL recieves tax dollars for stadiums and recieves an anti-trust exemption; that gives congress the right to investigate them.



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1 hour ago, Rdskns2000 said:

the GOP says the government has no role in what a private business does.  I disagree.


Sexual harrassment does get government oversight.

Also, the fact that the NFL recieves tax dollars for stadiums and recieves an anti-trust exemption; that gives congress the right to investigate them.



That's idiotic. Unless they're saying that businesses should be able to discriminate in serving and hiring people based on their race, sexual orientation, religion, etc.




...though come to think of it, that actually probably is exactly what they really want. Though only as long as it's not white straight christians who are being discriminated against. Because everyone knows they're the real downtrodden group in this country.

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Florida halts redistricting effort after DeSantis asks Florida Supreme Court to weigh in


Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, in another sign that he may veto a new congressional map being drawn by the state Legislature, asked the state’s highest court on Tuesday to tell him whether or not a 200-mile congressional district linking Black neighborhoods must be kept intact.


The governor’s move brought ongoing redistricting efforts in Florida to a screeching halt as the Republican-controlled state House said it would not move forward on a new draft congressional map while it waits until the Florida Supreme Court “issues any guidance.”


DeSantis recently submitted his own proposed map that throws out the north Florida district now held by Rep. Al Lawson, a Black Democrat from Tallahassee. That map would likely allow Republicans to pick up additional seats in the battleground state.


Click on the link for the full article

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17 hours ago, 88Comrade2000 said:

the GOP says the government has no role in what a private business does.  I disagree.


Sexual harrassment does get government oversight.

Also, the fact that the NFL recieves tax dollars for stadiums and recieves an anti-trust exemption; that gives congress the right to investigate them.




If this is based off of what was said in the roundtable yesterday, I thought they were saying that specific committee doesn't have oversight, not that the entire federal government has no role...

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