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Moose & Squirrel v Boris & Natasha: what's the deal with the rooskies and trumpland?


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So, last week Assange gets busted trying to communicate some info about Warner with a fake Hannity twitter account, when Hannity's account disappeared briefly


Tonight, 'big news' Fox is all over Mark Warner trying to communicate with Adam Waldman, lobbyist for Oleg Deripaska, who Visionary posted an interesting video about earlier today, to see if he could locate and talk to Christopher Steele. The big deal, as far as I can tell, is that Warner said he'd rather not leave a paper trail


Rubio sticks up for Warner, because it was disclosed, and the dossier and Steele are kind of relevant to figuring out what's going on. That's um, part of what Warner's job is on the Senate Intelligence Committee



And Assange is still adhering to the original plan, and on message


Super reckless by Fox, and may have put this Waldman guy's life in danger, for the sake of another dud of a bombshell report meant to discredit and distract. It probably means that Waldman is cooperating though, so that's good. To sum up Fox, Hannity, Assange, and Russia disinfo: Don Jr. and whoever else getting opposition research from Russia is perfectly fine, nothing to see there. Aiding a US Senator in investigating the matter is the real story you need to pay attention to this evening.


Edited by SoulSkin
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Will that satisfy the "build a wall" crowd? I hope so.....


And I am not sure, does Rob Porter playing handball w/ brunettes go in the thread about Trump asshole hiring, here because of the security protocols ignored w/ access to top secret+ w/o a clearance, or sports news?

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15 hours ago, thinwhiteduke said:

More common man,childish ignorance. Is anyone capable of stepping outside  their mental box?  Any actual adults who don't think with their emotions?

Definitely not in this thread.  Btw, has anyone accused you of being a Russian bot?  That's my new favorite rebuttal from libs.

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