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The Sewer That Is The GOP: With All The White Supremacists, Conspiracy Nutters, And Other Malicious Whacko Subgroups, How Does It Get Fixed?


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Jim Acosta blasts ‘human manure-spreader’ Tucker Carlson over claim Biden sending Afghan refugees to swing states


CNN anchor Jim Acosta has berated Tucker Carlson for spreading ‘race-baiting conspiracy theories’ about Afghans being resettled in the United States.


Mr Acosta called the Fox News host a ‘human manure-spreader’ for his claim that President Joe Biden was deliberately sending Afghan refugees to swing states to influence the outcome of future elections.


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Lauren Boebert may lose her seat in Congress


QAnon Congresswoman Lauren Boebert (R-CO) may lose her seat if a nonpartisan state commission’s new congressional map is adopted. The commission has been tasked to redraw congressional districts based on the results of the last census.


But the once-a-decade tweak puts Boebert’s seat in jeopardy after the lines are drawn. Instead of living in a red area of the state, the new map would put her home inside a district currently held by Democratic Rep. Joe Neguse.


That would leave the notorious Boebert with two options. The easier would be for her to move so that she lives in her district again, but her business and home have longstanding ties to the area.


Or if she doesn’t want a likely loss to Neguse, she could run in her district while living in the other. This route would make it harder for her to win a primary challenge by an actual area resident.


Neguse’s district includes Boulder and Fort Collins and is considered solidly Democratic.


The commission’s plan isn’t final yet, but both parties seem to be satisfied with it so far. The new map would keep four districts in Democrats’ hands and three solidly Republican. It would also create a swing district that voted slightly in favor of Democrats in the last presidential election.


Boebert is one of the most reviled members of Congress and is regularly mocked as one of the dumbest legislators. Earlier this month she praised the Taliban for “building back better” in an attempt to mock Biden that failed miserably.


She is facing serious allegations of financial misdeeds after questions have been raised about her campaign finances and her husband’s business dealings. A climate change denier and supporter of the fossil fuel industry, she was recently forced to disclose that her husband made over a million dollars “consulting” for an energy firm.

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Apparently, Elder is already decrying "rigged" elections. Now, I realize that's part of his fund raising scam, but I've been thinking about how half the country seems to idolize sore losers and bad sports these days. Growing up, guys who'd whine after losing about how the other side cheated or how it was unfair because their team had better better players or whatever generally were looked down on. 



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31 minutes ago, Borgold said:

Apparently, Elder is already decrying "rigged" elections. Now, I realize that's part of his fund raising scam, but I've been thinking about how half the country seems to idolize sore losers and bad sports these days. Growing up, guys who'd whine after losing about how the other side cheated or how it was unfair because their team had better better players or whatever generally were looked down on. 




Very famous, very NSFW language.  




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Marjorie Taylor Greene Under Scrutiny Over Unreported $3.5 Million In Fundraising


GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) has caught the attention of federal investigators who are seeking more information on her re-election fundraising account.


The Federal Election Commission (FEC) has asked Greene to provide the source of $3.5 million in contributions to her re-election campaign, according to Newsweek.


In two filings posted to the FEC website on Monday and surfaced on Twitter by Georgia Public Broadcasting reporter Stephen Fowler on Tuesday, the congresswoman’s husband Perry Greene—her campaign treasurer— was asked to provide additional details about donations the campaign received during the first two quarters of 2021.


Under federal law, candidates are required to reveal information about donors who contribute more than $200 aggregate in an election cycle.


During the first six months of 2021, Green’s campaign reported most of its contributions. However, the campaign did not reveal the source of $3,525,677.34, according to GPB News reporter Stephen Fowler.


With Greene’s campaign only reporting the source of 22 percent of its contributions, the FEC has sent letters asking for more information on each of Green’s 2021 quarterly reports.


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On 4/25/2021 at 4:01 PM, China said:



Alaska Airlines bans Eagle River lawmaker for violating COVID-19 mask policy


Alaska Airlines said Saturday that it has banned state Sen. Lora Reinbold, R-Eagle River, from its flights for continuing to refuse to follow mask-wearing requirements for travelers.


