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Game of Thrones Season 7


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Sansa didn't tell Jon about the KotV because Littlefinger can't be trusted. He might just as easily stopped the advance.


Forgot that Dorne, Highgarden, Danny's unsullied and dothraki, the iron born and potentially the north and Vale are all ganging up on the Lannisters. 

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7 hours ago, Elessar78 said:


Forgot that Dorne, Highgarden, Danny's unsullied and dothraki, the iron born and potentially the north and Vale are all ganging up on the Lannisters. 


Yes, Cersei is looking crazier than the Mad King. She was an underdog to survive before she bombed the Sept of Baelor. Now she's doomed. She has zero allies while she sits on the Iron Throne acting like everything is great now that all the enemies within Kings Landing are gone. 


Here's another reason why her demise could be happening sooner in this coming season rather than later, HighGarden(Tyrells) were supplying all the food for Kings Landing. So not only did she betray her only allies, have no money coming from the Iron Bank, but the citizens of Kings Landings are going to start rioting once the hunger hits. 

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Yup. Well the main thrust of S7 is the war with the white walkers.  


There is more wild fire under the city, right? That's probably her ace. Maybe that's the bittersweet ending-dany comes in victorious into the throne room only for everyone to be blown up.

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2 hours ago, Gamebreaker said:

I think Jaime will end her before he allows her to go full Mad King and blow up the city. 

Again! Jamie kingslaying! It'd be sweet if he did it in one last romp in the incest sack-basic instinct style.

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Haven't noticed much talk about Gendry.  I find it interesting that he and the Hound are both with the Brotherhood.  Might be sort of an avenue toward redemption for him (the Hound).  Seems such an insignificant thing compared with the Mother of Dragons and White Walkers, but  it links to Arya, Robert Baratheon, both (murdered) Hands, Cercei, etc.  


Also wonder if Melisandre winds up with them again. 

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31 minutes ago, skinny21 said:

Haven't noticed much talk about Gendry.  I find it interesting that he and the Hound are both with the Brotherhood.  Might be sort of an avenue toward redemption for him (the Hound).  Seems such an insignificant thing compared with the Mother of Dragons and White Walkers, but  it links to Arya, Robert Baratheon, both (murdered) Hands, Cercei, etc.  


Also wonder if Melisandre winds up with them again. 


Gendry is back with the Brotherhood? 

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2 hours ago, skinny21 said:

Dang, I questioned myself when I wrote that... so where is he then?  


That is a question with no answer at the moment. The last time we saw Gendry. Davos put him on a boat to get him away from Melisandre. I feel like that was season 3 or 4. He hasn't been seen since. So he's either a corpse on a boat, floating in the sea. Or he landed somewhere and the show has yet to put the focus back on him. 

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2 hours ago, Gamebreaker said:


That is a question with no answer at the moment. The last time we saw Gendry. Davos put him on a boat to get him away from Melisandre. I feel like that was season 3 or 4. He hasn't been seen since. So he's either a corpse on a boat, floating in the sea. Or he landed somewhere and the show has yet to put the focus back on him. 


I like to think that Danny's armada stumbled on this random guy rowing aimlessly in the sea, scooped him up, and he's now going to be the central figure in the battle against the Lannisters.


A guy can dream, right?


Oh, and btw, there are a few new production photographs of season 7 that hit today:


Link to new pics.

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33 minutes ago, StillUnknown said:


on a different note, has anybody in this series had their life improve after meeting Bran?


He destroys everything in his path. Just wait until he meets the mad king and causes him to go mad. 

15 hours ago, Riggo-toni said:

The slaps really put it over the top 

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7 hours ago, StillUnknown said:

on a different note, has anybody in this series had their life improve after meeting Bran?

Since meeting Bran, Sam is plowing Gilly, and living in picturesque Old Towne where it is warmer then the Wall.

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10 hours ago, StillUnknown said:

made it to the Hold the Door episode on my series rewatch


still hits hard. i remember not caring much for season 6, but the highs are really high.

The question that I've always had is if Hodor knows his entire life that he's going to die holding the door.  That's what really kicks it for me.  


It's a great episode, about one of the only "fantasy" episodes that I care for.  I actually enjoy the "human" parts of the show more than the fantasy parts.  But this was a great episode.


Though the best Night King scene is when he raises his hands and raises the dead in Hardhome.  THAT is some bad-ass ****


10 hours ago, StillUnknown said:


on a different note, has anybody in this series had their life improve after meeting Bran?

Bran is my least favorite character in the show.  Granted, he probably deserves some slack because he got pushed out of a window.  BUT he shouldn't have been climbing to begin with.  


2 hours ago, Forehead said:

Don't kill me if I'm confusing the books with the show, I haven't read them in awhile, but I thought Gendry was headed to Dorne for safekeeping.

I'm pretty sure that in the show there isn't a mention of where he's going. 

21 hours ago, Gamebreaker said:

New season begins July 16th. I feel the excitement building. 

less than a month.  


I REALLY wish this was a Netflix show so I could just take a day off of work and watch the whole season, all at once.  If it's going to be another 1.5 years until season 8 comes out, then the additional 6 weeks of waiting because I watched everything in one sitting is not really all that meaningful. 

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