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The Sewer That Is The GOP: With All The White Supremacists, Conspiracy Nutters, And Other Malicious Whacko Subgroups, How Does It Get Fixed?


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On 12/29/2020 at 10:06 AM, Jabbyrwock said:


Let the thread title be your guide and start there.  The current GOP is a wretched hive of white supremacists and conspiracy nutters.  I'd perhaps throw in rampant science denial, though in a way that fits under conspiracy nutters.  That is what is wrong with the GOP.  Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell are read herrings.  An apotheosis of such values, not the cause.  So don't be confused.  What may come across as mixed messaging is mostly people focusing on particular traits is these individuals as exemplars of the underlying problems.


Now...what I haven't read a lot of in this thread is "How To Fix It".  So if you have some ideas we are all ears.

I really have no idea how to fix it. it's anathema to me like Martin Luther and the Roman Catholic church.

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Yes, more Trump.  That's what the GOP needs.


Trump the clear Republican 'front-runner' in next White House race


There's more than three years to go until the next Iowa caucuses and New Hampshire presidential primary, but what some considered the first cattle call in the 2024 White House race takes place next week.


That's when the Republican National Committee (RNC) holds its annual winter meeting, which will be held in-person on Amelia Island, Fla., Jan. 6-8.


While re-electing chair Ronna McDaniel and choosing vice chairs and other officials tops the agenda, the gathering of the 168 committee members and other prominent GOP officials will also be an opportunity for some of the potential contenders for the next Republican presidential nomination to make friends and build bonds with the party’s top activists, fundraisers and rainmakers.


Topping the list of possible White House hopefuls at the confab will be President Trump, who is scheduled to address the crowd on the second day of the gathering.


Trump, who continues to fight the 2020 election results and refuses to concede to President-elect Joe Biden, publicly hinted at the beginning of December that another presidential campaign may be in the cards.


"It's been an amazing four years. We are trying to do another four years. Otherwise, I'll see you in four years," the president told supporters at a White House holiday party for RNC members. Two GOP sources who attended the function confirmed the president's comments to Fox News.


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GOP Rep. Gohmert Says Violence Is Only Recourse After Election Lawsuit Dismissal
After a federal judge dismissed his lawsuit Friday seeking to empower Vice President Mike Pence to overturn the election in President Donald Trump’s favor, Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) suggested the ruling means street violence is the only option for Trump supporters who believe the president’s baseless voter fraud claims.

Gohmert hit back at the ruling during a Newsmax appearance later Friday, calling the Electoral Count Act – which gives the vice president only a procedural role in counting electors – unconstitutional and stating “if I don’t have standing to [challenge] that, nobody does.”

“Basically, in effect, the ruling would be you’ve got to go to the streets and be as violent as Antifa and BLM,” Gohmert added before being cut off by Newsmax host Emerald Robinson.

The comment came as pro-Trump attorney Lin Wood predicted Pence will “face execution by firing squad” for refusing to overturn the election – a comment that prompted even the Trump legal team to distance itself from Wood.

this man is now openly a traitor, openly a seditionist.
Hanging him from the closest tree would now fall under "patriotic duty". He is clearly threatening the sovereignty of the USA.


Now, when looking at correlations of history, i have said many times that the good people tend to expect better of the evil, tend to expect them to behave in a manner they believe is civil. And the evil does not, and the good never gets off their ass until it is WAY too late.

We are at a crossroads. If they seat these traitors in the next congress, they will embolden them and once again tell them that there is no consequence to their action, and they will get worse.
If they don't seat them, the traitors will incite the mob and we WILL have violence.
So pick your poison.
And then put it Louie Gohmert and Ted cruz's coffee.

hope y'all are ready. going to be an interesting week. 



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51 minutes ago, Bang said:

Now, when looking at correlations of history, i have said many times that the good people tend to expect better of the evil, tend to expect them to behave in a manner they believe is civil. And the evil does not, and the good never gets off their ass until it is WAY too late.


This, but ever thus, it is the defining difference between civilization and barbarism. The small minded, mean spirited violence prone factions that set history ablaze over and over see force/violence/evil as not only the first option but the only option to get their way. Then it is the only option to keep their way, which in turn breeds the opposition and resistance that eventually rises up and takes their heads. Civil/normal humans see violence as the last option, the unacceptable option, the "there's got to be another way"/send Chamberlain to Munich option, and it is equal parts compassion/ humanity and delusion. It is not in their worldview to understand and accept that anyone would ever actually bomb Guernica or load children into boxcars or-or-or any of the other innumerable unspeakable atrocities that we've seen casually visited upon the innocent. They're not wired to see the world that way, they refuse to accept it and flee to an illusion of "this can't be happening" or "I didn't know". They have to be dragged kicking and screaming to action.


The world saw Hitler rising and turned a blind eye, kept dealing with them because "it's just business" and pretended that it would somehow mystically magically heal itself, morph into something less bad/ less evil. This very reaction encouraged and enabled it to get worse. 