No other airline has scheduled flights between Anchorage and Juneau, and Reinbold is now in Southcentral Alaska. A trip by sea and land could take several days: Juneau has no overland road access, and some kind of ferry trip would be required.


“We have notified Senator Lora Reinbold that she is not permitted to fly with us for her continued refusal to comply with employee instruction regarding the current mask policy,” spokesman Tim Thompson said by email.


“This suspension is effective immediately, pending further review. Federal law requires all guests to wear a mask over their nose and mouth at all times during travel, including throughout the flight, during boarding and deplaning, and while traveling through an airport,” he said.


He said the length of the ban will be determined by the review. Alaska Airlines has banned 506 people as of Friday.


Reinbold said Saturday afternoon that she had not been notified of a ban. Thompson said he will not be able to provide a copy of the notice, “but the notice was received.”


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Still banned




An Alaska lawmaker who is banned from flying on the state’s leading airline for refusing to wear a mask was excused from attending floor votes for the rest of the year after telling legislative leaders she has no way to fly to and from the state capital.


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30 minutes ago, LadySkinsFan said:


As far as I know, she can drive in her car without wearing a mask, I do. 


Don't quote me on this, because they've been proposing expansion projects forever, but I don't think there actually is a road to Juneau.  You can only get there by ferry or plane.  And ferry not always. So it might be a legitimate "if I can't take a plane I can't get there" problem.  Which just means it was even more stupid to risk her only mode of transportation by not just putting on a mask.

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9 minutes ago, Jabbyrwock said:


Don't quote me on this, because they've been proposing expansion projects forever, but I don't think there actually is a road to Juneau.  You can only get there by ferry or plane.  And ferry not always. So it might be a legitimate "if I can't take a plane I can't get there" problem.  Which just means it was even more stupid to risk her only mode of transportation by not just putting on a mask.


Dog sled? Isn't there snow in Alaska much of the year? Once there she should stay there!

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6 minutes ago, Jabbyrwock said:


Don't quote me on this, because they've been proposing expansion projects forever, but I don't think there actually is a road to Juneau.  You can only get there by ferry or plane.  And ferry not always. So it might be a legitimate "if I can't take a plane I can't get there" problem.  Which just means it was even more stupid to risk her only mode of transportation by not just putting on a mask.

Our "soap operas" together were all of the prospecting shows, and it's serious business trying to get anything in or out of there, even in the warmer times.  To think things won't get worse is just plain ignorance. 

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10 hours ago, Jabbyrwock said:


Don't quote me on this, because they've been proposing expansion projects forever, but I don't think there actually is a road to Juneau.  You can only get there by ferry or plane.  And ferry not always. So it might be a legitimate "if I can't take a plane I can't get there" problem.  Which just means it was even more stupid to risk her only mode of transportation by not just putting on a mask.


There are roads but nothing direct. To drive there it's about 850 miles and would take the better part of 20 hours and yes includes a ferry. You also have to go through a Canada - so out of country. There is a road only path but that is 1090 miles and takes about 24 hours. Both have Covid checkpoints. So flying does make sense but if she feels that strongly about masks and wants to her ****ing job then drive your dumb ass to the job. 


I have flown 4 times since Covid (all but once was for work) and it's pretty easy - just wear a mask! It's amazing the childish tantrums that are allowed and even encouraged by some. Grow the **** up and fulfill your societal responsibilities! 

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10 hours ago, LadySkinsFan said:


Dog sled? Isn't there snow in Alaska much of the year? Once there she should stay there!


🙂 I like the idea but in fairness Juneau weather is like DCs just a little cooler - not the kind of snow you are thinking of. And Anchorage while cooler and more snow is still well above freezing half the year. 


If she wanted a real solution, temporarily relocate to Juneau. Drive there once and stay there. But this really has nothing to do with masks and everything to do with political optics. She doesn't want a solution she wants be able to whine. 

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