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Moose & Squirrel v Boris & Natasha: what's the deal with the rooskies and trumpland?


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5 minutes ago, BenningRoadSkin said:

Exactly, but not NYAG cases.

Not to derail the thread too much but if the sdny is a Federal court then why is it so important?


You hear its name all the time in the news and TV shows and this thread, but I've never heard of the western district of idaho.


What makes it so special?


I promise last question I'll ask.

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1 hour ago, bearrock said:



while I agree that there's a fair bit of overreaction on the left, this is going too far the other way.  We don't know whether the full report can be released or not because we don't know whether Mueller included grand jury or classified materials in the report.  Independent counsels used to write the report with the expectation that Congress would make the report public, so typically didn't make direct references to materials that could not be disclosed.  Although Mueller is now operating under a different legal framework, he knew that AG has the authority of releasing the report to the public.  If Mueller felt that public release would serve the public interest (and lay rest to any allegations of partisan shenanigans), he could have written the report with standards more befitting the old independent counsels, rather than "for your eye's only" approach he might have taken with a report addressed to the AG only.  


If such was the approach Mueller took (and we really have no way to know at this point), congressional resolution would put pressure on the AG, because whether now or under future administrations, if Mueller report was prepared in a format that would be amenable to full release, it will likely come out.


I think even a nonbinding bipartisan Congressional resolution might also be able to help in a potential court battle over a subpoena of the report if it comes to that. In this instance the fact that the House voted 420-0 to make it public is a pretty loud statement that it is agreed to be in the public interest to do so (obviously minus anything classified).

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There's no overreaction when it comes to demanding Barr release the report. He was hired for one purpose: to obstruct and the end the investigations into the president. Right now we have no idea what parts of the investigations have been pushed to other AGs in the DOJ and what Barr is doing to obstruct them. We have no idea what the Mueller report actually says. 


Barr was brought on to whitewash Iran Contra when Bush 1 issued pardons to protect himself, and he was brought on to whitewash Trump-Russia. That's what he does. 

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10 minutes ago, redskinss said:

Not to derail the thread too much but if the sdny is a Federal court then why is it so important?


You hear its name all the time in the news and TV shows and this thread, but I've never heard of the western district of idaho.


What makes it so special?


I promise last question I'll ask.

Its Manhattan. 


Lots of Wall Street/financial cases end up under their jurisdiction.


And corporate crimes because a lot of companies have their offices in Manhattan.

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3 minutes ago, skinsmarydu said:

He has been! He's just not normally that loud. But he got attacked & decided to bite back. 


The country was attacked in 2016 and he knew then his coworkers were helping cover it up. If he had this dog in him all along I would have liked for him to say something previously. I think maybe im too hard on him going by other peoples accounts, but thats how I feel. I wanted him to say that **** when it was happening. Not after they got away with it. 

Edited by Llevron
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So Rand Paul is still running with the lie that the FBI investigation was being conducted by "Democrats angry that Hillary lost?"  That is still his narrative and all he brings to the table?


Also, what is Kushner's official job title again?  Is it normal for that position to refuse to do press conferences?

Edited by NoCalMike
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4 hours ago, redskinss said:

Not to derail the thread too much but if the sdny is a Federal court then why is it so important?


You hear its name all the time in the news and TV shows and this thread, but I've never heard of the western district of idaho.


What makes it so special?


I promise last question I'll ask.



There are 94 districts in the Office of the U.S. Attorneys within the the U.S. Department of Justice and under the purview of the Attorney General.  They are the prosecutors for Federal crimes in their jurisdictions. 


The Southern District of New York has a reputation for being really aggressive and more independent from Main Justice than other U.S. Attorneys Offices.


Here's your 94 U.S. Attorneys.


4 hours ago, skinsmarydu said:

It's Manhattan, and a district court attached to the state, not federal. 


Not correct. See above.

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3 hours ago, Llevron said:

Schiff should have said all that **** a year ago. Its more than a little late now. 


He's been saying it constantly for a year or more on every cable news channel, so don't give him any more **** than his cowardly Republican Congressional colleagues are.  Devin Nunes can go to hell.  His cow would make a better and more honest representative than he is.

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