But remember, Germany attacks Poland Sept 1, '39, WWII "officially" begins, '40 sees the blitzkrieg and France falls and Britain stands alone, etc. etc. and we were still sitting on our asses doing nothing, pretending it didn't involve us. Summer of '41 and Barbarossa begins and we are still sitting on our asses, just tending to business making a buck. Dec 8, '41, over two years in we finally are moved and offended and riled up enough to act. Over two years with several millions already dead and now the US decides to pick a side.


This is where we are now, summer of '41-ish, still trying to hunker in our bubbles and believe we can just ride it out, that war will never come to our towns.


Evil never just goes away

Crazy never just gets better

Four years of letting the vile run rampant have brought bloodshed closer to our doorsteps.


And yet, like hope left in the bottom of Pandora's box, there is a silver lining, because there is no force imaginable that compares to righteous anger finally stirred to act. 


We're getting there

Just waiting on that Pearl Harbor moment that galvanizes that response.

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6 minutes ago, c slag said:

It's getting more difficult evey day to tell the difference between these Replublician radical hate groups like the proud boys and others and the Schutzstaffel or Gesrapo during WW II



I see 'em more like the SA and Ernst Rohm, and we remember what happened to them.....



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1 hour ago, LD0506 said:

This is where we are now, summer of '41-ish,

While I think this is where we are heading, I don’t think we are quite to 1941 yet.  We are still in the 30’s.  The tumor is still growing.  If you look at the timeline of Hitler, the SS, etc we still have some steps to go.  Unfortunately I don’t think we will learn from that history until it is too late.

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This vile mindset has been present since the Civil War. First in the Democrat Party until Civil Rights became a big thing, then those Democrats who who weren't on board the Civil Rights train became the Dixiecrats, then they morphed into the Republican Party when Nixon embraced the Southern Strategy and the John Birch Society changed their name to the Tea Party and here we are. 


I posted my solution for Republicans who wish to leave the madness and vileness of the present Republican Party. My quote from another thread.


I think that the Lincoln Project should split off from the Republicans and form the Lincoln Party. They'd be a minority party for sure, they should be picky about who they let in. The Republicans would die a natural death. Democrats and Lincolns could effectively govern in a bipartisan manner to the benefit of We the People and our country. And they need to abandon trickle down economics and acknowledge that it's wealth transfer from the poor and middle class to the wealthy.

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Trump attacks No. 2 Senate Republican as the President turns on allies in his final days in office


President Donald Trump is spending his final days in office attacking leadership within his own party, this time the second-highest ranking Republican in the Senate, offering a possible preview of his broader post-presidential strategy to use his influence in the 2022 midterm elections and beyond.


Trump, back at the White House after his Mar-a-Lago holiday with no public events on his schedule, attacked Sen. John Thune, a South Dakotan who is the No. 2 Senate Republican, in an afternoon tweet on New Year's Day.


"I hope to see the great Governor of South Dakota @KristiNoem, run against RINO @SenJohnThune, in the upcoming 2022 Primary. She would do a fantastic job in the U.S. Senate, but if not Kristi, others are already lining up. South Dakota wants strong leadership, NOW!" he wrote in a tweet.

Trump has railed against Republican leadership broadly multiple times this week, but this time is naming names. Thune, the Senate majority whip, had been one of the top Republicans to speak in favor of accepting the Electoral College results and President-elect Joe Biden's victory, drawing Trump's ire.


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On 1/3/2021 at 4:47 PM, TheGreatBuzz said:

While I think this is where we are heading, I don’t think we are quite to 1941 yet.  We are still in the 30’s.  The tumor is still growing.  If you look at the timeline of Hitler, the SS, etc we still have some steps to go.  Unfortunately I don’t think we will learn from that history until it is too late.

Interesting I have this impression that somehow started back in 2008 with the financial crisis. Nationalism on the rise every where in Europe is a good sign too (Italy, Austria, France too, even though they aren't in the lead position)

China getting its Marine ready with new aircraft carriers, and who knows whatever the Russia is up to nowadays.


And I agree we never learn about anything it's too late. Let's face it, if you put Putin and Xi Yinping aside, every other leader right now is just a financial guy that have no clue in History and Geopolitics. All they care about is their stock market and economical balance. So that doesn't compute well either for thise guys to have a sense of what's coming...


Democracies haven't learned to protect themselves from this and probably never will because doing so would probably be anti-democratic.


Real question being right now, what kind of role could Internet play in this war. There was no such thing in the forties, and this would play a huge part if a war was going on.

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1 hour ago, Wildbunny said:

Interesting I have this impression that somehow started back in 2008 with the financial crisis.

You could throw that into mid-thirties on the timeline.  Remember just because something took a certain amount of time in Germany doesn’t mean the same length of time here and now.

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On 1/3/2021 at 9:43 AM, c slag said:

It's getting more difficult evey day to tell the difference between these Replublician radical hate groups like the proud boys and others and the Schutzstaffel or Gesrapo during WW II


That's because there is no difference, just different era's.

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16 minutes ago, Destino said:

Is carrying ammo the same as carrying a gun in DC?  I’m not at all familiar with dc gun laws.



The federal gun laws prohibit possession of any firearm or ammunition. ... Federal law prohibits ammunition purchase and possession by anyone who: Has been convicted of a felony. Is under indictment for a crime punishable by more than one year imprisonment.


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