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The Sewer That Is The GOP: With All The White Supremacists, Conspiracy Nutters, And Other Malicious Whacko Subgroups, How Does It Get Fixed?


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  • 2 weeks later...

"Fixing the GOP" probably starts with giving an enema to the "Freedom Caucus" as they seem to be the most pro-Trump of all, and would likely continue to support Trump-like candidates in the future.   The establishment that supports Trump are likely doing it out of fear for their own political lives, which still isn't a good thing, but the Freedom Caucus supports him because they likely actually agree with everything about him.


As far as CPAC goes......my gawd. It gets more hilarious every year. 

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Its crazy what the GOP has turned into. Republicans used to be decent human beings who just had a differing opinion on certain issues. Now they are the party that represents hate, ignorance, and fearmongering.


I don't understand how ANY reasonable human being can associate themselves with this party right now. I get that there are still conservative people out there, i have no issue with that, but conservatives more than anyone should be disgusted with how their political party has devolved into a band of racist criminals.

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At this point I think even calling them the "Trump Party" may be giving Trump too much credit, as it really seems to be the Rush/Mark Levin/Hannity/Coulter party, and Trump just happened to be the guy who got elected that has been shameless enough to just regurgitate what they say on a national platform.  

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For the past 40 years, the Republican Party has only offered two ideas – tax cuts and deregulation. But they’ve also offered a few other things that help keep voters on their side – hate and fear. Between their lack of ideas and their peddling of hate, they have somehow managed to stay in power long past their expiration date, and Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains how that is possible.



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4 minutes ago, twa said:

The author forgot one thing,they ain't the Democrats.

LoL...same cat different colored stripes.

Don't even try that Republicans support Conservative candidates. Your side wants deregulation to pollute more, outlaw abortion so only televangelists and white Senators kids can get abortions, oh and gun sluts. That's how they get you to vote, then they fleece us with billionaire welfare and legalized corruption.

Oh and Jesus....who woukdn't be caught dead in that party.

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16 minutes ago, Springfield said:

Making abortion illegal won’t stop women from getting abortions.


Kinda like making all guns illegal won’t stop gun violence.

No no, it will because tgen we can throw desperate women into our private prison system so the billionaires can make up for the shortfall in revenue as a result of the legalization of pot.

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Link won't open for me but it sounds like an interesting situation.  Going totally off of memory, I believe you have to be a resident in that state to vote in that state.  In the military, we have to be physically living in a state or "intend to live there once separated."  So many of the military "intend" to live in Florida or a similar state with no income tax.  Then we just mail in absentee ballots to that state we are a resident of.  Of course, when we separate our intentions may change but so what.   I don't really see how this is much different and what the big deal is.

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17 minutes ago, TheGreatBuzz said:

 I don't really see how this is much different and what the big deal is.


I suspect it's treating one set of permanent residents (Iowa college students who become state residents) differently from another (everyone else).


Those limits arent being forced on everyone else so...that's the problem.


Again I'll ask, why is the GOP so afraid of people voting?


As an aside...I'm not aware of military personnel voting outside of the state in which they declare residence. My Dad was a Naval officer for 29+ years and kept his WV residence the entire time. He always voted in WV elections absentee despite him living in VA Beach for a good portion of those 3 decades. But maybe I read you post wrong, buzz. 

Edited by The Evil Genius
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