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Game of Thrones Season 7


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9 hours ago, Elessar78 said:

There's a lot of resurrection going on in S6. JS, Mountain, Hound, Euron, Benjen stark, Dany (from the fire again)...


Season 6 ended way too positively. Season 7 is going to be a depressing bloodbath. It always alternates 

8 hours ago, Elessar78 said:

BTW, who reanimated Benjen Stark? Children of the Forest? Why did he come back as a good guy?


Oh they answered it. Children of the Forest did. Same way they made the Night King.


Thought he said they got to him quickly before he became a wight so technically he is dead but did not come back evil or lose his memories etc 

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7 hours ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:


Season 6 ended way too positively. Season 7 is going to be a depressing bloodbath. It always alternates 


I agree with this. I think this season ends with the Wall coming down, killing the entire Night's Watch. 

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7 hours ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:

The hound has some great lines. That one is a classic tho. 



I think my other favorite is "i understand that if any more words come pouring out your **** mouth, I'm gonna have to eat every ****ing chicken in this room."


Same episode I think.  


The butcher boy "He ran. Not fast." Was also pretty good.  


And when asked why he's still alive "I'm a big "dude" and hard to kill."


Its intetesting that they took one one of the toughest, meanest, baddest characters and used him as comic relief at times.  Great actor too. 

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I think Jon Snow is cooked. S6 ended with him being hailed as King in the North. The series at large has not been kind to Kings. Plus, there's a conversation between Tormund and Davos about how they were wrong to put their trust in kings. Torment says, "Jon Snow is not a king". This was before he was proclaimed KitN. Thenn, a few minutes later JS is talking with the red woman and she says, "maybe he (Lord of Light) brought you back so you could die again." Could be nothing, but what I've learned from re-watching—the producers don't seem to have any throwaway lines. Everything said seems to have meaning. 



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Here is a theory I came up with.  Odds are good some other dork came up with it too.  But I think that Sams girlfriend and son will somehow be a key ingredient to the destruction of the walkers, given their dna and the fact that the WW leadership is descended from their same bloodline.  I think Sam will figure something out there, though Im not sure what



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11 hours ago, zoony said:

Here is a theory I came up with.  Odds are good some other dork came up with it too.  But I think that Sams girlfriend and son will somehow be a key ingredient to the destruction of the walkers, given their dna and the fact that the WW leadership is descended from their same bloodline.  I think Sam will figure something out there, though Im not sure what



You know about the woman with a monkey tail who did great deeds to end the long night?  Because she's a product of incest, Gilly has sort of a tail as her genetic defect...that is my theory.

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12 hours ago, zoony said:

Here is a theory I came up with.  Odds are good some other dork came up with it too.  But I think that Sams girlfriend and son will somehow be a key ingredient to the destruction of the walkers, given their dna and the fact that the WW leadership is descended from their same bloodline.  I think Sam will figure something out there, though Im not sure what



Can't just drop a legit idea like that and drop the nerd mic. You just might be hailed Nerd King for that one-which could be your whole end game

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23 hours ago, zoony said:

Here is a theory I came up with.  Odds are good some other dork came up with it too.  But I think that Sams girlfriend and son will somehow be a key ingredient to the destruction of the walkers, given their dna and the fact that the WW leadership is descended from their same bloodline.  I think Sam will figure something out there, though Im not sure what



Anyway, what I really like about this theory is that my theory is that there has been very little "throwaway" stuff and they are in this story for multiple episodes and we have no discernible reason. So far, their only contribution to the plot was Sam's dad getting angry that he married a wildling—but Sam's been a disappointment to his father anyway so there wasn't much value to that. Heck, they even wrapped up Rickon Stark in a somewhat meaningful way (bait to draw Snow/Wildling Army into open combat). 

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I think Sam will find some critical nugget of info buried in the stacks at the Citadel that Jon will then use in that war.  Thus, where his family disowned him of not being a warrior worthy of the house, he'll end up being a hero in the war to end all wars. 


Edit:  He'll also **** up a WW with Heartsbane at some point (obviously). 

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